CNMN > Projects > Task-based Games: Intro and Keys Chain

Germaine Liu

  • Found objects or art supplies
  • 5 to 12 years of age
  • 13 to 18 years of age
  • Intergenerational
  • Education
  • Community associations

Task-based Games: Intro and Keys Chain


Hel­lo!  My  name is Ger­maine.  I have pre­pared for you some task-based games you can share and play with your friends.  I love task-based games because I feel like I am liv­ing the expe­ri­ence in a way.  When every­one involved is open and will­ing to par­tic­i­pate, then it feels like we are all in this togeth­er.  We receive and give in this very direct and delib­er­ate way that I think is an hon­est exchange for all of us.  Have fun, enjoy!

Keys Chain for Jesse Stewart


Gath­er a bunch of unwant­ed keys from friends, neigh­bours or your local hard­ward store.

If you are play­ing on the floor you don’t want to scratch, use a piece of ply­wood instead.

Let’s prac­tice: play the key by hold­ing the long part of the key and bring­ing the large flat part of the key fall onto the floor.

Let’s play!

1. Choose a prompter for your game of 2 or more players

2. The prompter directs a slow heart beat for all the play­ers to follow

3. Let’s use fruit names to sub­di­vide the heart beat start­ing with peach.

4. You can also use apple (for a sub­di­vi­sion of 2), pineap­ple (for 3) or water­mel­on (for 4).

5. The prompter can also use their fin­gers to indi­cate the sub­di­vi­sions of the heart­beat (1, 2, 3 or 4).

6. Thumb up indi­cates the ending.

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