Music from Hope
Tarek Ghriri and Nour Kaadan

Nour Kaadan and Tarek Ghriri are Syr­i­an musi­cians based in Toron­to, and the founders of Music From Hope. The two musi­cians taught var­i­ous music and the­atre work­shops in Dam­as­cus, Syr­ia in 2012 before mov­ing to Lebanon to train in post-con­flict teach­ing.​ In 2016, they trained with Sounds of Change in a refugee camp in Beirut, Lebanon. Since then, they have been facil­i­tat­ing work­shops both in Beirut and Toron­to for new­com­er and refugee chil­dren and their families.

Nour Kaadan began learn­ing per­cus­sion in 2010 in Syr­ia, which she then used in camps in Dam­as­cus and Lebanon, writ­ing and play­ing music with chil­dren. She saw how music can help chil­dren express their feel­ings, over­come trau­ma, and find com­mon­al­i­ties with each oth­er through mak­ing music, play­ing rhythms, and cre­at­ing sim­ple songs. Nour is a core mem­ber of the Syr­i­an-Fla­men­co band Diar, cre­at­ing Ara­bic music infused with Fla­men­co flavour, an orig­i­nal genre that reflects the musi­cians’ back­grounds and mem­o­ries. Nour received the RBC Arts Access Award in 2018 and 2019, and has since been focused on expand­ing the Music From Hope pro­gram to touch as many lives as possible.

Tarek Ghriri began his career as a musi­cian in 2005, and has since been teach­ing music in Syr­ia, Lebanon and Toron­to. He received train­ing in child and youth activ­i­ties with the Sounds of Change Foun­da­tion in Beirut in 2016. He focus­es on chil­dren and youth who come from con­flict­ed or post-con­flict areas, help­ing them inte­grate into their new homes.​ Tarek began play­ing gui­tar when he was 14 years old, influ­enced by the artis­tic envi­ron­ment in Dam­as­cus. He mix­es fla­men­co with tra­di­tion­al Ara­bic melodies to revive his her­itage while pay­ing homage to anoth­er. Music saved Tarek when he was job­less after flee­ing his home in Dam­as­cus in 2013, giv­ing him new hope and a source of inspi­ra­tion. Once in Toron­to, Tarek decid­ed to make a liv­ing through music and saw its effect on his fam­i­ly, friends, and fel­low artists. Tarek was hon­oured to receive two con­sec­u­tive RBC Arts Access Awards and build skills as well as a com­mu­ni­ty to grow the Music From Hope program.

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Insta­gram: @musicfromhope