Specialised Music Digital Content Creation Project

CNMN Com­mit­tee Report

Since 2012 CNMN has been work­ing to find more and bet­ter resources for dig­i­tal con­tent cre­ation for new music (and music in gen­er­al!).  CD, videos, YOUTUBE, streaming…music is under­go­ing a big change, and recent rad­i­cal cut­back and pol­i­cy changes at the CBC/SRC mean Cana­di­an artists no longer have any sup­port in get­ting their music to the pub­lic, both nation­al­ly and internationally.

We are cur­rent­ly work­ing with a coop­er­a­tive of 6 com­pa­nies to try to get a seri­ous dis­cus­sion under way with var­i­ous part­ners about this issue.  We met to dis­cuss the issue in per­son in Toron­to last Decem­ber, 2013. Cana­di­an new music must get out into the dig­i­tal world, with high qual­i­ty, well curat­ed and pre­sent­ed con­certs, stu­dio pro­duc­tions, inter­ac­tive art, inno­v­a­tive new ideas…

This is a com­plex but very press­ing issue.  We are cur­rent­ly await­ing news on fund­ing to hire a con­sul­tant to start the real­ly detailed work of build­ing a coher­ent nation­al pol­i­cy for Spe­cialised Music Dig­i­tal Con­tent Cre­ation, and present this to seri­ous gov­ern­men­tal and pri­vate part­ners.  This is a very big idea, and will require a great deal of research, admin­is­tra­tion and per­haps just a few more meetings!

Nobody else is doing this. The idea that Cana­di­an new music will not have a strong dig­i­tal pres­ence now and in the future is real­ly unac­cept­able; it would be a huge loss for music in Canada.

Updates as the project evolves.

Tim Brady
Chair, Spe­cialised Music Dig­i­tal Con­tent Cre­ation Project


Direct link: Spe­cialised Music Dig­i­tal Con­tent Cre­ation Project
Return to full Bul­letin – March 2014