Edition: 14th Edition CNMN Bulletin | 7


14th edition CNMN Bulletin — September 2012


Table of Contents:

Region­al Meet­ings 2012 — 2013
Her­itage Cana­da and FACTOR by Tim Brady
Wel­come 55 New Mem­bers for 2012
New Web Site, Pay­Pal Option
Bul­letin Changes
Pre­sent­ing the new Board of Direc­tors 2012 — 2014


14th edi­tion CNMN Bul­letin — Sep­tem­ber 2012

Regional Meetings 2012 — 2013

Thanks to fund­ing from the Creator’s Assis­tance Pro­gramme (SOCAN Foun­da­tion), CNMN will be host­ing 7 region­al meet­ings in the 2012 – 2013 sea­son. The board is cur­rent­ly work­ing on meet­ing details and sched­ules, and we will announce the full sched­ule lat­er. Check back on our web site event page as we con­tin­ue to update and add to the information.

The goals of these meet­ings are:

  1. To give CNMN mem­bers access to some pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties that they might not have access to otherwise
  2. To give CNMN mem­bers a chance to con­nect and meet oth­er new music artists in their region
  3. To do some out­reach to find new mem­bers in a wide diver­si­ty of artis­tic practices

Each meet­ing will be orga­nized by the CNMN region­al board mem­ber, and we are try­ing to make each meet­ing very spe­cif­ic to your region. Cana­da is a big, com­plex coun­try, it is def­i­nite­ly not “one size fits all”. It is a high pri­or­i­ty to make sure that region­al con­cerns and region­al real­i­ties are a big part of these meet­ings. If you would like to help with your region­al meet­ing, or have an idea to present, con­tact your local CNMN board mem­ber. See the sched­ule page for con­tact details.

The region­al meet­ings in our first round in 2011 were very infor­mal­ly struc­tured dis­cus­sions, a great way for us to get things mov­ing. How­ev­er, these meet­ings will be some­what more focused on pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment and net­work­ing, try­ing to lead to some more con­crete, tan­gi­ble actions. What those actions are will vary from region to region, but if we work togeth­er as a com­mu­ni­ty, both region­al­ly and nation­al­ly, we can have a much greater impact.

Direct arti­cle link: Region­al Meet­ings 2012 — 2013
14th edi­tion CNMN Bul­letin — Sep­tem­ber 2012

Heritage Canada and FACTOR

In May 2012 CNMN Pres­i­dent Tim Brady met with Mr. Pierre Lalonde of the Depart­ment of Cana­di­an Her­itage to dis­cuss the issues around record­ing grants at FACTOR.  M. Lalonde was quite recep­tive to CNMN’s per­spec­tive, and we are cur­rent­ly work­ing with Her­itage Cana­da and FACTOR to try to improve the jury sys­tem and fund­ing struc­ture so that greater diver­si­ty of music, includ­ing new musi­cal prac­tices, are ade­quate­ly rep­re­sent­ed in the FACTOR process.

Direct link: Her­itage Cana­da and FACTOR
14th edi­tion CNMN Bul­letin — Sep­tem­ber 2012 

Welcome 55 New Members

So far, CNM­N’s mem­ber­ship has grown by fifty-five in 2012, with mem­bers hail­ing from all across Cana­da, and an empha­sis on BC due to our nation­al Forum in Van­cou­ver ear­ly in the new year. More mem­bers in our net­work means stronger rep­re­sen­ta­tion and con­nec­tion for our com­mu­ni­ty. We warm­ly wel­come all our new mem­bers, and we hope this marks the begin­ning of a long-last­ing and fruit­ful collaboration.

The new mem­bers are list­ed below, many of which have web sites for fur­ther infor­ma­tion. We also hope all our mem­bers get a chance to check each oth­er out – you can access a full list of mem­bers on our web site, view­able by cat­e­go­ry, region or name.

Who will be the 56th new member?

New Voting Members

Cana­di­an Music Edu­ca­tors’ Association Nat www.cmea.ca/
Cir­cuit, musiques contemporaines Nat www.revuecircuit.ca/
Ensem­ble Transmission QC www.ensembletransmission.com/
Urban­ves­sel ON www.urbanvessel.com
Hos­sein Behroozinia BC www.behroozinia.com/
Eliz­a­beth Bergmann BC www.bergmannduo.com/
Eric Boivin QC http://soundcloud.com/eric-boivin
Daniel Bran­des BC http://danielbrandes.tumblr.com/
John D. Burge ON www.queensu.ca/music/faculty/burge
James Code NB www.mta.ca/music/faculty/code‑j.html
François Cou­ture QC http://blog.monsieurdelire.com/
Mary Ingra­ham AB www.ualberta.ca/~maryi
Jeff Mor­ton SK www.jeffreydavidmorton.ca/
Navid Navab QC www.navidnavab.net/
Ellie O’Day BC
Hei­di Ouel­lette MB www.clusterfestival.com
David Pay BC www.musiconmain.ca/
Christo­pher Reiche BC https://sites.google.com/site/christopherreiche/
Remy Siu BC www.remysiu.com/

New Supporting Membres

Jonathan Adams BC
Miran­da Ander­son AB
Chris Bauer MB Chris Bauer on Facebook
Dániel Péter Biró BC http://people.finearts.uvic.ca/~dpbiro/
Doug Black­ley BC www.soundscore.com
Christo­pher But­ter­field BC Christo­pher But­ter­field — Uni­veristy of Victoria
Daryn Cassie BC www.daryncassie.com/
Kassie Dobie ON
Pyra Drac­ulea BC www.maqlu.com/
Kristy Farkas BC
Wylie Fer­gu­son BC http://wylieferguson.bandcamp.com
Joi Freed-Gar­rod BC
Hen­ry Gau­thi­er QC www.chantslibres.org/
Deb­o­rah Hui BC
Sarah Jer­rom ON www.sarahjerrom.com
Made Kantawan BC
Njo Kong Kie ON www.musicpicnic.com
Tyler Kin­n­ear BC
Cathy Fern Lewis BC www.kerryview.ca/
Robert Mad­docks BC www.twotensix.com/
Alex Mah BC
John Oswald ON www.pfony.com/
Stu­art Pater­son ON www.soundcloud.com/login_sounds
Daniel Pencer ON
Tony Reif BC www.songlines.com
Sílvio Rosa­do Por­tu­gal www.soundcloud.com/silvio-rosado
Christi­na Rus­nak USA www.christinarusnak.com/
Ed Sadler BC www.vancouverguitarlessons.net/
Lin­coln Saugstad BC
Lisa St. Clair NS www.lisastclair.ca/
I Wayan Sudi­rana BC I Wayan Sudi­rana at Game­lan Gita Asmara
Miles Thoro­good BC http://greenmeat.net
George Tzane­takis BC www.cs.uvic.ca/~gtzan
Mike War­ren ON www.everythingthatsfly.com/
Hilde­gard West­erkamp BC www.sfu.ca/~westerka/
Car­ol Yaple BC Car­ol Yaple at Bard Col­lege Con­ser­va­to­ry of Music

Direct arti­cle link: Wel­come 55 New Members
14th edi­tion CNMN Bul­letin — Sep­tem­ber 2012 

New Web Site, PayPal Option

The new CNMN Web Site is now up and run­ning, designed by Christo­pher Willes. If you are read­ing this, you are already here! New fea­tures include a front page with a pho­to album, as well as the new Pay­Pal option when you pay your annu­al dues using the online mem­ber­ship form.

Got a great pho­to we can share in our front-page album? See here for more details.

One of the com­plex­i­ties of the project was mov­ing from the pro­pri­etary Dif­fu­sion I Média site to a more stan­dard­ized Word­Press-based site. In the long run, the use of a stan­dard­ized soft­ware for­mat will give us more flex­i­bil­i­ty. But the tran­si­tion was long and com­plex, with many hours of dis­cus­sion and proof­read­ing (found an error or bug? Let us know!).

We are plan­ning to update the site, a ver­sion 2.0, as funds and time become available.

Direct arti­cle link: New Web Site, Pay­Pal Option
14th edi­tion CNMN Bul­letin — Sep­tem­ber 2012

Bulletin Changes

Along with our new web site, this 14th edi­tion of the e‑Bulletin has gone through a change as well. No longer a PDF, it is now more direct­ly incor­po­rat­ed into our web site. We’re hop­ing this new for­mat will make our sto­ries, com­men­taries and announce­ments more acces­si­ble and eas­i­er to share. We are begin­ning with a very bare-bones approach, with the hope that in the future we can put in place fea­tures and struc­tures that make it even eas­i­er to access archival con­tent. For exam­ple, we still have very worth­while and rel­e­vant mate­r­i­al that deserves to be eas­i­er to find, such as those from Forum 2009 and Forum 2010.

Direct arti­cle link: Bul­letin Changes
14th edi­tion CNMN Bul­letin – Sep­tem­ber 2012

Presenting the new Board of Directors 2012 — 2014

           Jim Montgomery Stacey Brown David Pay 

Those who attend­ed our 2012 AGM would have heard, but we want­ed every­one to have a chance to hear the great news! Vis­it our Board of Direc­tors page to read what our board mem­bers have to say about CNMN, as well as read bios.

Jim Mont­gomery is our sec­re­tary and Cléo Pala­cio-Quintin is our trea­sur­er. The vice-pres­i­den­cy goes to Stacey Brown, while Tim Brady con­tin­ues as president.

Atlantic Cana­da
• Jérôme Blais — Com­pos­er, pro­fes­sor of music, Dal­housie — Hal­i­fax (NS)
• Paul Cram — Com­pos­er, per­former, impro­vis­er, direc­tor — Upstream Music Asso­ci­a­tion — Hal­i­fax (NS)

• Tim Brady — Com­pos­er and per­former, direc­tor — Brady­works Ensem­ble — Mon­tréal (QC)
• Stacey Brown — Com­pos­er, edu­ca­tor, researcher — Mon­tréal (QC)
• Cléo Pala­cio-Quintin — Com­pos­er, per­former, impro­vis­er, direc­tor — Flûtron­ique — Mon­tréal (QC)

• Brent Lee — Com­pos­er, pro­fes­sor of music – Uni­ver­si­ty of Wind­sor — Wind­sor (ON)
• Jim Mont­gomery — Com­pos­er, per­former, edu­ca­tor – Toron­to (ON)
• Jer­ry Per­gole­si — Per­former, direc­tor — CONTACT Con­tem­po­rary Music — Toron­to (ON)

• Alain Per­ron — Com­pos­er, pro­fes­sor of music — Uni­ver­si­ty of Regi­na — Regi­na (SK)

• Hei­di Ouel­lette — Com­pos­er, impro­vis­er, direc­tor – Clus­ter Fes­ti­val — Win­nipeg (MB)

Alber­ta and the North­ern Territories
• John Reid — Direc­tor — Cana­di­an Music Cen­tre — Prairies — Cal­gary (AB)

British Colum­bia
• David Pay — Artis­tic direc­tor – Music on Main – Van­cou­ver (BC)

Direct link: Pre­sent­ing the New Board of Direc­tors 2012 — 2014
14th edi­tion CNMN Bul­letin – Sep­tem­ber 2012