CNMN has been actively working on knowledge sharing and professional development events around Equity, Diversity and Indigenous resurgence in the creation, production and dissemination of creative music and sound since the Ottawa Forum in 2016.
In 2017, CNMN organized the Rolling Conversation on Diversity and in 2019, the Equity & Diversity Conversation Winnipeg. Forum 2021: Listen up continued and expanded on these discussions.
We welcome you to read our Equity & Access Policy and Action Plan.
Some of the current resources available:
Indigenous Ally Toolkit created by the Montreal Urban Aboriginal Community Strategy NETWORK.How the authors describe this toolkit: “When it comes to creating a positive & sustainable impact on the lives of Indigenous Peoples living in Montreal, it is important to understand the role that an individual occupies and plays within the collective experience.
The term ally has been around for some time, and recently many critics say that it has lost its original meaning. Instead of being used to identify one’s role within a collective struggle, it has come to symbolize a token identity – a kind of “badge” that people wear to show they are one of the “good guys”.
There are multiple terms a person can use when identifying the role that they actively play within anti-oppressive work. Neither is better than the other and regardless of what you call yourself, each role plays an important part in this kind of work. Many want to be an ally, which is why this pamphlet focuses on that term. However, being an ally is not a self-appointed identity and requires you to show your understanding through actions, relations, and recognition by the community.”
The Ontario Arts Council offers this useful video on Indigenous Arts Protocols.
The Ontario Arts Council recently published The Status of Women in the Canadian Arts and Cultural Industries: Research Review 2010–2018
Keychange Gender Parity Pledge
Canada Council for the Arts’ Expanding the Arts: Deaf and Disability Arts, Access and Equality Strategy
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion Toolkits
Diversité artistique Montréal (DAM) has published a consultation report on systemic racism in the arts, culture, and media sectors in Montréal in 2018. They also offer a guidance service to “inform, support, and provide tools to all those who want to include diversity in their values, actions, and strategic positioning (French only).”
There are also numerous good resources about respectful workplaces in the arts. Find here the Workplace Violence and Harassment Toolbox put together by Workplace Safety and Prevention Services — the section on harassment begins at p. 74.
The Cultural Human Resources Council’s Respectful Workplaces in the Arts has several very useful tools:
A Code of Conduct
A Human Resources Toolkit
Numerous webinars and training resources.