Jim Hiscott (MB) (Secretary-Treasurer, 2006-08; Board Member, 2009-10)

“I was part of the ini­tial meet­ings out of which the CNMN arose, rep­re­sent­ing Man­i­to­ba and Winnipeg’s New Music Series GroundSwell. I was then a found­ing coun­cil mem­ber of the CNMN, and Sec­re­tary until last May. I orga­nized the first CNMN Forum (top­ic: Media) in Win­nipeg in Feb­ru­ary of 2007. I am now the rep­re­sen­ta­tive for Man­i­to­ba”.

Jim His­cott was born in 1948 in St. Catharines, Ontario. In 1971, after earn­ing a Master’s Degree in The­o­ret­i­cal Par­ti­cle Physics, he switched to music com­po­si­tion, study­ing with Samuel Dolin at the Roy­al Con­ser­va­to­ry of Music and David Lidov and Richard Teit­el­baum at York Uni­ver­si­ty. He is the recip­i­ent of the Cre­ative Arts Award of the Cana­di­an Fed­er­a­tion of Uni­ver­si­ty Women. His com­po­si­tions have been per­formed across North Amer­i­ca, in Europe and Asia by many artists includ­ing the Hilliard Ensem­ble, the St. Lawrence String Quar­tet, the Win­nipeg Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra, the Mon­tre­al Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra, the Van­cou­ver New Music Soci­ety ensem­ble, Riv­ka Golani, Array­mu­sic, and Philadelphia’s Relache.

Jim His­cott has per­formed his own works for but­ton accor­dion in the Win­nipeg Sym­pho­ny Orchestra’s New Music Fes­ti­val, the Van­cou­ver New Music Soci­ety series, Toronto’s Big Squeeze Fes­ti­val, and on the main stage of the Van­cou­ver Folk Music Fes­ti­val. He has appeared as but­ton accor­dion soloist with the Mon­tre­al Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra, the Nia­gara Sym­pho­ny, and the New Orches­tra of the Kitch­en­er-Water­loo Sym­pho­ny, and the Win­nipeg Sym­pho­ny Orchestra.

Recent pre­mieres of music by Jim His­cott include Wolf Dreams (with Kolo­may­ka) (large cham­ber ensem­ble), giv­en by the GroundSwell Ensem­ble con­duct­ed by Alain Trudel; Shad­ow Play (flute and tabla), giv­en by Lau­rel Ridd and Shawn Mativet­sky; Man­i­masii Aura (but­ton accor­dion and cham­ber ensem­ble), giv­en by Sime­onie Keenainak and the CBC Radio Orches­tra, con­duct­ed by Alain Trudel; Beat­ing Heart (solo vio­lin and but­ton accor­dion with cham­ber orches­tra), giv­en by Atis Bankas, Jim His­cott, and the Orches­tra of St. Mark’s, led by Daniel Swift; Mag­ic Phoenix (Bali­nese gen­der wayang quar­tet and keyboard/sampler), by Maja Gen­der and Cheryl Pauls; Riv­er of Light (wood­wind quin­tet, but­ton accor­dion and dou­ble bass), by the Orpheus Winds, Jim His­cott and Eric Hansen; In Memo­ri­am Wal­ter Klymkiw (SATB Choir, soloists, and vio­lin solo), by the Olek­san­dr Koshetz Choir with vocal soloists and vio­lin­ist Gwen Hoe­big, con­duct­ed by Lau­rence Ewashko; North Wind (dizi and orches­tra), by Xiao-Nan Wang and the Win­nipeg Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra, led by Music Direc­tor Andrey Boreyko; and The Sun and the Moon (flute and cel­lo), by Susan Hoepp­n­er and Shau­na Rolston.

String Quar­tet #2 from his recent CBC Records CD “Blue Ocean / Music of Jim His­cott” was nom­i­nat­ed for Out­stand­ing Clas­si­cal Com­po­si­tion at the 2004 West­ern Cana­di­an Music Awards.