Vancouver Adapted Music Society

The mis­sion of VAMS is to re-imag­ine what is pos­si­ble! Since 1988, the Van­cou­ver Adapt­ed Music Soci­ety (VAMS) has been sup­port­ing musi­cians with dis­abil­i­ties through learn­ing, cre­at­ing and per­form­ing music. Affil­i­at­ed with The Dis­abil­i­ty Foun­da­tion, VAMS oper­ates a ful­ly acces­si­ble record­ing stu­dio, and offers three tiers of pro­grams: (1) instru­ment lessons; (2) song­writ­ing and record­ing; and (3) live per­for­mance oppor­tu­ni­ties.  All pro­grams are avail­able free of charge to all clients with a pas­sion for music, regard­less of skill lev­el. The VAMS stu­dio is an acces­si­ble space for clients to explore music, per­haps in a new adap­tive way that they may not have thought pos­si­ble, such as adapt­ing an instru­ment to a clien­t’s spe­cif­ic abil­i­ties or col­lab­o­rat­ing with oth­er musi­cians as a producer. 


The micro-doc­u­men­tary of VAMS fea­tures the fol­low­ing VAMS staff:

Graeme Wyman, Pro­gram Man­ag­er with The Dis­abil­i­ty Foun­da­tion, is respon­si­ble for ini­tia­tives out­side of the VAMS record­ing stu­dio, such as live per­for­mance oppor­tu­ni­ties and con­nect­ing with oth­er orga­ni­za­tions. Graeme was inte­gral to the growth of VAMS pre-pan­dem­ic, respon­si­ble for over a thou­sand hours a year of lessons and record­ings each!

Bry­den Veinot, Pro­gram Coor­di­na­tor with VAMS, takes care of the day-to-day pro­grams in the stu­dio. Whether it’s song­writ­ing and record­ing or teach­ing music lessons, Bry­den con­nects with VAMS clients 1‑on‑1 to deliv­er unique and adapt­ed ses­sions to clients of all ages and abilities.

Noah Stolte, Pro­gram Assis­tant with VAMS, helps deliv­er lessons and record­ings in the stu­dio. His strength as a music pro­duc­er has ele­vat­ed the record­ing ses­sions and helped VAMS artists reach for more than they thought was possible. 


Web site:

Insta­gram: @vamsociety