Practical Information

FORUM 2014 Location
The Rozsa Cen­tre, Uni­ver­si­ty of Calgary
206 Uni­ver­si­ty Ct NW
Reg­is­tra­tion Desk locat­ed in the foyer.
Coat check and box office
locat­ed at the entrance to the centre.

Please pick up in-per­son your nametag (aka pass) at the reg­is­tra­tion desk. The pass gets you in to all FORUM activ­i­ties as well as a sub­stan­tial dis­count on tick­ets to the evening con­certs.

WIFI at the FORUM:

airUC” Net­work (this will NOT work for the “aidUC Secure” net­work). Open Brows­er (and you should be re-direct­ed to the U of C page). Login: rcguest | Con­fer­ence pass­word: cnmn#14 (case sensitive).

Hotel Alma – More info
169 Uni­ver­si­ty Gate NW


Find all the places men­tioned below on this Google map.

Down­load a print­able FORUM 2014 Map (PDF).

Warn­ing: do not rely on reg­u­lar Google Maps for loca­tions on cam­pus – you will most like­ly get the wrong information.

Getting Around

From the airport (YYC) to Hotel Alma

The FORUM is not respon­si­ble for air­port pick­ups. How­ev­er, for del­e­gates who have sent us their flight itin­er­ary to by Jan. 14, we are keep­ing tabs on arrivals. By Sat­ur­day, Jan. 18, we will play match­mak­er for del­e­gates arriv­ing on the same flights or around the same time, so they may arrange to share trav­el amongst themselves.

Taxi: In good traf­fic, total trip time is approx­i­mate­ly 20 min­utes and will cost, on aver­age, $35. Find the taxi stands out­side Arrivals lev­el. All taxis should accept major cred­it cards.

BP Shut­tle to hotel – Rates: $30/2 peo­ple, $40/3 peo­ple, $50/4 peo­ple. Call 403–259-5959 to book in advance.

Cal­gary Tran­sit: Total trip time is approx­i­mate­ly 90 min­utes and will cost $3. Bring exact change or see more info how to pay. Direc­tions: go to bay #20 on the arrivals lev­el. Take the express bus #300, direc­tion south and get off at 7 Avenue S. Catch a Dal­housie C‑Train and get off at Uni­ver­si­ty sta­tion. Turn left at the top of the stairs and con­tin­ue straight, across cam­pus – the Rozsa Cen­tre and Hotel Alma will be on your left past two large glass buildings.


From Hotel Alma to the FORUM

The Rozsa Cen­tre is a two-minute walk east of Hotel Alma (a left turn as you come out of the main front doors).

From the FORUM to the MacEwan Student Centre

Turn left out of the door and walk across the court­yard to the big glass building.

From the FORUM to the TFDL

Turn left out of the door, then imme­di­ate­ly right and walk across the court­yard to the oth­er big glass building.

From Hotel Alma to Stadium Shopping Centre (Restaurants)

Walk­ing straight out the main doors of the hotel, fol­low the road to the edge of cam­pus (24 Ave). Cross 24 Ave and con­tin­ue on Udell Road. At the T‑intersection jog to the right and con­tin­ue along the foot­path until you reach Uxbridge Dri­ve. You will see Sta­di­um Cen­tre on your left. 1941 Uxbridge Dr NW.

From Hotel Alma to Kensington (Restaurants etc.)

From Hotel Alma, walk to Uni­ver­si­ty Sta­tion (turn left out the main doors of the hotel and walk straight, fol­low­ing the signs). Catch a south­bound train to Sun­ny­side sta­tion. The “main drag” is along both Kens­ing­ton Road and 10 Street W. 10 St W is on the oth­er side of the Safe­way at Sun­ny­side sta­tion. Turn left along 10 St W to reach Kens­ing­ton Road.

Coffee & Eating

See spe­cif­ic walk­ing or tran­sit direc­tions above

  • Café Alma – at Hotel Alma
  • Good Earth – walk to the TFDL. Good Earth is on your left once you are inside.
  • MacE­wan Stu­dent Cen­tre has a food court as well as a Grad Lounge (3rd floor, closed weekends).
  • Sta­di­um Shop­ping Cen­tre is a 15 minute walk and has: The Keg (403–282-0020), Red­wa­ter Grill (403–220-0222), and a pub, Moose Maguires.
  • The neigh­bour­hood of Kens­ing­ton is 10 min­utes away by pub­lic tran­sit, and has many dif­fer­ent restau­rants and pubs for all tastes as well as a gro­cery store and many oth­er shops. 


For all-day park­ing the Art Parkade (accessed from Uni­ver­si­ty Dri­ve or 24th Avenue) is the most cost-effec­tive ($8 per day, no in/out priv­i­leges). There are many short term lots all across campus.

Alternative Accommodations

Apart from the FORUM hotel (Hotel Alma), the Banff Trail is a 10–15 minute walk from the uni­ver­si­ty cam­pus and has a num­ber of hotels. Both the Best West­ern Vil­lage Park Inn and the Trav­elodge are good options.

More Resources

Things to do on cam­pus 

  • MacE­wan Stu­dent Cen­tre has a phar­ma­cy and a book­store, as well as the food court and grad lounge.
  • Attached to MacE­wan Stu­dent Cen­tre is the Olympic Oval, which offers pub­lic skat­ing (rentals avail­able) and the cam­pus fit­ness cen­tre and swim­ming pool, which offers day-pass­es to the public.
  • The Cana­di­an Music Cen­tre, Prairie Region (on the 3rd floor of the TFDL) offers a small lounge, as well as a col­lec­tion of more than 20,000 Cana­di­an music scores and hun­dreds of com­mer­cial and archival record­ings avail­able for ref­er­ence. The CMC also car­ries Cen­tre­discs CDs and man­u­script paper for sale, as well as copy­ing and bind­ing services.