FORUM 2014

Canadian Music, Canadian Audiences

Jan­u­ary 23–26, 2014 — Cal­gary, Alber­ta, Canada.

In col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Music Divi­sion of the School of Cre­ative and Per­form­ing Arts, Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary, at the spec­tac­u­lar Rozsa Centre.

Canada’s pre­miere new music net­work­ing event. Whether you’re a com­pos­er, per­former, impro­vis­er, ensem­ble, pre­sen­ter, pro­duc­er, edu­ca­tor or artist man­ag­er, don’t miss these impor­tant three days at FORUM 2014.

Meet an extra­or­di­nary range of new music pro­fes­sion­als from Cana­da and around the world in an ide­al set­ting for mak­ing the con­nec­tions you need. Learn what artists are doing, how to con­nect with diverse audi­ences, how to engage your com­mu­ni­ty, and how to devel­op and extend your pub­lic in Cana­da and beyond.

A rare oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet a dream team of inter­na­tion­al­ly acclaimed new music pre­sen­ters who will share their artis­tic visions, insights and experiences.

Five Keynote Presenters

Berlin Phil­har­mon­ic (Berlin), Lon­don Sin­foni­et­ta (Lon­don UK), Miller The­atre (New York), Why Note (Dijon), Sound­streams Cana­da (Toron­to), and the list keeps grow­ing.

Theme: Canadian Music, Canadian Audiences

The hun­dreds of mem­bers of the CNMN all believe in the impor­tance and val­ue of cre­ative new music mak­ing in Cana­di­an soci­ety, and we want to increase its reach so that more peo­ple are lis­ten­ing, and ben­e­fit­ing from the experience.

How? This means more Cana­di­ans being able to cre­ate their own work, more stu­dents learn­ing about cre­ativ­i­ty and music, more musi­cians involved with the new music expe­ri­ence, and more pre­sen­ters pro­gram­ming Cana­di­an new music artists.

We know all this because we’ve worked on this in past FORUMs. But how to move this effort to a much larg­er scale? FORUM 2014 con­fronts this very core theme of con­cern to every­one in the new music com­mu­ni­ty: get­ting much more new music to much more people.

Should you be there? Yes!

This will be CNM­N’s sixth nation­al FORUM, and each one is a valu­able oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect face to face with peo­ple from across this great big land who believe in the val­ue of the new music expe­ri­ence and seek to pro­mote this val­ue across Cana­da: artis­tic direc­tors, music edu­ca­tors, impro­vis­ers, pre­sen­ters, com­posers, arts admin­is­tra­tors, per­form­ers, pro­duc­ers, music lovers and more….Everybody is welcome!

Don’t miss this fas­ci­nat­ing, impor­tant event. Join us in this excit­ing 3‑day event at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary. While you’re there, join the late-night jam ses­sion and hear amaz­ing con­certs by Land’s End, New Works Cal­gary, and the Dis­cov­ery Series host­ed by the Music area of the School for the Cre­ative and Per­form­ing Arts.

If you would like to help, please do not hes­i­tate to com­mu­ni­cate with us –

Call For Proposals

Thank you to every­one who respond­ed to our inau­gur­al open call for pro­pos­als. The jury has now reviewed the 40+ sub­mis­sions, and the invites are out! More infor­ma­tion here, includ­ing the list of invitees.

Sub­ject to change with­out pri­or notification.

Sponsors and partners

We acknowl­edge the finan­cial sup­port of the Gov­ern­ment of Cana­da through the Depart­ment of Cana­di­an Her­itage (Cana­da Music Fund) and of Canada’s Pri­vate Radio Broadcasters.



The event on Face­book — fol­low us here!

  • Announcements Page

    FORUM 2014 stream­ing live on Fri­day, Jan­u­ary 24th — stay tuned!

    Did you know about the project rooms? Come ready to pitch your ideas!

    After Hours Impro­vis­ing — Sign up to play with us

    WIFI Instruc­tions now avail­able on prac­ti­cal infor­ma­tion page.

    Please pick up in-per­son your nametag (aka pass) at the FORUM reg­is­tra­tion desk at the Rozsa Cen­tre — 2016 Uni­ver­si­ty Ct NW, Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary. The pass gets you in to all FORUM activ­i­ties as well as a sub­stan­tial dis­count on tick­ets to the evening con­certs.

    Full Timetable now online.

    Book your one-on-one meet­ing with FACTOR at the FORUM 2014

    Look­ing for cof­fee or a place to eat dur­ing the morn­ing, after­noon and din­ner net­work­ing breaks? Con­sult the list on the prac­ti­cal infor­ma­tion page.

    Need a map? Direc­tions? The num­ber for air­port shut­tle ser­vice to share with a group of peo­ple? We’ve got that! Check out the prac­ti­cal infor­ma­tion page.

    Pro­mo­tion­al offer for del­e­gates of the CNMN FORUM — Music­works Magazine

  • Poster

    Want to help pro­mote our event? Con­tact us for a high-res PDF ver­sion of this poster — égale­ment disponible en ver­sion française.


  • Practical Information

    FORUM 2014 Location
    The Rozsa Cen­tre, Uni­ver­si­ty of Calgary
    206 Uni­ver­si­ty Ct NW
    Reg­is­tra­tion Desk locat­ed in the foyer.
    Coat check and box office
    locat­ed at the entrance to the centre.

    Please pick up in-per­son your nametag (aka pass) at the reg­is­tra­tion desk. The pass gets you in to all FORUM activ­i­ties as well as a sub­stan­tial dis­count on tick­ets to the evening con­certs.

    WIFI at the FORUM:

    airUC” Net­work (this will NOT work for the “aidUC Secure” net­work). Open Brows­er (and you should be re-direct­ed to the U of C page). Login: rcguest | Con­fer­ence pass­word: cnmn#14 (case sensitive).

    Hotel Alma – More info
    169 Uni­ver­si­ty Gate NW


    Find all the places men­tioned below on this Google map.

    Down­load a print­able FORUM 2014 Map (PDF).

    Warn­ing: do not rely on reg­u­lar Google Maps for loca­tions on cam­pus – you will most like­ly get the wrong information.

    Getting Around

    From the airport (YYC) to Hotel Alma

    The FORUM is not respon­si­ble for air­port pick­ups. How­ev­er, for del­e­gates who have sent us their flight itin­er­ary to by Jan. 14, we are keep­ing tabs on arrivals. By Sat­ur­day, Jan. 18, we will play match­mak­er for del­e­gates arriv­ing on the same flights or around the same time, so they may arrange to share trav­el amongst themselves.

    Taxi: In good traf­fic, total trip time is approx­i­mate­ly 20 min­utes and will cost, on aver­age, $35. Find the taxi stands out­side Arrivals lev­el. All taxis should accept major cred­it cards.

    BP Shut­tle to hotel – Rates: $30/2 peo­ple, $40/3 peo­ple, $50/4 peo­ple. Call 403–259-5959 to book in advance.

    Cal­gary Tran­sit: Total trip time is approx­i­mate­ly 90 min­utes and will cost $3. Bring exact change or see more info how to pay. Direc­tions: go to bay #20 on the arrivals lev­el. Take the express bus #300, direc­tion south and get off at 7 Avenue S. Catch a Dal­housie C‑Train and get off at Uni­ver­si­ty sta­tion. Turn left at the top of the stairs and con­tin­ue straight, across cam­pus – the Rozsa Cen­tre and Hotel Alma will be on your left past two large glass buildings.


    From Hotel Alma to the FORUM

    The Rozsa Cen­tre is a two-minute walk east of Hotel Alma (a left turn as you come out of the main front doors).

    From the FORUM to the MacEwan Student Centre

    Turn left out of the door and walk across the court­yard to the big glass building.

    From the FORUM to the TFDL

    Turn left out of the door, then imme­di­ate­ly right and walk across the court­yard to the oth­er big glass building.

    From Hotel Alma to Stadium Shopping Centre (Restaurants)

    Walk­ing straight out the main doors of the hotel, fol­low the road to the edge of cam­pus (24 Ave). Cross 24 Ave and con­tin­ue on Udell Road. At the T‑intersection jog to the right and con­tin­ue along the foot­path until you reach Uxbridge Dri­ve. You will see Sta­di­um Cen­tre on your left. 1941 Uxbridge Dr NW.

    From Hotel Alma to Kensington (Restaurants etc.)

    From Hotel Alma, walk to Uni­ver­si­ty Sta­tion (turn left out the main doors of the hotel and walk straight, fol­low­ing the signs). Catch a south­bound train to Sun­ny­side sta­tion. The “main drag” is along both Kens­ing­ton Road and 10 Street W. 10 St W is on the oth­er side of the Safe­way at Sun­ny­side sta­tion. Turn left along 10 St W to reach Kens­ing­ton Road.

    Coffee & Eating

    See spe­cif­ic walk­ing or tran­sit direc­tions above

    • Café Alma – at Hotel Alma
    • Good Earth – walk to the TFDL. Good Earth is on your left once you are inside.
    • MacE­wan Stu­dent Cen­tre has a food court as well as a Grad Lounge (3rd floor, closed weekends).
    • Sta­di­um Shop­ping Cen­tre is a 15 minute walk and has: The Keg (403–282-0020), Red­wa­ter Grill (403–220-0222), and a pub, Moose Maguires.
    • The neigh­bour­hood of Kens­ing­ton is 10 min­utes away by pub­lic tran­sit, and has many dif­fer­ent restau­rants and pubs for all tastes as well as a gro­cery store and many oth­er shops. 


    For all-day park­ing the Art Parkade (accessed from Uni­ver­si­ty Dri­ve or 24th Avenue) is the most cost-effec­tive ($8 per day, no in/out priv­i­leges). There are many short term lots all across campus.

    Alternative Accommodations

    Apart from the FORUM hotel (Hotel Alma), the Banff Trail is a 10–15 minute walk from the uni­ver­si­ty cam­pus and has a num­ber of hotels. Both the Best West­ern Vil­lage Park Inn and the Trav­elodge are good options.

    More Resources

    Things to do on cam­pus 

    • MacE­wan Stu­dent Cen­tre has a phar­ma­cy and a book­store, as well as the food court and grad lounge.
    • Attached to MacE­wan Stu­dent Cen­tre is the Olympic Oval, which offers pub­lic skat­ing (rentals avail­able) and the cam­pus fit­ness cen­tre and swim­ming pool, which offers day-pass­es to the public.
    • The Cana­di­an Music Cen­tre, Prairie Region (on the 3rd floor of the TFDL) offers a small lounge, as well as a col­lec­tion of more than 20,000 Cana­di­an music scores and hun­dreds of com­mer­cial and archival record­ings avail­able for ref­er­ence. The CMC also car­ries Cen­tre­discs CDs and man­u­script paper for sale, as well as copy­ing and bind­ing services.
  • Timetable — new!

    All rooms are at the Rozsa Cen­tre,  locat­ed at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary — 206 Uni­ver­si­ty Ct NW, Cal­gary, AB, Canada

    Room Map Key

    GH Husky Oil Great Hall, Rozsa Centre
    EV Evans Room, Rozsa Centre
    SM Sco­tia­bank Milling Area, Rozsa Centre
    HR CIBC Hub Room, Rozsa Centre
    F FOYER, Rozsa Cen­tre
    EG Eck­hardt-Gra­mat­té Hall, Rozsa Centre
    TBA To be announced

    Note: Room loca­tions and sched­ule are sub­ject to change with­out pri­or noti­fi­ca­tion (Jan­u­ary 17, 2014).

    For more detailed pro­gramme infor­ma­tion, visit:

    For the morn­ing and after­noon net­work­ing breaks and the din­ner breaks – con­sult the list of Cafés and restau­rants on our Prac­ti­cal Infor­ma­tion page.

    Thursday, January 23

    start end
    6:00 PM 7:15 PM Reg­is­tra­tion (F) + Ice­break­er (GH)
    7:15 PM 8:00 PM Pre-con­cert talk (GH)
    8:00 PM New Works Cal­gary Con­cert (EG)
    $10 tick­ets avail­able with your FORUM pass. Recep­tion to follow.

    Friday, January 24

    start end
    8:00 AM 9:00 AM Reg­is­tra­tion (F)
    9:00 AM 9:15 AM Wel­come (GH)
    9:15 AM 10:15 AM Pan­el 1 — How to define and devel­op the “Cana­di­an” in “Cana­di­an” new music? (GH)
    10:15 AM 11:00 AM Dig­i­tal Music instru­ments:  3 par­al­lel inter­ac­tive workshops
    Bruno de Chéner­illes: Pro­gram­ma­ble mul­ti-touch inter­faces (EV)
    * Joseph Mal­loch: Pros­thet­ic dig­i­tal instru­ments for music and dance ℠
    * D. Andrew Stew­art: Syn­thet­ic Means in the 21st Cen­tu­ry: Com­po­si­tion & Per­for­mance (HR)
    11:00 AM 11:30 AM Morn­ing Net­work­ing Break 1
    11:30 AM 12:00 PM Mini Por­trait 1 — Le Vivi­er + Why Note (HR) Pan­el 2 — Orches­tral Pro­gram­ming: new music and the big machine (GH)
    12:00 PM 12:30 PM Mini Por­trait 2 — LeHum + Berlin Phil Media GmbH (HR)
    12:30 PM 2:00 PM Net­work­ing Lunch 1 (includ­ed with reg­is­tra­tion) (GH)
    2:00 PM 2:30 PM Mini Por­trait 3 — Sound­streams (GH)
    2:30 PM 3:30 PM Pan­el 3 — Music and 21st Cen­tu­ry Media: the broad­er con­nec­tion (GH)
    3:30 PM 3:45 PM Mini talk — Mon­i­ca Pearce: Good House­keep­ing — Some thoughts on Per­son­al Admin­is­tra­tion (GH)
    3:45 PM 4:15 PM After­noon Break 1
    4:15 PM 5:15 PM Open Ses­sion 1 — Unsi­lenc­ing: Women and their Place in New Music and Sound Art (GH)
    5:15 PM 7:15 PM Din­ner Break 1 (not included)
    7:15 PM 8:00 PM Pre-con­cert talk 1 (GH)
    8:00 PM Land’s End Ensem­ble Con­cert (EG)
    $10 tick­ets avail­able with your FORUM pass. Recep­tion to follow.
    10:00 PM approx. After Hours Impro­vi­sa­tion 1 (GH)
    Want to play? Con­tact
    Free — Pub­lic welcome

    Saturday, January 25

    start end
    8:00 AM 9:00 AM Reg­is­tra­tion (F)
    9:00 AM 9:45 AM Open Ses­sion 2  — Earn­ing a liv­ing in new music
    *Project Room (EV)    *Gen­er­al Dis­cus­sion Room ℠
    9:55 AM 10:05 AM Mini demo-dis­cus­sion — Car­men Braden: Sound-telling: Sto­ry­telling through sound, speech, and music (GH)
    10:05 AM 10:20 AM Mini talk — Simon Mar­tin: Project-Based vs. Sea­son­al Pro­gram­ming (GH)
    10:25 AM 10:45 AM Mini per­for­mance & dis­cus­sion — Scott Godin, Lael John­ston & the Chester­mere High­school Drum­line: oh my gol­ly! (EG)
    10:45 AM 11:00 AM Morn­ing Net­work­ing Break
    11:00 AM 11:15 AM Mini demo-work­shop — Shawn Mativet­sky: New Music for the Tabla of North India: Issues of Com­po­si­tion and Per­for­mance Prac­tice (GH)
    11:15 AM 11:30 AM Mini talk & dis­cus­sion — Jen Black­well & Mike Roma­ni­ak: Cross­ing Bor­ders: The Com­posers Project and Cana­di­an Music (GH)
    11:30 AM 12:30 PM Pan­el 5 — Pub­lic inter­ac­tion: engag­ing in dia­logue, open­ing the doors (GH) Pan­el 4 — Fes­ti­vals: go deep or go long? (EV)
    12:30 PM 2:00 PM Net­work­ing Lunch 2 (includ­ed with reg­is­tra­tion) (GH)
    2:00 PM 3:45 PM KEYNOTE PANEL (GH)
    3:45 PM 4:15 PM After­noon Net­work­ing Break 2
    4:15 PM 4:45 PM Mini Por­trait 4 — Clus­ter + Lon­don Sin­foni­et­ta (HR) Open Ses­sion 3 — Net­work devel­op­ment & music dissemination
    *Project Room (EV)
    *Gen. Disc. Room ℠
    4:45 PM 5:15 PM Mini Por­trait 5 — Music Gallery + Miller The­atre (HR)
    5:15 PM 7:15 PM Din­ner Break 2 (not included)
    8:00 PM U of C Dis­cov­ery Series Con­cert (EG)
    $10 tick­ets avail­able at the door with your FORUM pass.
    10:00 PM approx. After Hours Impro­vi­sa­tion 2 (GH)
    Want to play? Con­tact
    Free — Pub­lic welcome

    Sunday, January 26

    start end
    10:30 AM 12:00 PM Open Ses­sion 4 — Music education
    *Project Room (EV)        *Gen­er­al Dis­cus­sion Room ℠


  • Featured Guests


    • Andrew Burke – Chief Exec­u­tive, Lon­don Sin­foni­et­ta – Lon­don, UK
    • Lawrence Cher­ney, Artis­tic Direc­tor, Sound­streams – Toron­to, Canada
    • Patri­cia Ros­ner – Direc­tor of Coop­er­a­tions and Social Media, Berlin Phil Media GmbH, Dig­i­tal Con­cert Hall, Berlin­er Phil­har­moniker – Berlin, Germany
    • Melis­sa Smey, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Arts Ini­tia­tive and Miller The­atre at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty – New York, USA
    • Nico­las Thiri­on – Artis­tic Direc­tor, Why Note Asso­ci­a­tion & Ici l’Onde (Depart­ment of Music of the Con­tem­po­rary Art Cen­tre Le Con­sor­tium) – Dijon, France


    Andrew Burke has been the Chief Exec­u­tive of the Lon­don Sin­foni­et­ta since 2007.  He is respon­si­ble for the over­all run­ning of the ensem­ble, curat­ing a wide range of artis­tic projects and devel­op­ing the ensemble’s work with part­ners at home and abroad.

    In 2009 he launched the Lon­don Sinfonietta’s Acad­e­my pro­gramme and in 2013 its Emerg­ing Artists Pro­gramme, to give train­ing and pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ence to bril­liant play­ers of the next gen­er­a­tion.  In 2010 he start­ed the next phase of the ensemble’s Blue Touch Paper pro­gramme to nur­ture new cross art-form work from emerg­ing composers.

    From 2003–2007, he was Head of LSO Dis­cov­ery and from 1998–2003 he was Edu­ca­tion Offi­cer at the BBC Nation­al Orches­tra of Wales.


    pho­to cred­it: Trevor Haldenby

    Lawrence Cherney’s first pro­fes­sion­al engage­ment was under the baton of Igor Stravin­sky. A rec­og­nized nation­al leader at the fore­front of Cana­di­an music for over 40 years, he is often referred to as Canada’s “Ambas­sador of New Music”. His para­mount role in the com­mis­sion­ing, devel­op­ing, pro­duc­ing, per­form­ing, tour­ing and record­ing of new music by Cana­di­an and inter­na­tion­al com­posers has been wide­ly rec­og­nized: Mem­ber of the Order of Cana­da, Muriel Sher­rin Award for Inter­na­tion­al Achieve­ment, two Lieu­tenant Governor’s Awards and the Chalmers Nation­al Music Award. Lawrence found­ed Sound­streams in 1982, which under his lead­er­ship, has become an inter­na­tion­al cen­tre for new direc­tions in music and one of the most dynam­ic orga­ni­za­tions of its kind in the world.


    Patri­cia Ros­ner, cul­tur­al man­ag­er, social media spe­cial­ist and musi­cian, is Direc­tor of Coop­er­a­tions and Social Media at Berlin Phil Media GmbH, the com­pa­ny behind the Dig­i­tal Con­cert Hall of the Berlin­er Phil­har­moniker. Pri­or to her work with the Berlin­er Phil­har­moniker, Patri­cia stud­ied com­po­si­tion, vocal per­for­mance, lit­er­a­ture and musi­col­o­gy in Berlin and Lon­don and served as a music mar­ket­ing spe­cial­ist with sev­er­al com­pa­nies. She ini­ti­at­ed and now runs the orchestra’s Face­book page (460k fans) and an online out­reach project, EXPLORE CLASSICAL MUSIC!. She is also respon­si­ble for the orches­tra’s cin­e­mat­ic dis­tri­b­u­tion and man­ages coop­er­a­tions with oth­er organisations.


    pho­to cred­it: Bran­non Chase

    Melis­sa Smey is Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Arts Ini­tia­tive and Miller The­atre at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty, where she leads the campus’s pio­neer­ing ven­ture to make the arts a vital part of every Columbian’s expe­ri­ence and the most acclaimed venue for new music in New York City.  She has com­mis­sioned new works from com­posers Georges Aperghis, Julio Estra­da, Hil­da Pare­des, and John Zorn; pro­duced the Unit­ed States pre­miere pro­duc­tions of Kai­ja Saariaho’s bal­let Maa and James Dillon’s epic new music cycle Nine Rivers; and pro­duced the urban out­door pre­miere of John Luther Adams’s Inuk­suit, fea­tur­ing 99 musi­cians and 1,000 per­cus­sion instru­ments for an audi­ence of over 2,500 in Harlem’s Morn­ing­side Park.


    Born in 1973, Nico­las Thiri­on is a musi­cian, gui­tar play­er and elec­tron­ics artist, notably with Death in Death Val­ley (noise improv) and Toro Piscine (exper­i­men­tal song). In 2010, he cre­at­ed La Générale d’Expérimentation, a col­lec­tive of adven­tur­ous musi­cians in Bur­gundy, with whom he devel­ops projects focussed around exper­i­men­tal and con­tem­po­rary music and sound art per­for­mances. He com­plet­ed stud­ies in elec­troa­coustic com­po­si­tion at the Con­ser­va­toire de Chalon-sur-Saône (teacher: Jean-Marc Weber). Since 2003, he is the Artis­tic Direc­tor of Why Note in Dijon, an asso­ci­a­tion ded­i­cat­ed to the cre­ation, dif­fu­sion and pro­mo­tion of con­tem­po­rary and exper­i­men­tal music. He is also Artis­tic Co-Direc­tor of Ici l’Onde, a fes­ti­val at the Depart­ment of Music of the Con­tem­po­rary Art Cen­tre Le Con­sor­tium.

    Additional National & International Guests

    Check out who was invit­ed in response to the inau­gur­al Open Call for Proposals

  • Sessions & Activities

    The theme of the FORUM is con­nect­ing with audi­ences, and we have devel­oped a remark­ably var­ied pro­gram­ming to meet this chal­lenge.  Our pan­el dis­cus­sions look at very focused sub­jects such as orches­tral pro­gram­ming, fes­ti­vals, and pub­lic engage­ment, while our open net­work­ing and com­mu­ni­ty devel­op­ment ses­sions take a broad­er, more holis­tic approach to sub­jects such as music edu­ca­tion, the eco­nom­ics of new music and pub­lic dis­sem­i­na­tion.  There is a range of top­ics and approach­es that are guar­an­teed to give you new ideas, new con­tacts, and new per­spec­tives on cre­at­ing new music in Cana­da, and abroad.


    With five of the world’s best and most pres­ti­gious new music pre­sen­ters on stage, FORUM 2014 par­tic­i­pants will have unique access to learn what it takes to get Cana­di­an new music on the world stage. Ques­tion peri­od follows.

    Andrew Burke, Lon­don Sin­foni­et­ta – Lon­don, UK
    Lawrence Cher­ney, Sound­streams – Toron­to ON
    Patri­cia Ros­ner, Berlin Phil Media GmbH – Berlin, Germany
    Melis­sa Smey, Miller The­atre – New York, USA
    Nico­las Thiri­on, Why Note Fes­ti­val – Dijon, France
    MODERATOR: Tim Brady, Cana­di­an New Music Net­work – Mon­tréal QC


    Panel 1 – How to define and develop the “Canadian” in “Canadian” new music?

    What do pro­gram­mers look for when they want “Cana­di­an” music – a sound, an approach, a postal code? How do we define Cana­di­an music, and what mes­sage does our def­i­n­i­tion send to inter­na­tion­al pre­sen­ters?  What do the Cana­di­an pub­lic and the Cana­di­an media think of when they think of “Cana­di­an new music”?  More ques­tions than answers, per­haps, but it’s an essen­tial discussion.

    DB Boyko, West­ern Front New Music – Van­cou­ver BC
    Patrick Giguère, Erreur de type 27 – Québec QC
    Clemens Merkel, Quatuor Bozzi­ni – Mon­tréal QC
    Jer­ry Per­gole­si, Con­tact Con­tem­po­rary Music – Toron­to ON*
    John Reid, Cana­di­an Music Cen­tre – Prairie Region – Cal­gary AB
    MODERATOR: Jen­nifer War­ing, Con­tin­u­um – Toron­to ON

    *Trav­el fund­ing for Jer­ry Per­gole­si pro­vid­ed in part by the Research Com­mit­tee at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to Fac­ul­ty of Music.

    Panel 2 – Orchestral programming: new music and the big machine

    Orches­tras have unique chal­lenges when pro­gram­ming new music – per­for­mance tra­di­tions, pro­duc­tion costs, major mar­ket­ing expens­es, and an increas­ing­ly frag­ment­ed pub­lic. Yet a major orches­tral per­for­mance still has a unique pow­er to reach a large num­ber of peo­ple, and Cana­di­an new music artists need to under­stand this mar­ket in order to succeed.

    Nor­man Adams, Sym­pho­ny Nova Sco­tia – Hal­i­fax NS
    Éric Cham­pagne, Orchestre Mét­ro­pol­i­tain – Mon­tréal QC
    Robert Rival, Edmon­ton Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra – Edmon­ton AB
    Heather Slater, Cal­gary Phil­har­mon­ic Orches­tra – Cal­gary AB
    MODERATOR: John Korsrud, Hard Rub­ber Orches­tra – Van­cou­ver BC

    Panel 3 – Music and 21st Century Media: the broader connection

    The Inter­net – love it, hate it, it’s here! We all have a Web site, Face­book pages, YouTube chan­nels, but how does one pull all these ele­ments togeth­er to cre­ate a strong, coher­ent dig­i­tal pres­ence that will have a real impact on pre­sen­ters and the public?

    Marie LeBlanc Flana­gan, Weird Cana­da – Perth ON
    Bren­da Cle­niuk, Neu­tral Ground  – Regi­na SK
    Jean-François Denis, empreintes DIG­I­ – Mon­tréal QC
    Frank Oteri, New Music Box – New York USA (via SKYPE)
    Jen­nie Punter, Music­works Mag­a­zine – Toron­to ON
    MODERATOR: Fab­rice Maran­dola, Six­trum – Mon­tréal QC

    Panel 4 – Festivals: go deep or go long?

    Fes­ti­vals are a key mar­ket for new music. But every fes­ti­val has its own char­ac­ter and its own process.  A pan­el of fes­ti­val direc­tors dis­cuss how they approach pro­gram­ming, and how they see their rela­tion­ship with artists and the public.

    Aïda Aoun, SMCQ – Mon­tréal QC
    Louis Dufort, Akous­ma – Mon­tréal QC
    David Eagle, Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary – Cal­gary AB
    Michel Lev­asseur, FIMAV – Vic­to­ri­av­ille QC
    Hei­di Ouel­lette and Luke Nick­el, Clus­ter Fes­ti­val – Win­nipeg MB
    MODERATOR: Nor­mand For­get, Nou­v­el Ensem­ble Mod­erne – Mon­tréal QC

    Pan­el 5 – Pub­lic inter­ac­tion: engag­ing in dia­logue, open­ing the doors

    The heart of the mat­ter: how to engage the pub­lic, how to get them into the seats and keep them com­ing back?  A pan­el of var­ied new music pre­sen­ters with dif­fer­ent approach­es share their essen­tial knowledge.

    Luce Cou­ture, Cen­ten­ni­al The­atre – Lennoxville QC
    David Dacks, Music Gallery – Toron­to ON
    Glenn Hod­gins, Ottawa Inter­na­tion­al Cham­ber Music Fes­ti­val – Ottawa ON
    Char­lotte Levitt, Miller The­atre – New York, USA
    David Pay, Music on Main – Van­cou­ver BC
    MODERATOR: Lisa Cay Miller, NOW Soci­ety – Van­cou­ver BC


    The mini por­traits pro­vide new music pre­sen­ters a chance to focus on their orga­ni­za­tion. Most of the mini por­traits pair 1 Cana­di­an pre­sen­ter with 1 Inter­na­tion­al pre­sen­ter to stim­u­late dia­logue across geo­gra­phies and cultures.

    Mini Por­trait 1
    Pier­rette Gin­gras (Le Vivi­er – Mon­tréal) + Nico­las Thiri­on (Why Note Fes­ti­val – France)

    Mini Por­trait 2
    André Cormi­er (LeHum, Monc­ton) +  Patri­cia Ros­ner (Berlin Phil Media GmbH – Germany)

    Mini Por­trait 3
    Lawrence Cher­ney (Sound­streams – Toronto)

    Mini Por­trait 4
    Hei­di Ouel­lette and Luke Nick­el (Clus­ter Fes­ti­val – Win­nipeg) + Andrew Burke (Lon­don Sin­foni­et­ta – UK)

    Mini Por­trait 5
    David Dacks (Music Gallery – Toron­to) + Melis­sa Smey (Miller The­atre – New York)


    Each ses­sion has a theme. A facil­i­ta­tor is there to help, and the ses­sions aim to move atten­dees from observers to active engagers. Dur­ing each ses­sion, 1 room will be devot­ed to gen­er­al dis­cus­sion, and anoth­er room will be devot­ed to project-ori­ent­ed discussion.

    Gen­er­al Dis­cus­sion Room
    Par­tic­i­pants are encour­aged to bring their per­son­al expe­ri­ences, knowl­edge, ques­tions and con­cerns sur­round­ing the ses­sion theme, with the inten­tion of cre­at­ing deep­er aware­ness, stronger rela­tion­ships, and sus­tain­able solu­tions with­in local, region­al and nation­al com­mu­ni­ties. The meet­ing could place every­one in a cir­cle, into small­er break­out groups, or some­thing else – the group decides for itself.

    Project Room
    Do you have a spe­cif­ic pro­pos­al or ini­tia­tive sur­round­ing the ses­sion theme that you want to net­work with oth­ers? Are you look­ing to sup­port or be part of one? This is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to intro­duce your project, build rela­tion­ships, and invest in future oppor­tu­ni­ties with mem­bers of the local, region­al and nation­al com­mu­ni­ties. The meet­ing for­mat could be a “pitch to the room”, a “speed-dat­ing one-on-one”, or some­thing else – the group decides for itself.

    Session 1 – Unsilencing: Women and their Place in New Music and Sound Art

    Does gen­der equal­i­ty exist in the new music com­mu­ni­ty? How do assump­tions about the roles of women and men deter­mine the kinds of music we hear, where we hear it, and how we hear about it? Jen­nifer But­ler and Tina Pear­son co-facil­i­tate an Open Forum that invites sto­ries and ideas for begin­ning a rev­e­la­to­ry discussion.

    This ses­sion is co-spon­sored by:

    Session 2 – Earning a living in new music

    How can the Cana­di­an new music com­mu­ni­ty devel­op as a net­work in order to help its mem­bers meet the eco­nom­ic chal­lenges that they face as artists?

    Project Room: David Pay, Cana­di­an New Music Net­work – Van­cou­ver BC
    Gen­er­al Dis­cus­sion Room: Kyle Bren­ders, Cana­di­an New Music Net­work – Toron­to ON

    Session 3 – Network development and music dissemination

    How can the Cana­di­an new music com­mu­ni­ty devel­op as a net­work in order to get more Cana­di­an new music on the Web, in high-qual­i­ty dig­i­tal record­ings, and with prop­er pro­mo­tion­al sup­port, in order to improve the con­nec­tion between Cana­di­an new music artists and the nation­al and inter­na­tion­al  public?

    Project Room: Tim Brady, Cana­di­an New Music Net­work – Mon­tréal QC
    Gen­er­al Dis­cus­sion Room: David Pay, Cana­di­an New Music Net­work – Van­cou­ver BC

    Session 4 – Music education

    How can the Cana­di­an new music com­mu­ni­ty devel­op as a net­work in order to help make cre­ative music edu­ca­tion more acces­si­ble to all Canadians?

    Project Room: Jer­ry Per­gole­si, Con­tact Con­tem­po­rary Music – Toron­to ON
    Gen­er­al Dis­cus­sion Room: Brent Lee, Cana­di­an New Music Net­work – Wind­sor ON


    Syn­thet­ic Means in the Twen­ty-first Cen­tu­ry: Com­po­si­tion and Per­for­mance Workshop
    Com­pos­er D. Andrew Stew­art (Leth­bridge) illus­trates options for new music com­po­si­tion and per­for­mance with dig­i­tal musi­cal instru­ments, includ­ing high­light­ing sig­nif­i­cant mile­stones in the devel­op­ment of the “t‑stick” (e.g., com­po­si­tion work­shop, com­mis­sion­ing com­posers, inter­na­tion­al per­for­mances and col­lab­o­ra­tions). Par­tic­i­pants will be treat­ed to a hands-on expe­ri­ence with the t‑stick in an effort to bring them “clos­er to sound” (Hugh Le Caine, 1960). 

    Pros­thet­ic dig­i­tal instru­ments for music and dance per­for­mance: pre­sen­ta­tion and hands-on workshop
    Joseph Mal­loch, IDMIL, McGill Uni­ver­si­ty – Mon­tréal QC

    These pros­thet­ic instru­ments – includ­ing artic­u­lat­ed spines, curved visors and ribs – cre­ate sound as the wear­er moves, and were devel­oped in col­lab­o­ra­tion with dancers, musi­cians, com­posers and a chore­o­g­ra­ph­er. Learn about the con­cep­tion and design, the tri­als and tri­umphs of the work­shop process, and how per­former ges­ture is sensed and mapped to sound in real-time. Then, take part in hands-on exper­i­men­ta­tion with the instru­ments themselves.

    Pro­gram­ma­ble mul­ti-touch inter­faces for spa­tial­iza­tion and live elec­tron­ics: pre­sen­ta­tion and inter­ac­tive workshop
    Bruno de Chéner­illes (Stras­bourg, France) shares his expe­ri­ences devel­op­ing mul­ti-touch inter­faces, and shows us how com­bin­ing soft­ware with low-cost and small devices, the musi­cian and com­pos­er can focus on intu­ition and musi­cal ges­ture, break­ing free from the lim­i­ta­tions demand­ed by hard­ware inter­faces such as audio con­soles and con­ven­tion­al midi con­trol sur­faces. In this inter­ac­tive work­shop, par­tic­i­pants get to try out these new tech­niques in dif­fer­ent configurations.


    You won’t want to miss this selec­tion of mini-demos, mini-talks and mini-workshops!

    Mini Talk – Good House­keep­ing for Com­posers: Some thoughts on Per­son­al Administration
    Com­pos­er Mon­i­ca Pearce (Toron­to ON) explores the dizzy­ing com­pendi­um of admin­is­tra­tive ele­ments that com­posers jug­gle while try­ing to per­son­al­ly man­age their careers, a “DIY” approach to which many artists in the new music com­mu­ni­ty can relate. She will high­light some key points from her arti­cle, and offer some obser­va­tions in an anec­do­tal format.

    Mini Demo-Dis­cus­sion – Sound-telling: Sto­ry­telling through sound, speech, and music
    Car­men Braden (Yel­lowknife NT) comes from a place where sto­ry­telling and oral tra­di­tions are engrained in soci­ety. “When I com­bined my pas­sion for music con­nect­ed to sounds in the envi­ron­ment with sto­ry­telling, it became sound-telling.” This demo-dis­cus­sion touch­es on the ways sto­ry­telling through sound can be achieved, and engages par­tic­i­pants with ideas for how to build their own sound-telling piece.

    Mini Per­for­mance & Dis­cus­sion: oh my gol­ly! for drum­line and narrator
    Com­pos­er Scott Godin (Castle­gar BC) and edu­ca­tor Lael John­ston (Cal­gary AB) talk about incor­po­rat­ing con­tem­po­rary music in high school, through their long-term col­lab­o­ra­tive projects. The big treat: a per­for­mance by the Chester­mere High School Drumline!

    Mini Demo-Work­shop – New Music for the Tabla of North India: Issues of Com­po­si­tion and Per­for­mance Practice
    Per­cus­sion­ist Shawn Mativet­sky (Mon­tréal QC) wants to inspire more per­cus­sion­ists and com­posers to embrace the tabla into their own con­tem­po­rary prac­tice. Mativet­sky will help nav­i­gate through some of the chal­lenges that arise when mix­ing West­ern and Indi­an tra­di­tions, offer solu­tions, and ulti­mate­ly show us the strength of this incred­i­ble, ver­sa­tile musi­cal instrument.

    Mini Talk & Dis­cus­sion – Cross­ing Bor­ders: The Com­posers Project and Cana­di­an Music
    Jen Black­well & Mike Roma­ni­ak talk about their Com­posers Project with the Cen­tral Michi­gan New Music Ensem­ble. As Cana­di­ans liv­ing and study­ing in the USA, they will talk about the prac­ti­cal chal­lenges and solu­tions to nav­i­gat­ing projects that cross bor­ders, and show how a pas­sion for new music has turned into a way to pro­mote Cana­di­an new music abroad.

    Mini Talk – Project-based pro­gram­ming and sea­son­al pro­gram­ming; what is at stake?
    For con­cert music in Cana­da, sea­son­al pro­gram­ming is by far the most wide­spread pro­duc­tion mod­el, while the ad hoc approach of devel­op­ing projects is rarely used. Pro­duc­er and com­pos­er Simon Mar­tin (Mon­tréal QC) explores the impli­ca­tions of this sit­u­a­tion by address­ing top­ics such as the cre­ator-pro­duc­er-dis­trib­u­tor chain, the pre­sen­ta­tion of a com­poser’s work, posi­tion­ing one’s cre­ative out­put vis-a-vis the media and the pub­lic, grant pro­grams and pub­lic fund­ing freezes.

  • Language Facilitation

    CNMN is a bilin­gual orga­ni­za­tion made up of mem­bers who com­mu­ni­cate in both offi­cial lan­guages of Eng­lish and French. As such, our events and com­mu­ni­ca­tions aim to be bilin­gual in nature.

    The lan­guage facil­i­ta­tion pro­gramme is a flex­i­ble way for speak­ers of vary­ing lev­els of French and Eng­lish to com­mu­ni­cate more deeply with one another.

    We are look­ing for peo­ple to act as Lan­guage Facil­i­ta­tors at the Forum to facil­i­tate com­pre­hen­sion for cer­tain attendees.

    Lan­guage Facil­i­ta­tors will be expect­ed to attend an ori­en­ta­tion ses­sion (date to be confirmed).

    In exchange for their ser­vices, the first five peo­ple to vol­un­teer as lan­guage facil­i­ta­tors will receive com­ple­men­tary reg­is­tra­tion to the FORUM.

    To vol­un­teer, please con­tact Stacey Brown, Lan­guage Facil­i­ta­tion Coordinator:

  • Concerts

    While you’re in Cal­gary — new music con­certs sched­uled dur­ing evenings of FORUM 2014

    Note: Reg­is­ter­ing at the Forum gives you a sub­stan­tial dis­count to these con­certs! Please pick up in-per­son your nametag (aka FORUM pass) at the FORUM reg­is­tra­tion desk. The pass gets you in to all FORUM activ­i­ties as well as a sub­stan­tial dis­count on tick­ets to the evening concerts.

    Location & Tickets

    • 8 pm Evening Con­certs: Pur­chase your tick­ets through the Cam­pus Tick­et Cen­tre (403–220-7202) or at the door.  $10 tick­ets upon pre­sen­ta­tion of your FORUM pass. 
    • After Hours Impro­vis­ing 1 and 2: Free entry 

    All con­certs take place at:
    Eck­hardt-Gra­mat­té Hall or Husky Oil Great Hall
    The Rozsa Cen­tre, Uni­ver­si­ty of Calgary
    206 Uni­ver­si­ty Ct NW


    Thurs­day, Jan­u­ary 23, 2014 — 8pm
    Some­thing that…oscillates!
    New Works Calgary
    Eck­hardt-Gra­mat­té Hall

    • Ros­abel Choi (piano), Sta­cie Dun­lop (sopra­no) and Andrea Neu­mann (vio­lin)
    • Music by Cur­rent, Lee, Steen­huisen and Kurtag.
    • Pre-con­cert talk 7:15 pm
    • Recep­tion to follow
    • More info:
    • Tick­ets
      $25 adults / $18 stu­dents & seniors
      $10 spe­cial tick­et rate for FORUM 2014 registrants

    Fri­day, Jan­u­ary 24, 2014 — 8pm
    A Mad King
    Land’s End Ensemble
    Eck­hardt-Gra­mat­té Hall

    • Land’s End Ensem­ble with Lau­ra Jayne Bowler, Conductor
    • Music by Tongur, Di Cas­tri, Gieshoff, Mayo and Davies.
    • Pre-con­cert talk 7:15 pm
    • Recep­tion to follow
    • More info:
    • Tick­ets
      $20 adults / $15 seniors / $10 students
      $10 spe­cial tick­et rate for FORUM 2014 registrants

    Fri­day, Jan­u­ary 24, 2014 — approx.  10 pm — fol­lows 15 min­utes after ear­li­er evening concert
    After Hours Impro­vis­ing 1
    Bug Inci­sion
    Husky Oil Great Hall

    • Mem­bers of Cal­gar­y’s free impro­vis­ing com­mu­ni­ty join impro­vis­ers from across the coun­try and beyond, who are in town for CNM­N’s FORUM 2014.
    • Fea­tur­ing Rebec­ca Bru­ton (vio­lin), Chris Dadge (per­cus­sion), Eric Hamelin (per­cus­sion), Cody Oliv­er (gui­tar) and Whit­ney Ota (gui­tar, synth).
    • More info: Bug Inci­sion
    • Want to play with us? More infor­ma­tion.
    • Free entry — pub­lic wel­come — come enjoy the music.

    Sat­ur­day, Jan­u­ary 25, 2014 — 8pm
    Part of the Dis­cov­ery Series, host­ed by the Music area of the School of Cre­ative and Per­form­ing Arts, Uni­ver­si­ty of Calgary
    Eck­hardt-Gra­mat­té Hall

    • Ste­fan Hus­song (accor­dion) and Yumiko Miguri (piano)
    • Music by Hara­da, Bach-Kurtag, Lee and Eagle.
    • More info:‑fragments
    • Tick­ets:
      $25 adults / $18 stu­dents & seniors
      $10 spe­cial tick­et rate for FORUM 2014 registrants

    Sat­ur­day, Jan­u­ary 25, 2014 — approx.  10 pm — fol­lows 15 min­utes after ear­li­er evening concert
    After Hours Impro­vis­ing 2
    Bug Inci­sion
    Husky Oil Great Hall

    • Mem­bers of Cal­gar­y’s free impro­vis­ing com­mu­ni­ty join impro­vis­ers from across the coun­try and beyond, who are in town for CNM­N’s FORUM 2014.
    • Fea­tur­ing Rebec­ca Bru­ton (vio­lin), Chris Dadge (per­cus­sion), Eric Hamelin (per­cus­sion), Cody Oliv­er (gui­tar) and Whit­ney Ota (gui­tar, synth).
    • More info: Bug Inci­sion
    • Want to play with us? More infor­ma­tion.
    • Free entry — pub­lic wel­come — come enjoy the music.

    *Programming subject to change without prior notification* (November 25, 2013).




  • Hotel

    Hotel Alma
    Uni­ver­si­ty of Calgary
    169 Uni­ver­si­ty Gate NW
    Cal­gary, Alber­ta Cana­da, T2N 1N4

    Toll free 1–877-498‑3203
    Local 403–220-2588
    Fax 403–284-4184

    How To Book

    • Book with group name Cana­di­an New Music Net­work Forum 2014
    • Book by phone, fax or email (no online option)
    • Book by Jan­u­ary 3, 2014, upon which del­e­gates will be able to book at The Best Avail­able Rate, and reser­va­tions will be tak­en based on availability.

    Group Room Rate — $114

    • Eurostyle Stan­dard Room
    • Sin­gle or dou­ble occupancy
    • Rate is per room, per night
    • One queen bed
    • Com­pli­men­ta­ry Con­ti­nen­tal Break­fast in Bistro Alma
    • Com­pli­men­ta­ry local phone calls
    • Com­pli­men­ta­ry long dis­tance phone calls, with­in Cana­da and US, with the excep­tion of Alas­ka and Hawaii
    • Com­pli­men­ta­ry inter­net access (wired and wireless)
    • Com­pli­men­ta­ry access to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary Fit­ness Facilities
    • 32-inch flat-screen TV
    • Mini-fridge, microwave and cof­fee maker
    • Desk with ergonom­ic chair
    • Wi-Fi, MP3 clock radio
    • Rate does not include tax­es — cur­rent tax­es are: 5% GST, 4% Alber­ta Tourism Levy and 3% Room Fee (Tax­es, levies and fees sub­ject to change)
    • All rooms must be guar­an­teed at time of reser­va­tion to the individual’s cred­it card. Can­cel­la­tion pol­i­cy is 48 hours noti­fi­ca­tion to avoid a penal­ty of one night’s room and tax.

    Hotel Park­ing

    Hotel Alma has des­ig­nat­ed park­ing avail­able for guests in the Arts Parkade at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary. Cur­rent charge is $8.00 per day. In and out priv­i­leges are avail­able for those who bill their park­ing charges to their guest room. Please have your license plate num­ber ready at check-in time. Park­ing rates are sub­ject to change with­out notice.



  • Team

    Steer­ing Committee

    • Chair: John Reid, Prairie Region­al Direc­tor, Cana­di­an Music Cen­tre; Alber­ta rep­re­sen­ta­tive to CNMN Board — more info.
    • William Jor­dan, Asso­ciate Com­pos­er, Cana­di­an Music Cen­tre; Pro­fes­sor of Com­po­si­tion, Music Divi­sion, School of Cre­ative and Per­form­ing Arts, Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary — more info.
    • Lau­rie Rad­ford, Asso­ciate Com­pos­er, Cana­di­an Music Cen­tre; Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor of Com­po­si­tion and Son­ic Arts, Music Divi­sion, School of Cre­ative and Per­form­ing Arts, Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary; Artis­tic Direc­tor, New Works Cal­gary — more info.
    • Robert Oxo­by, Asso­ciate Dean, Research, Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary — more info.
    • David Eagle, Asso­ciate Com­pos­er, Cana­di­an Music Cen­tre; Pro­fes­sor of Com­po­si­tion and Son­ic Arts, Music Divi­sion, School of Cre­ative and Per­form­ing Arts, Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary; Artis­tic Direc­tor of the Hap­pen­ing Fes­ti­val — more info.
    • Tim Brady, pres­i­dent of CNMN — more info.


    • Emi­ly Hall, CNMN Admin­is­tra­tive Direc­tor — con­tact.

    Pro­duc­tion and Admin­is­tra­tion Assistance

    • Lind­sey Wal­lis — admin­is­tra­tive and tech­ni­cal assistant
    • Po Yeh — reg­is­tra­tion assistant
    • Anan­da Sud­dath — admin­is­tra­tive assistant
    • Ian Kel­ly — Event Coor­di­na­tor for the Rozsa Centre
    • Luke Dahlgren — Stage Man­ag­er, Eck­hardt-Gra­mat­té Hall
    • Com Media Con­fer­ence and Event Sup­port, Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary — Web­cast­ing

    Doc­u­men­ta­tion and Sup­port Team

    Vol­un­teers — Lan­guage Facil­i­ta­tion, Time Keep­ers, etc.

  • Support Letter & Getting to Calgary

    Getting to Calgary

    You’re mak­ing the trip to Cal­gary, Alber­ta, Cana­da this jan­u­ary to attend FORUM 2014? Now that’s a great idea!

    Our past 5 nation­al Forums were very excit­ing and suc­cess­ful, and the project has proven to be a great way to strength­en ties with peo­ple in the new music field from coast to coast, to make con­nec­tions, to hear new ideas and to get new projects off the ground.

    Here are a few hints and tips so you don’t break the pig­gy bank:

    1. There are good air­fare rates for the end of Jan­u­ary. You’d be sur­prised what is out there! Get them before they go up in price.
    2. For those who have resources to apply to their orga­ni­za­tion, insti­tu­tion or uni­ver­si­ty for trav­el or pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment sup­port, we hope you choose Forum 2014 for one of these appli­ca­tions. We can pro­vide the nec­es­sary let­ter of sup­port for your appli­ca­tion — see below.
    3. You may be eli­gi­ble for trav­el fund­ing from your region­al or provin­cial arts coun­cil. Don’t be afraid to call them up and ask! Act quick­ly to be sure you will meet deadlines.
    4. You may be eli­gi­ble for a trav­el grant from the Equi­ty Office at the Cana­da Coun­cil. It is for Cana­di­an pro­fes­sion­al artists or arts pro­fes­sion­als with dis­abil­i­ties or who are from cul­tur­al­ly diverse groups (African, Asian, Lati­nAmer­i­can, Mid­dle East­ern or mixed racial descent). More infor­ma­tion:

    Support Letter

    We would like as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble attend­ing Forum 2014.

    We are ask­ing as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble, from all areas of music: musi­col­o­gy, per­for­mance, music edu­ca­tion, music the­o­ry, com­po­si­tion, music tech­nol­o­gy, media arts, inter­dis­ci­pli­nary arts, etc.

    We can pro­vide the nec­es­sary let­ter of sup­port for your application.

    Our Admin­is­tra­tive Direc­tor, Emi­ly Hall, has a let­ter pre­pared. Con­tact her at any time if you need this let­ter, per­son­al­ized with your details —

    We also warm­ly wel­come your fel­low col­leagues — feel free to speak with them or for­ward this infor­ma­tion. If they are new to CNMN, they can get ori­ent­ed with our bilin­gual PDF brochure for gen­er­al infor­ma­tion about CNMN.

    Thanks for your time and con­sid­er­a­tion. I look for­ward to see­ing you in Cal­gary this com­ing January.

    Yours tru­ly,

    Tim Brady
    Pres­i­dent — CNMN / RCMN

  • Call For Proposals — FORUM 2014

    Sub­ject to change with­out pri­or noti­fi­ca­tion. Last update: Octo­ber 21, 2013.


    Thank you to every­one who respond­ed to our inau­gur­al open call for proposals. 

    We received 40+ appli­ca­tions from all around the coun­try, and the com­pe­ti­tion was very strong.  An inde­pen­dent jury of 3 new music pro­fes­sion­als from across Cana­da reviewed every appli­ca­tion, and they remarked on the con­sis­tent­ly high, pro­fes­sion­al qual­i­ty of the sub­mis­sions. After the jury made their short list of top rec­om­men­da­tions, the steer­ing com­mit­tee took this list and tried to inte­grate as many of them as pos­si­ble into the sched­ule. Faced with only so many time slots avail­able, and so many won­der­ful pro­pos­als, it was a dif­fi­cult task indeed.

    The fol­low­ing peo­ple were invited:

    • Jen Black­well and Mike Roma­ni­ak – Cen­tral Michi­gan Uni­ver­si­ty New Music Ensem­ble (Michi­gan USA)
    • Car­men Braden – Per­former & Com­pos­er, Black Ice Sound (Yel­lowknife NWT)
    • André Cormi­er – Artis­tic Direc­tor, LeHum  • Com­pos­er (Monc­ton NB)
    • David Dacks – Artis­tic Direc­tor, Music Gallery  (Toron­to ON)
    • Chris Dadge – Impro­vis­er  • Artis­tic Direc­tor, Bug Inci­sion (Cal­gary AB)
    • Bruno de Chéner­illes – AUDIORAMA (Stras­bourg, France)
    • Jean-François Denis – Direc­tor, empreintes DIG­I­TALes • (Mon­tréal QC)
    • Scott Godin – Com­pos­er (Castle­gar BC) and Lael John­ston – Edu­ca­tor (Cal­gary AB), with the Chester­mere High School Drum­line (Cal­gary AB)
    • Joseph Mal­loch – Input Devices and Music Inter­ac­tion, McGill Uni­ver­si­ty (Mon­tréal QC)
    • Simon Mar­tin – Gen­er­al & Artis­tic Direc­tor, Pro­jec­tions libérantes  • Com­pos­er (Mon­tréal QC)
    • Shawn Mativet­sky – Tabla & Per­cus­sion (Mon­tréal QC)
    • Hei­di Ouel­lette and Luke Nick­el – Co-Artis­tic Direc­tors, Clus­ter Fes­ti­val (Win­nipeg MB)
    • Mon­i­ca Pearce – Com­pos­er (Toron­to ON)
    • Tina Pear­son – Com­pos­er (Vic­to­ria BC) and Jen­nifer But­ler – Pres­i­dent — Cana­di­an League of Com­posers • Com­pos­er (Van­cou­ver BC)
    • D. Andrew Stew­art – Uni­ver­si­ty of Leth­bridge, Music, Dig­i­tal Audio Arts (Leth­bridge AB)


    The Cana­di­an New Music Net­work has launched a CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the 6th nation­al FORUM being held Jan­u­ary 23 to 26, 2014 in Cal­gary, Alberta.


    We are look­ing for pro­pos­als from the entire new music com­mu­ni­ty. The goal of our FORUMs is to cre­ate greater net­work­ing and devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for the entire new music com­mu­ni­ty – com­posers, per­form­ers, impro­vis­ers, edu­ca­tors, pre­sen­ters, ensem­bles, admin­is­tra­tors, pro­duc­ers – everyone!

    Our FORUMs are nei­ther aca­d­e­m­ic con­fer­ences nor arts markets/showcases; it’s a hybrid that seeks to cre­ate con­nec­tions for every­one work­ing in the new music field.

    Ide­al­ly, pro­pos­als should build around the under­stand­ing of this con­text. Con­sult our web site for infor­ma­tion on pre­vi­ous FORUMS.


    We’re very open. It could be a tech­ni­cal paper, a hands-on work­shop, a per­for­mance-demon­stra­tion (but not a con­cert), a pan­el dis­cus­sion, a group activ­i­ty, or some­thing quite dif­fer­ent and out­side the box. It could last from 5 to 60+ minutes.


    It should be about new music, but the scope is very open. It could range any­where from some­thing very spe­cif­ic to some­thing much broad­er. Go ahead – sur­prise us!


    Sub­mis­sion dead­line August 15, 2013

    Email your sub­mis­sion as ONE PDF FILE to Emi­ly Hall —

    Please include: your con­tact infor­ma­tion; a short out­line of what the pro­pos­al is about; dura­tion; and a tech­ni­cal rid­er (equip­ment you will need, what kind of space, how much set-up time), equip­ment & pro­duc­tion bud­get (if applic­a­ble). Do NOT attach large files. Where need­ed, pro­vide direct links to your videos, music, pho­tos, etc., on host­ed sites (Youtube, Vimeo, Sound­cloud, per­son­al sites). Noth­ing to down­load please – only online!

    Appli­cants whose pro­pos­als are accept­ed will be required to reg­is­ter for the FORUM.

    The FORUM 2014 steer­ing com­mit­tee will try to inte­grate as many pro­pos­als into the FORUM sched­ule, but reserves the final pro­gram­ming rights. Accep­tance noti­fi­ca­tion: Sept. 15, 2013

    Look­ing for­ward to your proposals!

  • FORUM 2014 featured

    Check out the fol­low­ing pieces about FORUM 2014:

  • FORUM 2014 Web Stream

    Can’t make it to Cal­gary? Join us online. The live web stream will be avail­able Fri­day, Jan­u­ary 24th, from 9 am to 5:30 pm (MOUNTAIN TIME).

  • Registration

    Registration has not yet opened.

    Check back here as we con­tin­ue to update and add to the information.

    Rates for CNMN Members 

    • $60 – Indi­vid­u­als* before Jan­u­ary 3
    • $70 – Indi­vid­u­als* after Jan­u­ary 3

    *Must be a CNMN indi­vid­ual mem­ber with vot­ing rights, with 2013–2014 dues set­tled — join now.

    • $90 – Orga­ni­za­tions** before Jan­u­ary 3
    • $120 – Orga­ni­za­tions** after Jan­u­ary 3

    **Must be a mem­ber with 2013–2014 dues settled.

    Rates for NON-members

    • $95 – Individuals
      Note: An indi­vid­ual vot­ing mem­ber­ship ($25) plus FORUM reg­is­tra­tion fee ($60/$70) costs less than or the same as the non-mem­ber Forum fee — join now!
    • $195 – Organizations
      Note: Become a CNMN orga­ni­za­tion­al mem­ber ($65 / $125) and save mon­ey on FORUM reg­is­tra­tion — join now!

    Sub­ject to change with­out pri­or noti­fi­ca­tion (12 octo­ber 2013).

    This zone of the site is in full devel­op­ment. Much more infor­ma­tion and details are coming.

  • Timetable — OLD pre-schedule

    The offi­cial FORUM 2014 timetable is being cre­at­ed right now, and it’s not yet available.

    In the mean­time, here is a gen­er­al idea to help with your trav­el arrange­ments to Calgary.

    To take in the full FORUM, plan to arrive in time for Thurs­day ear­ly evening, and to leave Sun­day after­noon (flights after 4 pm are quite feasible).

    Thurs­day, 23 Jan­u­ary 2014
    The con­fer­ence opens at 6 pm with reg­is­tra­tion and ice­break­er, fol­lowed by an 8 pm con­cert at the Eck­hardt-Gra­mat­té Hall, locat­ed in the Rozsa Centre.

    Fri­day and Sat­ur­day, 24 & 25 Jan­u­ary 2014
    Full days: events start right away in the morn­ing (9 am), and con­tin­ue through­out the day, end­ing with evening concerts.

    Sun­day – 26 Jan­u­ary 2014
    The morn­ing sched­ule is full, but we plan to con­clude by 12:30 pm

    Sub­ject to change with­out pri­or noti­fi­ca­tion (30 octo­ber 2013).