CNMN’s Online Resource Directory

Did you know our web­site con­tains the best list­ing of new music con­tacts in Cana­da that you can find, cross-ref­er­enced by region, cat­e­go­ry and name?

We list fes­ti­vals, artist manage­ments, asso­ci­a­tions, con­cert pre­senters, pro­mot­ers, media, pub­lishers, record labels, music schools, researchers, and much more.

We think the direc­to­ry is well on its way. We try to keep in touch with all that is new music in Cana­da. But there is always room for improvement.

Oth­er areas could be fur­ther devel­oped such as our venues list­ing. We needn’t list ALL venues in Can­ada, but we could cer­tain­ly focus on those that are heav­i­ly pre­sent­ing new music.

We also have 27 Arts coun­cils and foun­da­tions list­ed, cov­er­ing all the provin­cial coun­cils, but we are miss­ing more local fund­ing sources for new music.

Let us know if we are missing something or someone important in your region!

Con­tact Ter­ri Hron, CNMN Exec­u­tive Direc­tor —


Direct arti­cle link: CNMN’s Online Resource Directory
Return to full Bul­letin – may 2013