Bulletin Changes

Along with our new web site, this 14th edi­tion of the e‑Bulletin has gone through a change as well. No longer a PDF, it is now more direct­ly incor­po­rat­ed into our web site. We’re hop­ing this new for­mat will make our sto­ries, com­men­taries and announce­ments more acces­si­ble and eas­i­er to share. We are begin­ning with a very bare-bones approach, with the hope that in the future we can put in place fea­tures and struc­tures that make it even eas­i­er to access archival con­tent. For exam­ple, we still have very worth­while and rel­e­vant mate­r­i­al that deserves to be eas­i­er to find, such as those from Forum 2009 and Forum 2010.

Direct arti­cle link: Bul­letin Changes
14th edi­tion CNMN Bul­letin – Sep­tem­ber 2012