Mireille Gagné (QC) (Vice President, 2005-08; Treasurer, 2009-10)


“Pro­mot­ing cre­ative music of all gen­res and forms of expres­sion is at the heart of my action at CMC, and as a found­ing mem­ber of CNMN, I can even bet­ter advo­cate this fun­da­men­tal need at the polit­i­cal and artis­tic lev­els. We must come to obtain ade­quate finan­cial sup­port for com­posers and a true recog­ni­tion of their vital role in soci­ety from politi­cians, the media, and the pub­lic. That is why I am active on the board of CNMN”.

Mireille Gag­né first obtained her License in Law before enrolling for a M.A. in Musi­col­o­gy, spe­cial­iz­ing in Cana­di­an con­tem­po­rary music. Since 1981, she is the Direc­tor of the Cana­di­an Music Cen­tre — Que­bec division.