Rebecca Barnstaple

Rebec­ca Barn­sta­ple is cur­rent­ly the Man­ag­er of Com­mu­ni­ty Pro­grams and Engage­ment at Chigamik Com­mu­ni­ty Health Cen­tre in Mid­land, Ontario, a tri-cul­tur­al agency (eng­lish, french, anish­naabe) offer­ing a range of pro­grams and ser­vices from Tra­di­tion­al Heal­ing to pri­ma­ry care, with a man­date to serve those who expe­ri­ence bar­ri­ers to access­ing healthcare.

Rebec­ca recent­ly com­plet­ed a PhD and Post­doc­tor­al Fel­low­ship at York Uni­ver­si­ty inves­ti­gat­ing the neu­ro­bi­o­log­i­cal effects of dance in health and dis­ease. A grad­u­ate of the Nation­al Cen­tre for Dance Ther­a­py at Les Grands Bal­lets Cana­di­ens in Mon­tre­al (NCDT 2015), she also pro­vides dance-ther­a­py based pro­grams for peo­ple with Parkin­son’s, Alzheimer’s, and Chron­ic Pain, and pro­vides edu­ca­tion and train­ing in dance ther­a­py and dance inter­ven­tions for the NCDT, Dance for Health Nova Sco­tia, and IMPROV­ment (Wake For­est Uni­ver­si­ty, North Car­oli­na). Rebec­ca co-chairs the Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion and Accred­i­ta­tion com­mit­tee of the Dance Move­ment Ther­a­py Asso­ci­a­tion of Cana­da (DMTAC), and serves on the Research and Prac­tice com­mit­tee of the Amer­i­can Dance Ther­a­py Asso­ci­a­tion (ADTA), the Research Group of the NCDT, and the Dance for Health com­mit­tee of the  Inter­na­tion­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Dance Med­i­cine Sci­ence (IADMS). She leads the data analy­sis branch of the task force cre­at­ing bench­mark­ing stan­dards for Dance and Health pro­grams Internationally.