FORUM Postponement

In response to Covid-19 and the cur­rent trav­el and gath­er­ing restric­tions in place, CNMN is post­pon­ing Forum 2020: Lis­ten up to Spring 2021.
We thank all of you who have expressed your sup­port for the event and espe­cial­ly those who applied to our par­tic­i­pa­tion trav­el fund. We hope to offer the same fund­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties next year and will keep your appli­ca­tions on file.
In the inter­im, we hope every­one is stay­ing safe. We par­tic­u­lar­ly appre­ci­ate all those in our com­mu­ni­ties who are work­ing to keep us healthy, safe and pro­vid­ed for–both in mind and body.