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Rob Lutes

by Rob Lutes

Type of Project: Program

On music and men­tal health My name is Rob Lutes. I’m a singer-song­writer, musi­cian, and music edu­ca­tor who lives in Pointe-Clair, Que­bec. Music and men­tal health, it’s an enor­mous ques­tion and the answer…


Ajay Heble

by Ajay Heble

Type of Project: Program

Ajay Heble: What is Music and Health? My name is Ajay Heble. I’m the direc­tor of The Inter­na­tion­al Insti­tute for Crit­i­cal Stud­ies and Impro­vi­sa­tion, and I was the found­ing artis­tic direc­tor of…


Gilles Comeau


Type of Project: Program

Gilles Comeau: What is music and health? I am Gilles Comeau, I am a pro­fes­sor at the School of Music at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ottawa. I am the found­ing direc­tor of the…


Energy Matters Workshop (Part A): Embodied Listening to Energy Crisis

by Shu­maila Hemani

Type of Project: Activity

Art caus­es peo­ple to ques­tion or con­sid­er their own beliefs, assump­tions, or val­ues. It can offer new pos­si­bil­i­ties, solu­tions, and alter­na­tives to cur­rent con­di­tions. Sound Arts enhance our capac­i­ty to notice the world…


Energy Matters Workshop (Part B): An Auditory Approach to Energy Accessibility

by Shu­maila Hemani

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 90 minute workshop

Art can become a means to inte­grate mar­gin­al­ized voic­es into the con­ver­sa­tion. It can voice aspects of the issue not oth­er­wise expressed in pub­lic doc­u­ments or pol­i­cy state­ments. Art helps us to lis­ten better.…


Energy Matters Workshops (PART C): Deep Listening to Energy Accessibility with Sound Recording Activities

by Shu­maila Hemani

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 90 minutes

The Ener­gy Mat­ters work­shop series was locat­ed at the inter­sec­tions of inter­dis­ci­pli­nary and par­tic­i­pa­to­ry sound art for cli­mate action and jus­tice, involv­ing sto­ries, sounds, word bub­bles, ges­tures, and move­ment. In these workshops,…


Energy Matters Workshops (PART D): Deep Listening to Energy Accessibility with Dialogues on Energy Accessibility

by Shu­maila Hemani, Ph.D.

Type of Project: Activity

The sound­scape com­pos­er, Hilde­gaard West­erkamp writes, “True recep­tive lis­ten­ing comes from an inner place of non-threat, sup­port and safe­ty. Para­dox­i­cal­ly, while a ground­ed and calm state of mind, a sense of safety,…


Newcomer Youth Engagement Program: Music and Literacy

by Jen­nifer Lang

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: Each Fri­day for one hour from Sep­tem­ber until June

The New­com­er Youth Engage­ment project con­nects music and lit­er­a­cy while also con­nect­ing our uni­ver­si­ty and a com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tion that sup­ports edu­ca­tion­al ini­tia­tives for new­com­ers to Cana­da. Who we are: Our music team…


Birdsong Course

by Frédérique Drolet

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 60 — 90 min­utes workshop

Bird­song course Designed and imple­ment­ed in Plai­sance by Frédérique Dro­let and Mar­i­ane Lacroix (2022) 1. Con­text The bird­song course was designed by Frédérique Dro­let (sopra­no) and Mar­i­ane Lacroix (nat­u­ral­ist from Parc national…


Online group music lesson framework for collaborative creativity

by Lau­ren Best

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: week­ly 50 minute groups, 32 ses­sions across 10 months

This frame­work for online group music lessons pro­vides a col­lab­o­ra­tive expe­ri­ence of devel­op­ing musi­cal­i­ty through cre­ativ­i­ty, while still encour­ag­ing each stu­dent to work inde­pen­dent­ly towards their own per­son­al music goals. The Framework…


Exploring Sonic Lifeworlds: Collaborative Composition in the Large Choral Ensemble

by jashen edwards and Patrick Murray

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 2–3 workshops/group pre­sen­ta­tions over 3 months

Singers in this col­lab­o­ra­tive choral music cre­ation project explored how sounds gath­ered from their every­day lives could speak to aspects of place, iden­ti­ty, and com­mu­ni­ty in new vocal sound­scape com­po­si­tions they created,…


Sounds of Home: Collaborative Songwriting with Newcomer Youth

by Saman­tha Tai

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 6 1‑hour sessions

Sounds of Home is a col­lab­o­ra­tive song­writ­ing ini­tia­tive for refugee and new­com­er youth. Over the course of 6 weeks, par­tic­i­pants explore the theme of “home” through group music mak­ing and song­writ­ing. The…


Improvisation game: Four!! and Empty Repeating Canvas

by Doug Friesen

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 30 minutes

As part of the Edu­ca­tion Sec­tor Focus, pub­lic school music teacher Doug Friesen shares a few impro­vi­sa­tion games his stu­dents love to play. GAME 1: Four!! After a cue, each par­tic­i­pant tries to…


Nelson Mandela High School: Creative music making in a secondary wind band program

by Keshi­ni Senanayake

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: From one class to an entire school year

This project explores cre­ative music mak­ing in a sec­ondary wind band pro­gram Nel­son Man­dela High School, one of Alberta’s des­ig­nat­ed High School Redesign Schools. In a redesign school, tasks are designed not…


Taking It Outside: Making Music Inspired By Nature

by Louise Campbell

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: One one-hour work­shop or one month residency

Whether your school or com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tion is in an urban, rur­al or remote area, the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment is full of inspi­ra­tion for cre­ativ­i­ty and learn­ing. Louise Camp­bell leads par­tic­i­pants in explor­ing and…


Exploring First Nations Ways of Knowing, Doing and Being Through Composition

by Kei­tha Clark

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 1.5 hours of class time ( 2 ses­sions) // 2–6 hours of indi­vid­ual cre­ation time

This col­lab­o­ra­tive project took place in the spring of 2022 with Den­nis Shorty and mem­bers of the Fid­dle­heads, a youth fid­dle ensem­ble in White­horse. The project focused on find­ing ways to integrate…


VIVA Singers Toronto: A Community Choir Program Connects Virtually

by Edmee Nataprawira

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: One rehearsal to a full school year

In this project, music edu­ca­tor Edmee Nat­aprawira and her stu­dents in the Prep Choir of VIVA Singers Toron­to build com­mu­ni­ty vir­tu­al­ly through cre­ative singing and music mak­ing: Hi, my name is Edmee…


Jean Lumb Public School: An Urban Elementary Public School Explores Improvisation

by Kather­ine Fraser

Type of Project: Activity

Ele­men­tary Music School Teacher Kather­ine Fras­er and her stu­dents lis­ten, impro­vise, com­pose, and reflect on these cre­ative school music expe­ri­ences: “Hi, my name is Kather­ine Fras­er. I live and teach in Toronto,…


Preserving Language Through Music and Film

by Julia Wed­er, Jiixa (Gladys Vandal)

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: Varies — gen­er­al­ly 30 hours over a 1–2 month period.

A music video project by the duo Siijuu Jaadas Cool Ladies, con­sist­ing of Hai­da Elder, weaver, and lan­guage teacher Jiixa (age 84), along with set­tler Julia (age 25). Julia makes the music…


James Lyng High School: An Education Rooted in Popular Music

by Nathan Gage

Type of Project: Program

Dura­tion: One year to multi-year

Nathan Gage and his stu­dents describe and reflect on their cre­ative work as musi­cians, bands and pro­duc­ers in their class­room record­ing spaces. Here is a descrip­tion of a sec­ondary music pro­gram that…


At home with Ira Lee — Freestyle rap, participatory music, and improvised musicking — Skill building for digital artists, creatives, and the curious.

by Ira Lee (Iraleesi­wack)

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 1 hour workshop

Through an inclu­sive and expe­ri­en­tial lens, this project intro­duces Freestyle rap, par­tic­i­pa­to­ry music, and impro­vised musick­ing through group skill build­ing activ­i­ties for dig­i­tal artists, cre­atives, and the curi­ous. Our par­tic­i­pa­to­ry project brings…


Silent Rhythms

by Geremia Loren­zo Lodi

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 30 min­utes to 1 hour work­shop, which can be fur­ther devel­oped through mul­ti­ple sessions

This activ­i­ty intro­duces par­tic­i­pants to cre­at­ing music by pay­ing close atten­tion to the qual­i­ty of anoth­er person’s move­ment.  The activ­i­ty devel­ops the abil­i­ty to lis­ten and notice one’s respons­es to the surrounding…


Piece of Mind — Understanding and Communicating Parkinson’s Disease through Music and Poetry

by Naila Kuhlmann, Lili Saint Lau­rent, Car­o­line Bar­bi­er de Reulle

Orga­ni­za­tion: Piece of Mind Collective

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: This can vary, but would work best over a series of 1–2 hour ses­sions (over weeks or months).

Intro­duc­tion With­in the con­text of the Piece of Mind project (details at the bot­tom of the page), we describe a col­lab­o­ra­tive activ­i­ty in which we trans­lat­ed a poem about the lived experience…


Sound & Song: Collaborative Songwriting With Seniors & Elders

by Leah Abramson

Orga­ni­za­tion: Arts & Health: Healthy Aging through the Arts & Round­house Com­mu­ni­ty Arts & Recre­ation Centre

Type of Project: Program

Dura­tion: 10–12 2hr sessions

Since the start of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, Sound & Song pro­gram par­tic­i­pants have devel­oped an online col­lab­o­ra­tive song­writ­ing prac­tice ground­ed in indi­vid­ual sound­walks. Par­tic­i­pants use sound­walk­ing to gath­er lyri­cal mate­r­i­al for an…


Composition Workshops

by Car­men Braden, composer

Orga­ni­za­tion: Prairie Debut — NACC — Black Ice Sound

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 3 45-minute sessions

SUMMARY: A three-ses­sion work­shop series (45 mins each ses­sion) intro­duc­ing young peo­ple to com­po­si­tion­al ideas. Stu­dents ide­al­ly have one year of some musi­cal expe­ri­ence. Read­ing music is not nec­es­sary. Mate­ri­als: coloured pens, pencils,…


Stories of Care: Making Connections With and Between People with Severe Physical Disabilities

by Louise Campbell

Orga­ni­za­tion: C.A.R.E. Centre

Type of Project: Program

Dura­tion: 3 month residency

The C.A.R.E. Cen­tre, a recre­ation­al orga­ni­za­tion for adults liv­ing with severe phys­i­cal dis­abil­i­ties, recog­nis­es the impor­tance of art and expres­sion for their clients, par­tic­u­lar­ly for those clients who are non-ver­bal. In addition…


Passage Through Time — Creating Music-Inspired Visual Art

by Deirdre Potash

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 1 hour visu­al art workshop

GOAL: to devel­op a deep­er appre­ci­a­tion of music and the visu­al arts and how they com­pli­ment each oth­er. In this par­tic­u­lar work­shop, par­tic­i­pants were inspired by the music of Jab­bour, using the…


Presence Warmups

by Dina Cindric

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 2–20+ min­utes, depend­ing on warmup

These Pres­ence Warmups pre­pare the body, breath and mind for expres­sive and cre­ative music-mak­ing. They are most effec­tive when used at the start of a rehearsal and can eas­i­ly be incor­po­rat­ed into…


Scavenger Hunt for Audiophiles

by Guil­laume Jabbour

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 2 hour work­shop (can be split into 2 ses­sions), add 60–90 min for exten­sion activities

Short Descrip­tion: This Audio Scav­enger Hunt involves find­ing sounds from a list, report­ing on them, and dis­cussing what the sounds mean to you. Sounds are searched out and checked off a list.…


ACTIVATE: Young Composer Program

by Anna Höst­man and Aline Homzy

Orga­ni­za­tion: Alliance for Cana­di­an New Music Projects (ACNMP) & Cana­di­an Music Cen­tre (CMC)

Type of Project: Program

ACTIVATE: Young Com­pos­er Pro­gram is an adju­di­cat­ed com­po­si­tion pro­gram pre­sent­ed by The Alliance for Cana­di­an New Music Projects (ACNMP) and Cana­di­an Music Cen­tre (CMC). ACTIVATE is an ear­ly entry point for young…



by Geremia Loren­zo Lodi

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: One/two hour(s) workshop

Words and Rhythm have a real­ly close rela­tion­ship since ancient times when poets sang the epic tales in iambic pen­tame­ters, both to bet­ter remem­ber and more eas­i­ly sing them. Words con­tain rhythm.…


Piece of Mind — “Give us a hand” Participatory Art-Sci Video

by Naila Kuhlmann, Rebec­ca Barn­sta­ple, Louise Campbell

Orga­ni­za­tion: Piece of Mind Collective

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: Main activ­i­ty : 30 min — 1 hour

Piece of Mind uses the per­form­ing arts to syn­the­size and trans­late knowl­edge about Parkinson’s dis­ease (PD) and demen­tia. Our par­tic­i­pa­to­ry research-cre­ation project brings togeth­er artists (cir­cus per­form­ers, dancers, musi­cians, visu­al artists), researchers,…


Young Composer Program

by Con­tem­po­rary Show­case Edmon­ton Society

Orga­ni­za­tion: Con­tem­po­rary Show­case Edmon­ton Society

Type of Project: Program

Dura­tion: A series of work­shops over the course of 6 — 8 weeks.

Young Com­pos­er Pro­gram – Con­tem­po­rary Show­case Edmon­ton The Young Com­pos­er Pro­gram orga­nized by the Con­tem­po­rary Show­case Edmon­ton Soci­ety intro­duces stu­dents ages 12 and up to com­po­si­tion and assists stu­dents to devel­op their…


Choral Improv

by The Paramorph Col­lec­tive / Le col­lec­tif Paramorph

Orga­ni­za­tion: Paramorph Collective

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: A series of 5 ses­sions, adapt­able and scal­able to your needs

Have you ever want­ed to cre­ate your own music/multimedia art­work, but couldn’t fig­ure out where to begin? While cre­ation can seem intim­i­dat­ing, it can actu­al­ly be sur­pris­ing­ly acces­si­ble, and more impor­tant­ly, FUN!…


Sound Stories from the Land

by Moe Clark

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: A sin­gle 2 hour work­shop ses­sion or series of mul­ti­ple 2h drop-in sessions.

Sound Sto­ries from the Land okâwîmâw askiy is Moth­er Earth (nêhiyawêwin/Plains Cree lan­guage), always pro­vid­ing for us in ways beyond our wildest imag­i­na­tions. This work­shop pro­vides an open­ing for us to strengthen…


Language of Emotion In Music

by Jodi Proznick

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: This could be a one hour work­shop or mul­ti­ple ses­sions over an extend­ed peri­od of time.

What does it mean to “Know Music”? The impor­tant thing, as one can­not repeat too often, if that the child should learn to feel music, to absorb it, to give his whole…


Coronation Sound Bites

by Louise Campbell

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 1 ate­lier d’une heure

Lis­ten­ing Games for Reduc­ing Noise Lev­els in a School Cafe­te­ria Pic­ture a large room: con­crete floor, low tile ceil­ing, bare plas­ter walls, tables lined with stools, a wall of indus­tri­al fridges and…


Finding Folk for Music

by Jeff Morton

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 2 one-hour sessions

Find­ing Folk for Music is a way to share con­cepts and strate­gies for a kind of exper­i­men­tal folk music. The series engages peo­ple in hands-on cre­ation regard­less of anyone’s lev­el of previous…


Catalyst Music: A music improv video series

by Kathryn Patricia

Type of Project: Activity

Cat­a­lyst is an online, music impro­vi­sa­tion learn­ing expe­ri­ence. Along with three instruc­tion­al videos, this guide will out­line some of the key com­po­nents of musi­cal impro­vi­sa­tion. This video series draws from the Creative…


Stay at Home Symphony! Found Objects Orchestra & Conduction Activity

by Mered­ith Bates

Type of Project: Activity

From find­ing objects around the house (the recy­cling and ‘junk draw­er’ are trea­sure troves!) to turn­ing them into musi­cal instru­ments and dec­o­rat­ing them, to com­pos­ing a sym­pho­ny, to con­duct­ing the final performance!…


Creative Music Making from Source Material

by Niko­la Tosic

Type of Project: Activity

Here is an approach to col­lab­o­ra­tive music mak­ing based on using exist­ing reper­toire, where a group sam­ples and repur­pos­es mate­r­i­al and ideas for use as a Start­ing Point. A. PREPARATION – Choose…


Audiovisual Mismatch

by Guil­laume Jabbour

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 3–4 hours

Pic­ture a mut­ed video of a per­son walk­ing inside a house. Imag­ine what the foot­steps might sound like going up creaky steps or slight­ly drag­ging on the floor. Turn up the sound…


Sound is Touch

by Dr. Daniel Oore, Inter­na­tion­al Insti­tute for Crit­i­cal Stud­ies in Impro­vi­sa­tion & Memo­r­i­al University

Type of Project: Activity

Lis­ten­ing, touch­ing, feel­ing and sound­ing activ­i­ties using your voice, hands, whole body, instru­ments, or speak­ers (e.g. on phone, com­put­er, ear­phones). These sound activ­i­ties are for peo­ple of all —includ­ing hear­ing and non-hearing—…


Task-based Games: Swirl

by Ger­maine Liu

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 1 hour

Hel­lo!  My  name is Ger­maine.  I have pre­pared for you some task-based games you can share and play with your friends.  I love task-based games because I feel like I am living…


Task-based Games: Intro and Keys Chain

by Ger­maine Liu

Type of Project: Activity

Hel­lo!  My  name is Ger­maine.  I have pre­pared for you some task-based games you can share and play with your friends.  I love task-based games because I feel like I am living…


Task-based Games: Take Flight

by Ger­maine Liu

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 10–60 minutes

Hel­lo!  My  name is Ger­maine.  I have pre­pared for you some task-based games you can share and play with your friends.  I love task-based games because I feel like I am living…


Task-based Games: Partner Walk

by Ger­maine Liu

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 10–60 minutes

Hel­lo!  My  name is Ger­maine.  I have pre­pared for you some task-based games you can share and play with your friends.  I love task-based games because I feel like I am living…


Task-based Games: Path

by Ger­maine Liu

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 1 hour

Hel­lo!  My  name is Ger­maine.  I have pre­pared for you some task-based games you can share and play with your friends.  I love task-based games because I feel like I am living…


Matter at your fingertips

by MariEve Lau­zon & Michel Frigon

Type of Project: Activity

Dura­tion: 2 class­es d’une heure

Mat­ter at Your Fin­ger­tips Using play­dough, ‘Mat­ter at Your Fin­ger­tips’ is a play­ful ini­ti­a­tion to sound cre­ation. Objec­tive: to make a col­lec­tive com­po­si­tion fea­tur­ing a score made out of play dough. By…