
The Cana­di­an New Music Network’s men­tor­ship pro­gram, Con­neX­ions, helps sup­port and guide artists and arts work­ers in the real­iza­tion of projects relat­ed to new cre­ative music and sound. 

Who is it for?

CNMN brings togeth­er all those who are inter­est­ed in cre­ative music and sound prac­tices. This includes per­form­ers, com­posers and cre­ators as well as pre­sen­ters, pro­duc­ers, cura­tors, edu­ca­tors and arts work­ers. If you have a new or exist­ing project that could ben­e­fit from the guid­ance of an expe­ri­enced men­tor, this pro­gram is for you. In 2023 we are espe­cial­ly encour­ag­ing arts work­ers and admin­is­tra­tors to apply!

What is it?

Depend­ing on the nature of your project, CNMN will fund one to four ses­sions with a mentor/coach with match­ing exper­tise. If applic­a­ble and use­ful, your men­tor­ship  and/or work will be high­light­ed on CNMN’s social media and in our com­mu­ni­ca­tions. This ini­tia­tive is about mak­ing con­nec­tions between the mem­bers of our com­mu­ni­ty and shar­ing knowl­edge first — the out­come of the con­nec­tion is secondary.

How does it work?

CNMN will accept appli­ca­tions on a rolling basis from the begin­ning of Sep­tem­ber until Octo­ber 31, 2023. There­after, the review group rec­om­mends a col­league with strong expe­ri­ence in the area and num­ber of ses­sions, and will facil­i­tate your ini­tial meet­ing. The entire process will hap­pen online. 

To apply, please send your CV as well as the fol­low­ing in a sin­gle PDF doc­u­ment to :

  1. Full name, address and URL
  2. Project title
  3. Project descrip­tion, includ­ing moti­va­tion for seek­ing exper­tise — max­i­mum 400 words
  4. Project time­line — max­i­mum 100 words

In 2023–2024 Con­neX­ions sup­port­ed the fol­low­ing applicants:

Shu­maila Hemani
Diana Tayler
David Potvin

Cas­son­dra Mur­ray
Maxime Daigneault
Véronique Girard

The men­tors for this edi­tion were:

Dar­ren Copeland
Amy Bran­don
Rachel Iwaasa

Ter­ri Hron
Louise Camp­bell
Frédérique Dro­let
Pierre Vachon

In 2022–2023 Con­neX­ions sup­port­ed the fol­low­ing applicants:

Lau­ra Gillis
Sarah Rossy
Gabo Cham­pagne

Lance Mar­cus Samp­son
Thomas Gaulti­er-Lang
There­sa Thorardson

The men­tors for this edi­tion were:

Myr­i­am Bouch­er
Marie-Annick Beliv­eau
Michael Dono­van

Ruth Howard
Zoreh Ger­vais
Noam Bier­stone

In 2021–2022 Con­neX­ions sup­port­ed the fol­low­ing applicants:

Jane Chan
David Foley
Alexan­dra Gor­lin-Cren­shaw
Pao­lo Griffin

Kalaisan Kalaichel­van
Andrew MacK­elvie
Bev­er­ley McK­iv­er
Michael Sel­vag­gi

The men­tors for this edi­tion were:

Sarah Albu
Dar­ren Copeland
Emi­lie Lebel
Gior­gio Magnanensi

Christo­pher Mayo
Cléo Pala­cio-Quintin
Helen Prid­more
Jef­frey Stonehouse

In 2020–21, Con­neX­ions sup­port­ed the fol­low­ing applicants:

Adri­an Aven­dano
Matthew Beck­er
Car­men Braden
Edward Enman
Kim Far­ris-Man­ning
Émi­lie Fortin
India Gai­ley

Rebec­ca Gray
Emi­ly Hiem­stra
Guil­laume Jab­bour
Justin Massey
Jes­si­ca McMann
Olivia Shortt
Caitlin Smith
There­sa Thordarson

Among the men­tors for this edition:

Parmela Attari­wala
Ruby Kato Attwood
Andrew Bal­four
Anne Bourne
Amy Bran­don
Raven Cha­con

Gabriel Dhar­moo
Eve Egoy­an
Sonia Paço-Roc­chia
David Pay
Joanne Pol­lack