Call For Proposals — FORUM 2018

The Cana­di­an New Music Net­work has launched a CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the 8th nation­al FORUM being held May 17–20, 2018 in Vic­to­ri­av­ille and Montréal.


We’re look­ing for pro­gram­ming pro­pos­als from every­one! As you pre­pare your pro­pos­al, here are some key points to note:

(1) The goal of our FORUMs is to cre­ate greater net­work­ing and devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for the entire new music com­mu­ni­ty – artis­tic direc­tors, per­form­ers, impro­vis­ers, com­posers, edu­ca­tors, pre­sen­ters, researchers, arts admin­is­tra­tors, artist man­agers, pro­duc­ers, pub­lish­ers and all oth­er new music practitioners.

(2) The FORUM is nei­ther an aca­d­e­m­ic con­fer­ence nor an arts market/showcase; it’s a hybrid that seeks to cre­ate con­nec­tions for every­one work­ing in the new music field. Con­sult our web site for infor­ma­tion on pre­vi­ous FORUMs.

(3) The FORUM 2018 theme is Entr’arts / Between the Arts. Embrac­ing inter-dis­ci­pli­nary and trans-dis­ci­pli­nary approach­es, areas of explo­ration include: the inte­gra­tion of new music and sound prac­tices with mul­ti­ple tra­di­tion­al and/or con­tem­po­rary arts dis­ci­plines; the inter­sec­tion of new music and sound prac­tices with non-arts dis­ci­plines; exper­i­men­ta­tion with entire­ly new art forms.

Con­sult the front-page sec­tion for fur­ther ideas relat­ed to the theme.

If you have a burn­ing issue, demon­stra­tion, work­shop or oth­er type of activ­i­ty along the lines of the theme to pro­pose, please send it in. Even if you have a fab­u­lous idea that’s not theme-relat­ed, we want to know about that too. We’re very open and are look­ing for a wide diver­si­ty of proposals.


5 min., 15 min. and 30 min. time slots are avail­able, as well as a unique “on-the-go” category.

The tra­di­tion­al pre­sen­ta­tion is wel­come, but alter­na­tive for­mats are strong­ly encour­aged – use your imag­i­na­tion! Where appro­pri­ate, include time for Q & A or open discussion.

Which for­mat to use for which time slot? Here are some ideas:

1) 5 min. time slots:

  • A pas­sion­ate micro-talk – about your research, expe­ri­ences or ideas.
  • A sur­prise inter­ven­tion or interruption

2) 15 min. time slots:

  • A pub­lic con­ver­sa­tion or inter­view between two inter­est­ing people.
  • A per­for­mance-demon­stra­tion (but not a concert).
  • Guide a quick & sim­ple bond­ing activ­i­ty that pro­vides atten­dees oppor­tu­ni­ty to get to know each oth­er in a dif­fer­ent way oth­er than talk­ing. A great way to refresh everyone’s ener­gy between the “blah blah blah” that takes place. This could include musi­cal improv or some­thing entire­ly different.

3) 30 min. time slots:

  • A hands-on work­shop that teach­es atten­dees some­thing interesting.
  • Mod­er­at­ing a group activ­i­ty that encour­ages direct par­tic­i­pa­tion of FORUM atten­dees around a spe­cif­ic goal.
  • Facil­i­tat­ing a net­work­ing activ­i­ty for atten­dees to get feed­back or engage oth­ers regard­ing their projects or interests.
  • A shar­ing cir­cle or some oth­er kind of interactive

4) On-The-Go: dur­ing the bus trip between Vic­to­ri­av­ille and Montreal
Time slots any­where from 15 to 45 min­utes (let us know what you prefer)

  • Hijack the PA sys­tem, blow up bal­loons, pack a ukulele: “are we there yet?”
  • Inter­ac­tive net­work­ing, trav­el­ogue, guid­ed sound med­i­ta­tion, bin­go, sing-a-long, sit-down dance class, performance-demonstration…go wild, it’s a long, 2.5‑hour ride!


  • Slots are lim­it­ed. An inde­pen­dent jury makes pro­gram­ming rec­om­men­da­tions to the FORUM 2018 steer­ing com­mit­tee – all deci­sions are final.
  • Activ­i­ties involv­ing mul­ti­ple peo­ple: all par­ties must con­sent and take part in the application.
  • Appli­cants whose pro­pos­als are accept­ed will be required to reg­is­ter for the FORUM.


Sub­mis­sion dead­line Wednes­day, Jan­u­ary 3, 2018 MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 2018

Email your sub­mis­sion to Ter­ri Hron –
Include, as ONE PDF FILE:

  • Con­tact information
  • 1‑page out­line (indi­cate time slot dura­tion as well as format)
  • 200 word bio(s)
  • List of tech­ni­cal require­ments (equip­ment you will need, how much space, how much set-up time)
  • Equip­ment & pro­duc­tion bud­get (if applicable)
  • IMPORTANT: We do not accept oth­er attach­ments or down­loads. If nec­es­sary, pro­vide direct links to stream­ing audio or video (Sound­cloud, YOUTUBE, Web­site, etc.). ie. NO drop­box link or MP3 email attachment.

Accep­tance noti­fi­ca­tion: March 1, 2018.

p.s. Please help spread the news. Share this web page URL through email, social media, newslet­ters, etc. A bilin­gual print-friend­ly announce­ment is avail­able - FORUM 2018 OPEN CALL (PDF) - for doors, notice boards, etc.