New Web Site, PayPal Option

The new CNMN Web Site is now up and run­ning, designed by Christo­pher Willes. If you are read­ing this, you are already here! New fea­tures include a front page with a pho­to album, as well as the new Pay­Pal option when you pay your annu­al dues using the online mem­ber­ship form.

Got a great pho­to we can share in our front-page album? See here for more details.

One of the com­plex­i­ties of the project was mov­ing from the pro­pri­etary Dif­fu­sion I Média site to a more stan­dard­ized Word­Press-based site. In the long run, the use of a stan­dard­ized soft­ware for­mat will give us more flex­i­bil­i­ty. But the tran­si­tion was long and com­plex, with many hours of dis­cus­sion and proof­read­ing (found an error or bug? Let us know!).

We are plan­ning to update the site, a ver­sion 2.0, as funds and time become available.

Direct arti­cle link: New Web Site, Pay­Pal Option
14th edi­tion CNMN Bul­letin — Sep­tem­ber 2012