The FORUM comes to Calgary 2014

CNMN’s upcom­ing FORUM 2014 will be held from Jan­u­ary 24 to 26, 2014 in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­gary.  This will be a very excit­ing FORUM; we are plan­ning our most ambi­tious project ever.

The uni­ver­si­ty facil­i­ty is key. It com­bines a hotel, restau­rant, a state-of-the-art con­cert hall and meet­ing rooms all with­in a 5 minute walk­ing radius.  It’s a per­fect way to get to know peo­ple and to do some seri­ous net­work­ing.  Down­town Cal­gary is also easy to get to, via a 20-minute ride on the fan­tas­tic mono­rail system.

Much depends on fund­ing, but let’s be opti­mistic!  The plan is to incor­po­rate sev­er­al new fea­tures in this FORUM includ­ing an open call for pro­pos­als, some seri­ous feed­back from lis­ten­ers and fans, com­mu­ni­ty-wide dis­cus­sion on plans for 2016 and beyond, con­certs by the Land’s End Ensem­ble and New Works Cal­gary, and a new part­ner­ship with FACTOR, among others.

We are also plan­ning on invit­ing some very high-lev­el inter­na­tion­al new music pre­sen­ters to the FORUM.  Dis­cus­sions are on-going, but the plan is to bring some of the biggest names in new music pre­sent­ing from Lon­don, New York, Paris, and Berlin to Cal­gary to hear Cana­di­an new music — and to bring Cana­di­an new music to these inter­na­tion­al cities in the future.  If you are inter­est­ed in pre­sent­ing your work in these mar­kets, this is the way to meet the peo­ple who can make it happen.

The steer­ing com­mit­tee will be work­ing on the FORUM this sum­mer, and final details will be avail­able in mid-Sep­tem­ber. Book those dates — Jan­u­ary 24–26 — and makes sure you are in Cal­gary for FORUM 2014.

Check in with our Forum 2014 event page (under devel­op­ment) as we con­tin­ue to update and add to the information.


Direct arti­cle link: The FORUM comes to Cal­gary 2014
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