CNMN welcomes Executive Director, Terri Hron


Ter­ri Hron brings a wealth of skills, expe­ri­ence, and tal­ents to CNMN’s new­ly cre­at­ed Exec­u­tive Direc­tor posi­tion. Ter­ri is an insight­ful leader whose pas­sion for bring­ing peo­ple togeth­er is a per­fect fit with CNM­N’s man­date. We wel­come Ter­ri’s com­mit­ment to a more equi­table new music com­mu­ni­ty and look for­ward to work­ing togeth­er with her on achiev­ing the community’s goals. At this impor­tant mile­stone, we thank Emi­ly Hall for her admin­is­tra­tive work over the years, and acknowl­edge the vital sup­port of our oper­at­ing fun­ders in mak­ing the new ED posi­tion pos­si­ble: the Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts and the SOCAN Foundation. 
— Jen­nifer War­ing & Juli­et Palmer, CNMN Board


March 13, 2018

Dear CNMN Members,

Four months have gone by since I took this posi­tion and I feel I am just start­ing to ori­ent myself in what the net­work has been, what it has achieved, what the mem­bers might need from our com­mu­ni­ty and what I can do to help facil­i­tate that.

I have met with a few of you at the Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing in Mon­tre­al, and then more in Hal­i­fax, Edmon­ton, Toron­to and Van­cou­ver. I am lis­ten­ing to every­one’s ideas and con­cerns as well as ask­ing advice about the var­i­ous CNMN resources, projects and man­date. I encour­age you all to send me your feed­back.

I have start­ed work­ing close­ly with our new book­keep­er, Math­ieu Leclair, to make the best use of the increase in funds from the Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts. This increase has, among oth­er things, made the cre­ation of my posi­tion pos­si­ble, and is the result of won­der­ful efforts by the Board, Emi­ly Hall and Cléo Pala­cio-Quintin and so many others.

For the moment, my every­day con­cerns have cen­tered around FORUM 2018 plan­ning. I am so excit­ed about the line-up of guests, cho­sen by our steer­ing com­mit­tee and the jury of the Open Call. They all rep­re­sent such excit­ing work being done in Cana­da (with a few voic­es from abroad), while the pan­els ask broad ques­tions for a wide coun­try and practice.

My hope going for­ward is that I can help CNMN in its man­date to improve our knowl­edge of and access to oth­ers, and that our com­mu­ni­ty can tune the def­i­n­i­tion of new music into an expan­sive and wel­com­ing practice.

Please do not hes­i­tate to be in touch.

All best,


pho­to Jus­tine Latour

back to 25th edi­tion CNMN Bul­letin – March 2018