What's New

GIFT — Social Prescribing as an Improvisatory Practice

Ini­ti­at­ed by musi­cian and Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Cre­ative Music Hub’s Project Lead, Louise Camp­bell, the GIFT project presents works for solo clar­inet, solo trum­pet, elec­tron­ics and video pro­jec­tion, and is infused with the gen­eros­i­ty of shared expe­ri­ences and co-cre­ation processes. 

On the occa­sion of GIFT and as part of FLUX, we are pleased to invite you to the dou­ble launch par­ty of CNM­N’s Cre­ative Music in Health resource as well as Revue Cir­cuit’s issue 34.2 on Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Cre­ative Music. The evening’s events will include:

  • A lec­ture on Social Pre­scrib­ing as an Impro­visato­ry Prac­tice and asso­ci­at­ed health out­comes, mod­er­at­ed by Dr. Rebec­ca Barnstaple;
  • A Round Table dis­cus­sion fea­tur­ing guests Pierre Vachon (La SAMS’ Cofounder), Ter­ri Hron (Edi­tor of Revue Cir­cuit) and Louise Camp­bell (GIFT’s Artis­tic Director); 
  • An inter­ac­tive demon­stra­tion of arts and health ani­ma­tion, led by Dr. Rebec­ca Barn­sta­ple and Louise Campbell.

Doors open at 5:30pm for snacks at 5:30pm with dis­cus­sions and activ­i­ties at 6:00pm!On Octo­ber 8 and 9 at Édi­fice Wilder, join us for the GIFT con­cert and its post-con­cert talk!