Pauline Oliveros' Heart Chant at CNMN Conversation on Sustainability Vancouver
Les oiseaux de Nias, SAT
Sbot N Wo, Helen Pridmore and WL Altman, performing at Thunder and Lightning, Sackville NB in 2015
Les oiseaux de Nias, SAT
AllCapsNoSpace - Linda Bouchard
Tina Pearson's Tree Sing, vocalists - Sara Létourneau et Caroline Tremblay, dancer - Mya Lalancette Photo: Constantin Monfilliette
Urbanvessel - Stitch. Photo: Omer Yukseker
Sede Vecente (2005) by composer André Cormier for 4 basses and 4 violas, in a multi-exposure video project. Andrew Reed Miller and Robin Streb
Fischermanns Orchestra, Bruno Spörri & D. Andrew Stewart at Jazzwerkstatt 2018. Photo: Anna Zimmermann
Transcendence (2022) by Andrew Reed Miller with Sally Dibblee, soprano voice Painting is Transcendence (2022) by Deanna Musgrave
Murmuration by Linda Bouchard @ CNMAT, California
Evie Mark & Akinisie Sivuarapik - Inuit Throat Singers. Esprit Orchestra performance of Alexina Louie's Take the Dog Sled. Photo Malcolm Cook
Esprit Orchestra performance of Charles Ives' The Unanswered Question in Koerner Hall on October 24, 2018. Photo Malcolm Cook
OF THE WORLD, DUST REMAIN - Interdisciplinary stage work by Roozbeh Tabandeh - January 2019
Modulus Festival 2015 - A Strange Wonderful Something
Fischermanns Orchestra, Bruno Spörri & D. Andrew Stewart at Jazzwerkstatt 2018. Photo: Anna Zimmermann
Fischermanns Orchestra, Bruno Spörri & D. Andrew Stewart at Jazzwerkstatt 2018. Photo: Anna Zimmermann
Les oiseaux de Nias, SAT
See the Freeze, Hear the Thaw by Carmen Braden, Megumi Masaki and film by Caroline Cox and Ben McGregor, photo credit Bill Braden.
Modulus Festival Rothko Chapel - Music on Main
Gang of Nuns: Eric Normand, Norm Adams, Brandon Auger and Antoine Létourneau-Berger. From suddenlyLISTEN and Tour de Bras’ HaliRiki. Photo: Mackenzie Adams
Toninato/Thiessen (Ida Toninato & Jennifer Thiessen) performs their new work Winter[City]Speaks at GroundSwell Winnipeg, Feb 22, 2023 Photo: Matt Duboff
Urbanvessel - Voice Box. Photo: Adam Coish
GOYA: Intermedia Opera, created by WL Altman with libretto by David Fancy. Singer Helen Pridmore, video by Ian Campbell.
Esprit Orchestra performance of R. Murray Schafer's North/White with percussionist Ryan Scott "riding" a snowmobile. Photo Malcolm Cook.
Urbanvessel - On the Brink. Photo: Dahlia Katz
Urbanvessel - Singing River. Photo: Saajid Motala
Emily Doolittle - Board Member
Emily Doolittle - Board Member
Les oiseaux de Nias, SAT
Andrew Jackson and Jacinte Armstrong. From suddenlyLISTEN’s Inside Out. Photo: Kevin MacCormack
Sharon Kallis leading a rope making exercise at CNMN Conversation on Sustainability Vancouver
Urbanvessel - On the Brink. Photo: Dahlia Katz
Toninato/Thiessen (Ida Toninato & Jennifer Thiessen) performs their new work Winter[City]Speaks at GroundSwell Winnipeg, Feb 22, 2023. Photo: Matt Duboff
Lori Freedman & Alexandre St-Onge -- Nuit Blanche MTL
David Sait playing guzheng at Array Toronto. Photo: Taya Sait
Transformation: four interactive multimedia works reimagine the piano and pianist’s artistic expression through new technologies, and transform the listener’s concert to an immersive, emotional and cinematic experience, photo credit Sigi Torinus
Urbanvessel: On the Brink - photo by Dahlia Katz
Helen Pridmore performing her work "Sor Juana and the Silences", Neworks Calgary, 2020
Meryem Alaoui in Urbanvessel’s riverMOUTH, photo: David Langer
Lori Freedman & Alexandre St Onge during a matralab residency with Linda Bouchard
Geordie Haley, Karen Ng, Andrew Jackson, From suddenlyLISTEN. Photo Norm Adams
OF THE WORLD, DUST REMAIN - Interdisciplinary stage work by Roozbeh Tabandeh - January 2019
RETRO-for bells installation, chamber ensemble and live electronics – Roozbeh Tabandeh
The Line with Lori Hamar - Linda Bouchard
Photo: Jessica Lowe

About Us

The Canadian New Music Network (CNMN) is a membership-based organization connecting and representing everyone involved in Canadian music and sound creation. CNMN's ambition is to gather all Canadian composers, performers, ensembles, orchestras, administrators, service organizations, production companies, presenters, record labels, music educators, music media, musicologists from coast-to-coast and reaching out to members abroad.

People from many cultures and practices create new music in Canada. CNMN’s activities reflect our belief and enthusiasm for the value and benefits of new music for both for individuals and communities as a means of expression and listening. CNMN members practice a vibrant range of musical and/or sonic practices and interests, be they performative or contemplative, live or mediated, professional or enthusiast. CNMN brings us together, catalyzes initiatives and creates resources for a dynamic and nurturing creative environment.

What's New


The Cana­di­an New Music Net­work is delight­ed to announce the launch of FLUX, a new fes­ti­val that aims to fos­ter greater inclu­siv­i­ty and to val­ue the diver­si­ty of our music and sound com­mu­ni­ties.  From Octo­ber 4 to 10, 2024, five venues and sev­en local orga­ni­za­tions invite you to reimag­ine Montréal’s sound­scape around the theme: Sound… Read more »


Sus­tain­able Futures: How can music orga­ni­za­tions respond to the cli­mate emer­gency and its social impacts ? As part of the Sound Sym­po­sium Fes­ti­val the Cana­di­an New Music Net­work is pleased to invite you to a con­ver­sa­tion on ways to envi­sion a sus­tain­able future for artists and orga­ni­za­tions involved in music and sound cre­ation, as well as… Read more »
