John Gzowski (ON) (2008–12)

I have joined the CNMN board in 2008. As a gui­tarist, com­pos­er, instru­ment mak­er, sound design­er and, for a cou­ple of years, a co-artis­tic direc­tor of the Music Gallery in Toron­to, I have become more inter­est­ed in both help­ing my musi­cal com­mu­ni­ty and voic­ing some con­cerns as we con­tin­ue to rework and refine our rela­tion­ships with fun­ders, pre­sen­ters and our audi­ences. I am very excit­ed by some of the music hap­pen­ing here in Toron­to and across Cana­da and I’m very inter­est­ed as the bound­aries between gen­res blur and we see changes to our nation­al broad­cast­er and arts coun­cils as they adapt to these new chal­lenges.” [2008]

Juno nom­i­nee John Gzows­ki is a musi­cian of many inter­ests, some instilled by study­ing with Alex­i­na Louie, James Ten­ney, Ann Southam and Trichi Sankaran. He is a com­pos­er of music for mod­ern dance, film, tele­vi­sion and new music, a sound design­er, an instru­ment mak­er and a gui­tar play­er with exten­sive expe­ri­ence in clas­si­cal, exper­i­men­tal, rock, jazz and world music. He has per­formed with Elliot Sharp, John Zorn, Bob­by Wise­man, N.O.M.A., Hemi­sphere’s, Maza Meze, Meryn Cadell and New Music Con­certs. John has brought his unique style of play­ing to fes­ti­vals such as St. John’s Sound Sym­po­sium, White­horse’s Frost­bite, Vic­to­ri­av­ille’s Fes­ti­val Inter­na­tion­al de Musique Actuelle, Open Ear Fes­ti­val, the Amer­i­can Fes­ti­val of Micro­ton­al Music (New York), and most of Canada’s Jazz Fes­ti­vals. He has writ­ten for Crit­i­cal Band, Hemi­sphere’s, Mec­ca, Array­mu­sic, the Cana­di­an Brass, the Madawas­ka String Quar­tet, Dance­mak­ers, Kae­ja D’dance, Kate Alton, Michael Sean Marye and Julia Aplin, among oth­ers. His the­atre work won him 4 Dora Mavor Moore Awards. He has built instru­ments designed for the per­for­mance of music in alter­nate tunings.