Sustainable Futures — Ottawa Events March 28 & 29

CNMN is col­lab­o­rat­ing with the Research Cen­tre for Music, Sound and Soci­ety at Car­leton Uni­ver­si­ty for two events relat­ed to Sus­tain­able Futures. 

Tanya Kalmanovitch presenting the Tar Sands Songbook

Lis­ten­ing to the Cli­mate Emer­gency through The Tar Sands Song­book
Tues­day, March 28, 7 – 9:30 pm, Car­leton Domin­ion-Chalmers Cen­tre, 355 Coop­er St (paid park­ing off Lis­gar St entrance)
$15 or pay-what-you-can. 

What role can lis­ten­ing play in address­ing the cli­mate emer­gency? Vio­list, com­pos­er, eth­no­mu­si­col­o­gist, and cli­mate activist Tanya Kalmanovitch presents a per­for­mance of her doc­u­men­tary the­atre piece The Tar Sands Song­book,address­ing the com­plex­i­ties of life, cul­ture, and oil-eco­nom­ics in her home­town of Fort McMur­ray. Through text, ethno­graph­ic video, and Tanya’s orig­i­nal music, the work asks us to con­sid­er our per­son­al rela­tion­ships with oil. The per­for­mance will be fol­lowed by an audi­ence talk­back discussion.

On March 29, we’ll bring togeth­er mem­bers of Ottawa’s diverse music com­mu­ni­ty for a con­ver­sa­tion on sus­tain­abil­i­ty. Join us in a facil­i­tat­ed dis­cus­sion of ques­tions including:

  • How can music and sound orga­ni­za­tions sup­port artis­tic works and ini­tia­tives that both pro­mote greater aware­ness of cli­mate issues and engage in the author­ing of a health­i­er world?
  • How is lan­guage and pol­i­cy shift­ing to address the impact of cli­mate on music and sound prac­tice and presentation?
  • What tools and sup­port can arts orga­ni­za­tions like CNMN offer to sup­port the con­tin­ued rel­e­vance and via­bil­i­ty of our sector?What is rea­son­able or radical?
  • How can we as indi­vid­u­als and as a com­mu­ni­ty process and move through the  chal­leng­ing emo­tions that  trans­for­ma­tion and sus­tain­abil­i­ty may evoke: from (eco)grief, com­pla­cen­cy, com­plic­i­ty, to over­whelm and isolation. 
  • How do we ground our orga­ni­za­tions and our­selves in prac­ti­cal opti­mism, tak­ing tan­gi­ble steps towards a more sus­tain­able world?

Par­tic­i­pants will include pre­sen­ters, fund­ing orga­ni­za­tions, artists and researchers from and for a broad range of cre­ative music and sound prac­tices and audiences.

Loca­tion: Car­leton Domin­ion-Chalmer Cen­tre, 355 Coop­er St (paid park­ing off Lis­gar St entrance) Ottawa
Time: 10 am to 12 pm, Wednes­day March 29

Please RSVP to Ter­ri Hron at