Ira Lee (Iraleesiwack)
- Voice
- Acoustic instruments
- Rock band instruments
- 5 to 12 years of age
- 13 to 18 years of age
1 hour workshop
- Education
- Community associations
At home with Ira Lee — Freestyle rap, participatory music, and improvised musicking — Skill building for digital artists, creatives, and the curious.
Through an inclusive and experiential lens, this project introduces Freestyle rap, participatory music, and improvised musicking through group skill building activities for digital artists, creatives, and the curious. Our participatory project brings together holistic approaches to art therapy, social constructivism, and non verbal communication using improvisational/ freestyle creativity. Skillsets crucial to all genres and mediums of contemporary art, with a specific value to arts educators, performers, dancers, musicians, singers, poets, rappers, visual artists and all creatives. Recognizing the many artists, employees and arts organizations, and their loved ones whose health and livelihoods have been disproportionately affected by the global spread of COVID-19, this project can be facilitated ‘live’ in person, as a hybrid, ‘teacher live / young artists at home’ or asynchronously — at artists own time via free, step by step workshop download — available in HERE. ‘At Home with Ira Lee’ is designed to resource BIPOC/Si2+LGBTQ creatives facing barriers such as; limited access to meaningful educational experiences and opportunities and rural/ remote artists with limited broadband access.
*Please contact Ira Lee at if you’d like to know more about the project.*
Workshop Breakdown
Duration: 1 hour
Languages: EN/FR
Suggested ages — 5 to 12 years of age, 13 to 18 years of age, Adults, Seniors, Intergenerational
Pedagogy — Equity Centred Content/ appropriate for SI2+LGBTQ and exceptional learners.
Workshop Contents
SAM AND IRA WORKSHOP LINKS and PD DL (FREE) for a more fluid, dynamic and meaningful creative learning experience.
(Reference Slide 1/pdf.)
Introduction: Who the fudge is? (Insert instructor/ artist/ educator’s name, bio, history and highlights here)
(Reference Slide 2/pdf.)
What is Musicking? (10 — min suggested, solo or in groups )
2.b Activity Description
Goal: Group discussion. What do you think participatory music, ‘freestyle’, and improvisational creativity means, why learn, and where to start? Building on social constructivism discussion points, ask group for examples, opinions, and guesses. Then provide generic definitions, inclusive goals, and creative applications.
(Reference Slide 3/pdf.)
A beginner’s guide: Top 3 most important tips to successful improvisation
3.b Goal: Review and discuss. (5 minutes, group discussion)
4.b Goal, Review sample (3:00 minutes)
‘Do yourself, the creators truth’s’ — Sam and Ira Lee’s (‘Do yourself’ freestyle storytelling vs instrumental improvisation) FREE DL/ ‘LINK HERE’
(Reference Slide 4 in pdf)
4.b Activity : Learn to Let go (20 mins total suggested time, solo or in groups, no ‘isms’ ie: sexism, racism, tokenism, ableism, etc. )
Activity Description/ Goal
For three minutes, try to rap, rhyme, sing, dance, or improvised — for 3 minutes straight, out loud. If you make a mistake, keep going, for 3 whole minutes. Try your best, and practice having fun, making hilarious mistakes, and experimenting with ideas, the tone, rhythm and energy of your voice, and try to improvise a story / concept that is completely spontaneous! (solo, no rhythm, beat)
Now - For three minutes, try to rap, rhyme, sing, dance, or improvise in groups of two or more — for 3 minutes straight, out loud. If you make a mistake, keep going, for 3 whole minutes. Try your best, and practice having fun, making hilarious mistakes, and experimenting with ideas, the tone, rhythm and energy of your voice, and try to improvise a story / concept that is completely spontaneous! (no rhythm, or beat)
For 3 minutes, try to rap, rhyme, sing, dance, or improvise in groups of two or more — for 3 minutes straight, out loud, to a rhythm or beat, or musician, or even a beatbox! If you make a mistake, keep going, for 3 whole minutes. Try your best, and practice having fun, making hilarious mistakes, and experimenting with ideas, the tone, rhythm and energy of your voice, and try to improvise a story / concept that is completely spontaneous!
c) Goal: Review and discuss favourite moments, funniest moments, best mistakes, pain points and overall feelings about the last two minutes of improvising in small . large groups.
( Reference Slide 5.pdf.)
5. I wish my favourite popular artists weren’t racist, sexist, homophobes.
Activity sample/ review/ video — Sam and Ira Lee’s (‘Digital Literacy vs. Computer Science) FREE DL/ mp4/wav ‘LINK HERE’
5.b Activity Description : Group discussion. Responsibility, accountability and personal power in art. Discussion points, ‘appropriation, racism, sexism and discrimination, and how taste/ style/ originality, and honesty serve to grow artists beyond stereotypes, and remove barriers for all to create.
Thought starters —
Ask the group for examples of favourite dancers, singers, writers, poets and artists.
Ask the group to name their favourite underground Canadian artists.
Ask the group for their favourite local/ artists in the city.
Discuss– if and how digital literacy and STEM can play transformative roles in both skills development, access to education and professional development tools, branding and reach skill sets, and how to create more opportunities to use your art to make a sustainable difference in your community — digitally and in person.
5c. The Fugue State vs. The Flow State Review and discuss slide (5 minutes, group discussion)
(Reference Slide 6 in pdf)
6. No BS Challenge (20 mins total suggested time, solo or in groups, no ‘isms’ ie: sexism, racism, tokenism, ableism, etc. )
What you need — Any kind of recording device ie: PC, Cellphone, computer mic, etc) and
your favourite beat, rhythm, instrument, or song! (to dance, paint, or participate with)
Activity Description
For thirty seconds, try to rap, rhyme, sing, dance, or improvise — a story. With at least one character, one location, and one problem — not using any derogatory language. Don’t be afraid to make a million, a billion mistakes. The only goal is to do your best, and not stop improvising for 30 seconds.
Now - For 1 minute, try to rap, rhyme, sing, dance, or improvise — a story. With at least one character, one location, and one problem — not using any derogatory language, while recording it. Don’t be afraid to make a million, a billion mistakes. The only goal is to do your best, and not stop improvising for 30 seconds.
Finally! — for 2 full minutes, try to rap, rhyme, sing, dance, or improvise — a story. With at least one character, one location, and one problem — not using any derogatory language, while recording it. Don’t be afraid to make a million, a billion mistakes. The only goal is to do your best, and not stop improvising for 30 seconds. Then, listen either in small groups, or privately. GOAL: Learn to get used of your voice, find your favourite parts, favourite moments, and hear yourself the way the world does.
6.b Non Verbal Communication in freestyle rap, participatory music, and improvised musicking
Activity Description
Watch Sam and Ira Lee’s (I had a pretty weird week) FREE DL/ mp4/wav on the CMC youtube channel ‘LINK HERE’
Break into groups of two and practice telling a story with no words. Using facial expressions, space, actions, movement and emotion! Tell a story, with no words!
Discussion point — How did this activity make you feel? Was it more difficult to participate? Do you feel all people who communicate differently deserve a chance to communicate how they choose? What are some of the ways we can learn to listen, and listen to learn?
At home with Ira Lee END
Freestyle rap, participatory music, and improvised musicking — Skill building for digital artists, creatives, and the curious.
Thank you for your time and for having fun learning and doing with us! For more free arts, culture and development resources, please see
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