CNMN Needs You — Now!
Membership Dues 2012–2013
CNMN goes to Ottawa
I.S.S. Is Somebody Singing?
The FORUM comes to Calgary 2014
Open Call for Proposals for FORUM 2014 in Calgary
CNMN’s Online Resource Directory
CNMN Regional Meetings 2012–2013
Toronto’s New Music 101 — A successful model for Education and Outreach
Welcome New Members
New music is a complex, intense, all-consuming passion for CNMN members. We love music; we love bringing new works to life as composers, performers, improvisers, educators, technicians, administrators and listeners. We know what an incredibly strong, positive force creative new music can be in a society, and we all want to be part of this dream.
However, creating new music does not happen on its own. It takes time, people and money. It also means the necessary social, economic, artistic and political conditions must be in place for musical art to flourish. This does not happen on its own. It’s only through constant networking and representation that we, as a collective, can shape these larger issues that have such a huge impact on our lives.
CNMN does this work, and is very effective at presenting our perspective to a wide range of partners:
No other organisation is working as closely with FACTOR to improve access to recordings for new music.
No other organisation is working with Heritage Canada to guarantee that new music is considered a vital component in the renewal of the all-important Canada Music Fund.
No other organisation creates a comprehensive, bi-annual networking national conference — the FORUM.
No other organisation is consistently working with such a broad range of international networks to expand the contacts and the context for Canadian new music.
No other organisation offers such a comprehensive Web resource for new music in Canada.
SO — you’re busy, and you don’t have lots of extra cash. You just want to create and enjoy your music. Why worry about these bigger issues? Seems like a reasonable position.
But it isn’t — that’s not how it works. Music does not live on its own, it needs support. And if we don’t show, on a national level, that we collectively believe and support creative music in Canada, then who will?
Without CNMN, the context for creative new music making in Canada would be greatly diminished – now, and, more importantly, in the future. Unless there is a strong support network for creative new music in Canada, the music will not achieve its potential. It will remain marginalised, unknown, underfunded and with an uncertain future.
CNMN is an incredibly cost-effective organisation, running on a miniscule budget and lots of love, sweat and thankfully, almost no tears. But we need your membership dues. We need them this year. We need them now. CNMN is planning its most ambitious FORUM ever in Calgary in 2014, and we are working on our most complex and comprehensive representation efforts to date.
Membership renewals are crucial for two important reasons:
It means we can speak for a large community of citizens. Make no mistake: this is a BIG deal to politicians.
It gives us the necessary financial resources to continue this critical work on behalf of our community.
Being a paid, voting member, and paying your membership renewal in CNMN is the single most important thing you can do today to make sure that new music has a future in Canada.
Membership dues for the 2012–2013 period are still coming in via online and mail. Those who still haven’t paid should have recently received a reminder email with a copy of the invoice. Please try to settle dues this month. It is greatly appreciated!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Emily Hall, CNMN Administrative Director —
Remember: in September, we modified the dates of our membership period. Instead of January 1st to December 31st, we now follow the academic and artistic season calendar: September 1st to August 31st. This means your 2012 membership, which started January 1st 2012, goes until August 31st 2013 – 8 extra months! We also have a new fee structure. Depending on when you joined, your invoice might have the old rate: in which case you can still pay that amount, but ONLY by cheque. PayPal will only accept the new fee structure.
Over the past few months CNMN has had several meetings with Canadian Heritage and other parties to talk about the recording and dissemination of Canadian New Music. The fact that CBC is no longer a partner in our community is a huge loss, so we need to find new strategies to get our music out there.
Of great importance is the renewal of the $25 million Canada Music Fund. This funds FACTOR, Musicaction and other music-related initiatives at Canadian Heritage. The fund will be renewed (we hope) in the 2015 budget, but discussions are already beginning as to how to change the fund to reflect the new realities. The Internet has radically changed all sectors of music making — both art music and commercial music — and the new fund will have to reflect that reality.
In February 2013, I had a detailed phone meeting with Mme. Sophie Couture, the new director of Music Policy and Programs at Canadian Heritage. We discussed the needs of our community and the scope of what can be done. In May, I met with music policy analysts Christine Renaud and Marijo Larouche at their offices in Gatineau (national capital region), to present them with CNMN’s economic model for the specialized music community, and to learn more about the renewal process for the Canada Music Fund (CMF).
Specialized music is the term often used to describe non-commercial music – new music, classical music, choral music, contemporary jazz, electroacoustic, etc.
Using currently available statistics, we found that the overall economic impact of the specialized music community (ie: non-commercial music) is approximately $883 million dollars per year in Canada. This includes music educators, orchestras, jazz festivals, choirs, new music groups, music instrument sales and the specialized music programming portion of soft-seater presenters. It is a fairly conservative estimate — there is probably more activity, but we used only hard numbers we could document in a credible fashion.
Canadian Heritage was quite intrigued by our new approach that presented the entire scope of our actions rather than just our modest ticket revenues and CDs. We hope this will get them to take our sector more seriously. To any Minister, money talks, and even more so with the current government.
The two main aspects for the Canada Music Fund seem to be:
Getting Canadian music on the stage (nationally and internationally)
Both these priorities fit with the needs of our community, so the only issue is how will they design the program so that our community can have fair access to funding. Traditionally, almost all this funding goes to the commercial sector. We need to change that.
In my capacity as a representative of the Canadian Arts Coalition, I also spoke with Robert Hunter, senior policy analyst at Canadian Heritage. The goal was to discuss a very broad approach to policies and strategies for the next 4 years, leading up to 2017: Canada’s 150th anniversary, and the Canada Council’s 60th anniversary.
We also began to talk about collaborations with the National Arts Centre in Ottawa. Their national vision, their strong interest in education and technology, and their summer new music academy make them natural partners for CNMN. I met with Stefani Truant to begin an open-ended conversation about ideas for making new music a more integral part of the national cultural dialogue.
- Tim Brady — President — CNMN
Want to catch up? Lots more information from past bulletins:
Heritage Canada Cuts to Diversity Funding for Specialized Sound Recording (p. 3) and Excerpts from “Open Letter to James Moore” (p. 3–4) – 6th edition – Winter 2009 (pdf)
Part of the “Public Engagement Success Stories” series
If you were going to live in a space station for six months, what would you bring with you? Astronaut Chris Hadfield chose to bring his guitar. And while he was at it, he chose to champion amateur music-making. Hadfield partnered with Barenaked Ladies lead singer and song-writer Ed Robertson to co-write the song ‘I.S.S. — Is Somebody Singing’ for Music Monday, a Canada-wide annual event that promotes the value of music education. On Monday, May 6, 2013, people across Canada and even around the world sang this song in events of all kinds, from elementary school assemblies to adult continuing education sing-alongs. How you view this song as fitting (or not fitting) under the umbrella of New Music is your call — the fact remains that the experience of singing a song written by two Canadians, one amateur and one professional, will stay in the minds and imaginations of people for years to come.
- Louise Campbell, head of CNMN’s Public Engagement Committee
CNMN’s upcoming FORUM 2014 will be held from January 24 to 26, 2014 in collaboration with the University of Calgary. This will be a very exciting FORUM; we are planning our most ambitious project ever.
The university facility is key. It combines a hotel, restaurant, a state-of-the-art concert hall and meeting rooms all within a 5 minute walking radius. It’s a perfect way to get to know people and to do some serious networking. Downtown Calgary is also easy to get to, via a 20-minute ride on the fantastic monorail system.
Much depends on funding, but let’s be optimistic! The plan is to incorporate several new features in this FORUM including an open call for proposals, some serious feedback from listeners and fans, community-wide discussion on plans for 2016 and beyond, concerts by the Land’s End Ensemble and New Works Calgary, and a new partnership with FACTOR, among others.
We are also planning on inviting some very high-level international new music presenters to the FORUM. Discussions are on-going, but the plan is to bring some of the biggest names in new music presenting from London, New York, Paris, and Berlin to Calgary to hear Canadian new music — and to bring Canadian new music to these international cities in the future. If you are interested in presenting your work in these markets, this is the way to meet the people who can make it happen.
The steering committee will be working on the FORUM this summer, and final details will be available in mid-September. Book those dates — January 24–26 — and makes sure you are in Calgary for FORUM 2014.
Check in with our Forum 2014 event page (under development) as we continue to update and add to the information.
The Canadian New Music Network has launched a CALL FOR PROPOSALS for its 6th national FORUM being held January 2014 in Calgary. Deadline August 15, 2013.
We are looking for proposals from the entire new music community – performers, improvisers, educators, presenters, composers, ensembles, administrators, agents, producers, researchers, publishers, etc – everyone!
We list festivals, artist managements, associations, concert presenters, promoters, media, publishers, record labels, music schools, researchers, and much more.
We think the directory is well on its way. We try to keep in touch with all that is new music in Canada. But there is always room for improvement.
Other areas could be further developed such as our venues listing. We needn’t list ALL venues in Canada, but we could certainly focus on those that are heavily presenting new music.
We also have 27 Arts councils and foundations listed, covering all the provincial councils, but we are missing more local funding sources for new music.
Let us know if we are missing something or someone important in your region!
The CNMN Regional Meetings have been ongoing since December 2012. All in all, a total of 7 meetings make up this initiative. A high priority is to make sure regional concerns and regional realities are a big part of these meetings.
Did you attend a regional meeting? Please send us feedback.
CNMN Board Member Heidi Ouellette organized the Manitoba Regional Meeting. It took place March 10, 2013 at the Urban Shaman Gallery in Winnipeg and was structured as a half-day conference. Co-hosted by the Cluster: New Music + Integrated Arts Festival the conference featured a number of the festival artists as presenters. The event was an intimate gathering of composers, performers, administrators and students from the Winnipeg new music community as well as guest artists in town for the festival. This mix of individuals from different backgrounds, at different stages in their career/life made for interesting discussions, with many different perspectives. The conference featured presentations, a panel discussion, the premiere of a new theatrical vocal work performed by Sarah Albu, and an engaging round table discussion that had nearly every individual in the room discussing a myriad of topics concerning creative music making in Manitoba and Canada. ~ Heidi Ouellette
Manitoba Regional Meeting in Winnipeg — Photo credit: Leif Norman
The Saskatchewan Regional Meeting took place April 21, 2013 at the Artesian in Regina. CNMN Board Member Alain Perron planned this meeting, and soprano/musicologist Sophie Bouffard helped facilitate. In conjunction were two Holophon performances featuring Andrew Love and Ernie Dulanowsky. It was a busy week with the JUNOs in town, but the meeting drew participation by very interested members of the community. The discussion functioned as a check-up of Saskatchewan’s new music community as well as an impetus for the region to move forward together on mutual interests, including building a functional regional network to link everyone in the province interested in new music.
Part of the “Public Engagement Success Stories” series
Toronto’s New Music 101 is a shining success story about how new music can move beyond the usual spaces to reach a broader community.
New Music 101 was originally part of the Canadian Music Centre’s New Music in New Places series in 2011. But for the last two years, the Toronto New Music Alliance has continued the program, with its third season just completed.
From the beginning, New Music 101 was envisioned as a convergence of music practitioners offering engaging, educational presentations to new audiences. Having artists lead discussions is important because it brings the public closer to what the artists do, giving the public a larger context to better connect with their music.
Creating more accessible public education about new music in Toronto has proven to be a successful way to build audience. It has been thrilling to see audiences from the New Music 101 sessions attending concerts, or buying CDs featuring contemporary music. Each session manages to spark curiosity among listeners.
But how did New Music 101 find this success?
Location and partnership is key:
New Music 101 collaborates with the Toronto Public Library who hosts the series at their flagship location, the Toronto Reference Library. This library is very busy with dozens of activities each month, so it gets the attention of many people. The location puts New Music 101 in touch with a whole new audience, most of whom are unfamiliar with the music presented. Check out the program on the Toronto Public Library web site.
Programming approach is also important:
The series always features new participants and puts together interesting and different combinations to ensure it continues to provide a discovery experience for everyone involved. Check out the season’s program here.
Music critic John Terauds hosted each event this year, and he proved to be a great asset. Apart from bringing exceptional knowledge, skill, and personality, Terauds acted as a bridge to new audiences. For example, he was able to provide additional context when difficult or obscure concepts were brought up in a presentation, and he also prompted the presenters to effectively communicate their ideas. Check out some coverage on Teraud’s blog – here and here.
So often we, the artists justify our music amongst ourselves or with arts councils. New Music 101 instead lets us connect with the larger community of which we are a part and grants us greater awareness as well as visibility. This is a crucial step if we are to increase our relevance.
When we extrapolate from our regular concert programming while exploring new spaces, audiences, and collaborators, our music gains greater momentum.
by Matthew Fava with Emily Hall
David Hetherington performs at New Music 101’s April 22, 2013 event. Photo credit: Daniel Foley
Since late January 2013, CNMN’s membership has grown by 22 members. More members in our network means stronger representation and connection for our community. We warmly welcome all our new members, and we hope this marks the beginning of a long-lasting and fruitful collaboration.
The new members are listed below, many of which have web sites for further information. We also hope all our members get a chance to check each other out – you can access a full list of members on our web site, viewable by category, region or name.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
Step 2
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
Étape 1
Lorem Ipsum est tout simplement un texte factice de l'industrie de l'impression et de la composition. Lorem Ipsum est le texte factice standard de l'industrie depuis les années 1500, quand un imprimeur inconnu a pris une cuisine de type et l'a brouillé pour faire un livre de spécimen de type. Il a survécu non seulement à cinq siècles, mais aussi au saut dans la composition électronique, demeurant essentiellement inchangé.
Étape 2
Lorem Ipsum est tout simplement un texte factice de l'industrie de l'impression et de la composition. Lorem Ipsum est le texte factice standard de l'industrie depuis les années 1500, quand un imprimeur inconnu a pris une cuisine de type et l'a brouillé pour faire un livre de spécimen de type. Il a survécu non seulement à cinq siècles, mais aussi au saut dans la composition électronique, demeurant essentiellement inchangé.
Lorem Ipsum est tout simplement un texte factice de l'industrie de l'impression et de la composition. Lorem Ipsum est le texte factice standard de l'industrie depuis les années 1500, quand un imprimeur inconnu a pris une cuisine de type et l'a brouillé pour faire un livre de spécimen de type. Il a survécu non seulement à cinq siècles, mais aussi au saut dans la composition électronique, demeurant essentiellement inchangé.