Hugh Christopher Brown 

Fif­teen years ago, Chris moved into to the old post office on Wolfe Island, found­ing a record­ing stu­dio in  the build­ing that nev­er had run­ning water and is heat­ed by wood stove. ‘The Post Office’ and Wolfe Island Records would become the incu­ba­tor for con­stant musi­cal works, includ­ing the ground break­ing Pros and Cons Prison Music Pro­gram Brown found­ed in 2012. “ Mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist and music pro­duc­er Hugh Christo­pher “Chris” Brown has a real tal­ent for writ­ing thought-pro­vok­ing polit­i­cal songs  that some­how man­age to keep the feet tap­ping and the mind rac­ing at the same time” (All Music  Guide). Beyond his own music, Chris has per­formed and record­ed (usu­al­ly organ, piano and clavinet – but some­times trom­bone, tuba or oth­er instru­ments) for many stel­lar artists includ­ing Ani DiFran­co,  Joan As Police Woman, Tony Scherr, Bare­naked Ladies, Ash­ley MacIsaac, Crash Test Dum­mies and Jen Chapin, among oth­ers. Brown was one of the found­ing mem­bers of the alter­na­tive soul-rock band Bour­bon Taber­na­cle Choir in the 1980s and 1990s and when that band broke up, he con­tin­ued per­form­ing as a duo with his Bour­bon band­mate Kate Fenner. 

Chris cur­rent­ly spends his time pro­duc­ing albums, tour­ing and per­form­ing solo or with many of his  musi­cal col­leagues includ­ing Kate Fen­ner and his new trio, The Ropes. Chris is also a pas­sion­ate and  com­mit­ted social jus­tice activist vol­un­teer­ing at pris­ons where he con­tin­ues to run music work­shops  with Pros and Cons. The “inescapably hon­est and sin­cere” (Exclaim!) album Chris record­ed and pro­duced with the pris­on­ers Post­cards from the Coun­ty (avail­able as a free down­load) and Chris’ ongo­ing work with the pris­on­ers has been acknowl­edged and hailed by the Toron­to Star, Truthout,, CBC  (Cana­da), Sir­ius XM Cana­da and many oth­ers. Chris pro­duces albums for Suzanne Jarvie (most recent­ly  ‘In The Clear’ which reached #1 on European/UK Amer­i­cana charts) and David Cor­ley (‘Avail­able Light’ – 9/10 stars Uncut) which are both receiv­ing inter­na­tion­al crit­i­cal acclaim along­side his solo album  ‘Pacem’ which he is fol­low­ing up with Pacem 2.

For a taste of what Hugh Chris Brown does, see the fol­low­ing projects fea­tured on the PCM Hub: