FORUM 2014 Wrap-up
Specialised Music Digital Content Creation Project — CNMN Committee Report
Elections 2014 – Call for Nominations
News from FACTOR
Welcome New Members – March 2014
Since 2007, CNMN has produced a national / international new music conference called the FORUM. Previous editions were held in Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and Vancouver.
This past January, the 6th edition, FORUM 2014, was held in Calgary and featured over 175 participants from across Canada and beyond, including four major international guests, many of Canada’s most important new music professionals from across the country, over 25 students from the University of Calgary, and 27 students from Chestermere Highschool music program.
The theme was Canadian Music, Canadian Audiences. The goal was to help Canadian new music professionals connect with the world, and FORUM 2014 delivered in a big way to connect them with artists, with producers and presenters, with the web, with the media, with educators, and with the public.
“I think your forum is rare…the UK could get something from a similar forum… I gained so much from the experience personally and professionally by being there, and I hope left something behind in sharing [London Sinfonietta’s] experiences of new music planning, funding, production and promotion … I also was impressed by the quality of the project. The depth and thought of the delegates struck me – and I was happy to soak up their breadth of experience. But also the organization of the event – it was practically seamless, and the good mood and sharing that resulted made the event successful.” ~ Andrew Burke, Chief Executive, London Sinfonietta
“I had never been to Canada, and did not know much about Canadian music, so this was a great opportunity for me to learn about your country and its music. I met many fantastic people, learned a great deal and had a wonderful time. … Maybe, if I’m lucky, I can come back for the planned FORUM 2016!” ~ Patricia Rosner, Berlin Phil Media GmbH
“I regularly attend national conferences in the United States, including Chamber Music America, the Associate of Performing Arts Presenters, and Early Music America, and I especially appreciate that there is focused attention in Canada for new music, which is critical for the success of the field, both nationally and internationally.” ~ Melissa Smey, Executive Director, Miller Theatre (New York)
For the first time, there was not one keynote, but an entire panel of keynote guests: Lawrence Cherney – Soundstreams Canada (Toronto), Patricia Rosner – Berlin Phil Media GmbH (Berlin), Melissa Smey – Miller Theater (New York), Nicolas Thirion – Why Note Festival (France) and Andrew Burke – London Sinfonietta (London). This kind of international networking is critical for Canadian new music to reach international audiences. In addition to taking part in the two hour “keynote panel,” the international keynote guests gave portrait sessions paired with a Canadian counterpart, where they shared information about their company and their experiences in more detail.
Also for the first time, FORUM programming was fuelled by an open call. This was very successful – 40+ submissions – and added a whole new and exciting dimension of new music professionals, emerging and established, from a wide range of genres and perspectives, from across the country and beyond, leading a variety of activities such as mini talks, demos and workshops.
There were also four open sessions, which have become a popular activity. These open sessions are critical community-building opportunities and an integral part of the FORUMs because they move attendees from observers to active engagers.
The schedule followed a rhythm and balance that mixed longer sessions with shorter ones, and full-group activities with smaller groups in parallel sessions, in an effort to continually pursue better, deeper discussions and to keep people engaged and refreshed throughout the 2.5‑day conference. It was also important to find a balance between lots of interesting content, and giving participants enough space to just “hang out and talk.” Lunches were longer this time, and there were more breaks, in both the morning and afternoon schedules.
And it wasn’t all talk: New Works Calgary, Land’s End Ensemble, the Discovery Series at University of Calgary and Bug Incision provided fantastic music during the evenings.
There was major support from the University of Calgary, through the Music Division of the School of Creative and Performing Arts, and the conference was held at the Rosza Centre, a dream venue: four spaces of different sizes, a 240 seat concert hall, all in one floor, one space, a few strides from one another. Plus Hotel Alma, a very comfortable hotel, was just 30 seconds away.
Another first was the live internet streaming of sessions on the Friday, thanks to the direction of Laurie Radford. “Although I was not there I actually did feel like I was somewhat a part of it. It’s a good way for me and other ex-pats to take part,” commented one person who checked in from Germany. In fact, the whole conference was video-documented, and the U of C team plans to produce some podcasts, video bites and longer thematic takes in the coming months, which will be made available on the CNMN web site.
As with past editions, it was a pleasure to see the familiar faces of those who are regulars to the FORUM, along with new faces. The FORUM is nothing without the people who come to it. Thank you to everyone who attended the Canadian New Music Network FORUM 2014. There was a true sense of positive activity in the air where thoughtful consultations were taking place, mutual support structures were being built and lifelong collaborations were being formed.
The whole FORUM team, many volunteer-based also deserve a great big thank you.
The guests, the high-level discourse, the strong sense of community, the amazing open discussions and great networking, the evening concerts, the programming and generous volunteers and support staff, led to a very special event for all those who participated.
Looking forward to FORUM 2016!
~ Emily Hall and Tim Brady
p.s. If you would like to support the continuation of these FORUMs, we would love to hear feedback from you! Whether it’s a couple of words, a few sentences, or more, about any aspect of the FORUM, your feedback and testimonials will help tremendously with our reporting and future planning. Please email Emily —
Since 2012 CNMN has been working to find more and better resources for digital content creation for new music (and music in general!). CD, videos, YOUTUBE, streaming…music is undergoing a big change, and recent radical cutback and policy changes at the CBC/SRC mean Canadian artists no longer have any support in getting their music to the public, both nationally and internationally.
We are currently working with a cooperative of 6 companies to try to get a serious discussion under way with various partners about this issue. We met to discuss the issue in person in Toronto last December, 2013. Canadian new music must get out into the digital world, with high quality, well curated and presented concerts, studio productions, interactive art, innovative new ideas…
This is a complex but very pressing issue. We are currently awaiting news on funding to hire a consultant to start the really detailed work of building a coherent national policy for Specialised Music Digital Content Creation, and present this to serious governmental and private partners. This is a very big idea, and will require a great deal of research, administration and perhaps just a few more meetings!
Nobody else is doing this. The idea that Canadian new music will not have a strong digital presence now and in the future is really unacceptable; it would be a huge loss for music in Canada.
Updates as the project evolves.
Tim Brady
Chair, Specialised Music Digital Content Creation Project
The time has come to create a new Board of Directors for the Canadian New Music Network. This is a self-nominating process.
DEADLINE for nominations is April 15th, 2014.
TO NOMINATE YOURSELF, please contact Tim Brady, CNMN President,, 514.931.9747.
Twelve positions to be filled, 2‑year mandate.
2 – Atlantic Canada 3 – Québec 3 – Ontario 1 – Manitoba 1 – Saskatchewan 1 – Alberta and the Northern Territories 1 – British Columbia
New to CNMN? Our PDF brochure provides more information about the organization.
The board meets by phone 3–4 times per year. Board members should expect to contribute some time and energy to various committees and projects over the course of their mandate.
The Foundation Assisting Canadian Talent on Recordings (FACTOR) is calling on contributing members of the Canadian Music Industry to participate in online jury sessions. FACTOR receives thousands of applications for their Juried Sound Recording and Demo Programs each year and it is through the professional experience and understanding of our jurors that FACTOR is able to determine which applications are strongest and best suited for funding. Jurors play an imperative role in the development of Canadian Artists by offering their time and expertise to reviewing applications, providing a scored evaluation and offering valuable feedback for each of the applications available in a jury. If you are interested in becoming an accredited FACTOR juror, please go to and click on the “Become a juror” page under the “Get Involved” menu. You can also call Christina Cassaro at 416–696-2215 ext. 223 or send an email to
We would like to congratulate the following FACTOR-funded New Music Recipients
The Canadian New Music Network
CONTACT Contemporary Music
Canadian Music Center (Prairie Region)
Sarah Neufeld
Matthew Patton
And more…
To know more about which programs New Music members may be eligible to apply, please contact Joshua Fourney at 1–877-696‑2215 ext. 230 or send an email to
FACTOR invites NEW MUSIC recipients to share their success stories
FACTOR Success Stories is an initiative intended to showcase the impact of contributions from the Department of Canadian Heritage and private radio broadcasters on the Canadian independent music industry.
If you have been a recipient of FACTOR funding, we would like to hear your story and learn more about how this funding has impacted the success of your activities as an artist, composer, performer, ensemble, company, or organization.
To share your story, please visit and click on “Share Your Story” page under the “Get Involved” menu. You can also call Joshua Fourney at 1–877-696‑2215 ext. 230 or send an email to
For more information on FACTOR’s programs and policies, please visit
Since December 2013, CNMN’s membership has grown by 31 members. More members in our network means stronger representation and connection for our community. We warmly welcome all our new members, and we hope this marks the beginning of a long-lasting and fruitful collaboration.
The new members are listed below, many of which have web sites for further information. We also hope all our members get a chance to check each other out – you can access a full list of members on our web site, viewable by category, region or name.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
Step 2
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
Étape 1
Lorem Ipsum est tout simplement un texte factice de l'industrie de l'impression et de la composition. Lorem Ipsum est le texte factice standard de l'industrie depuis les années 1500, quand un imprimeur inconnu a pris une cuisine de type et l'a brouillé pour faire un livre de spécimen de type. Il a survécu non seulement à cinq siècles, mais aussi au saut dans la composition électronique, demeurant essentiellement inchangé.
Étape 2
Lorem Ipsum est tout simplement un texte factice de l'industrie de l'impression et de la composition. Lorem Ipsum est le texte factice standard de l'industrie depuis les années 1500, quand un imprimeur inconnu a pris une cuisine de type et l'a brouillé pour faire un livre de spécimen de type. Il a survécu non seulement à cinq siècles, mais aussi au saut dans la composition électronique, demeurant essentiellement inchangé.
Lorem Ipsum est tout simplement un texte factice de l'industrie de l'impression et de la composition. Lorem Ipsum est le texte factice standard de l'industrie depuis les années 1500, quand un imprimeur inconnu a pris une cuisine de type et l'a brouillé pour faire un livre de spécimen de type. Il a survécu non seulement à cinq siècles, mais aussi au saut dans la composition électronique, demeurant essentiellement inchangé.