Thematic videos

Indigenous Resurgence


CNMN is grate­ful for and inspired by the invig­o­ra­tion of its com­mu­ni­ty with the pres­ence of Indige­nous artists and cura­tors. They encour­age us to raise our aware­ness of lan­guage, cer­e­mo­ny, knowl­edge hold­ing and knowl­edge sharing. 

  • What does Indige­nous resur­gence mean to you? If you don’t agree with the term resur­gence, how would you reframe the theme of this conversation?
  • Does lan­guage and def­i­n­i­tion affect or effect your work?
  • Does men­tor­ship play a role in your work, if so, how?
  • What inspires you to create?

These are the ques­tions keynote Bec­ca Tay­lor (Oci­ci­wan Col­lec­tive) asked of the pre­sen­ters who spoke to the Indige­nous Resur­gence theme: Astro­labe Musik The­atre (Del­phine Der­ick­son-Arm­strong and Heather Pawsey), Ian Cus­son, Geron­i­mo Inu­tiq and Sandy Scofield.

0:00 Intro & in memo­ri­am… Mary Cecil, Vic­to­ria Cal­i­hoo (née Vel­court) and Eleanor Helen Thomas Gar­neau; Com­posed by : Post­com­mod­i­ty and Alex Water­man; Per­formed by: Malay Bish­op, Seth Car­di­nal, Cur­tis Left­hand, Jay­nine Lena McCrae, nêhiyawak (Math­ew Car­di­nal, Kris Harp­er, Marek Tyler), Oci­ci­wan, Ambr Paque­tt, Post­com­mod­i­ty, Jared Tail­feath­ers, Alex Water­man
24:18 Del­phine Der­ick­son Arm­strong & Heather Pawsey
37:39 Ian Cus­son
42:55 Joan’s aria from Empire of Wild by Ian Cus­son, text by Cherie Mima­line, per­formed by Karen Slack
48:48 Geron­i­mo Inu­tiq
1:03:48 Nipiy (Water), George Finn Down & Keep­ing Secrets by Sandy Scofield


Com­mu­ni­ty is at the core of our orga­ni­za­tion. Cana­di­an New Music Net­work pri­mar­i­ly exists for net­work­ing to improve com­mu­ni­ca­tion, under­stand­ing and knowl­edge with­in the new music and sound com­mu­ni­ty; and rep­re­sen­ta­tion, to do the same beyond our com­mu­ni­ty and with an ever-larg­er audi­ence. La com­mu­nauté est au cœur de notre organ­i­sa­tion. Le Réseau cana­di­en pour les musiques nou­velles existe en pre­mier lieu pour le réseau­tage, afin d’amélior­er la com­mu­ni­ca­tion, la com­préhen­sion et les con­nais­sances au sein de la com­mu­nauté des musiques nou­velles et du son; et pour la représen­ta­tion, pour faire de même au-delà de notre com­mu­nauté et auprès d’un pub­lic tou­jours plus large.

0:00 Rebec­ca Caines
7:02 Impro­vis­ing with Ipads/Improviser avec des Ipads — Was­cana Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Cen­ter
11:25 ImprovEn­abled, Saskatchewan 2016
19:25 “Mul­ti­play” Open Ears Fes­ti­val April 2021
27:02 “Hol­i­day Mon­day” Wuhan Chi­na, 2016
35:45 Elder Lor­na Stand­in­gready, from/de “215 Begin­nings” 2021
36:30 Louise Camp­bell
43:40 PCM Hub: Sto­ries of Care/Louise Campbell/Bradyworks
44:38 PCM Hub: Jodi Proznick, The Lan­guage of Emo­tion in Music
46:25 PCM Hub: Ruth Elia­son, The Beat of the Heart
47:20 PCM Hub: Steve Wright, Across the Lines
49:40 Gior­gio Magnanensi

Keynote: Rebec­ca Caines

Pre­sen­ters: Louise Camp­bell, Gior­gio Mag­na­nen­si, PCM Hub

Also avail­able: a video about Rox­anne Tur­cotte’s com­mu­ni­ty work, Les Oiseaux de Nias!


CNMN is com­mit­ted to a diverse and inclu­sive nation­al new music com­mu­ni­ty. Diver­si­ty and acces­si­bil­i­ty in all their forms are a guid­ing fac­tor in achiev­ing its goals.

  • When we think of increas­ing acces­si­bil­i­ty – that inher­ent­ly involves acknowl­edg­ing or rec­og­niz­ing exist­ing bar­ri­ers – what exist­ing bar­ri­er have you rec­og­nized? Whether in your work, in your com­mu­ni­ty, in your orga­ni­za­tion, in your discipline.
  • What com­mu­ni­ty or cul­tures, peo­ple, expe­ri­ences, are you per­son­al­ly real­ly excit­ed to increase access with?
  • Is there a place or an expe­ri­ence that you feel like you are not able to access? If so, what would have to change to make that place or expe­ri­ence more acces­si­ble for you?


These are the prompts keynote Col Cseke Col Cseke (Good Host) asked the pre­sen­ters who spoke to the Access theme: Chelsea Jones, Julie Richard, Ellen Water­man

0:00 Col Cseke
4:18 Chelsea Jones
20:34 Julie Richard
39:04 Ellen Waterman

Innovation • Technology 

CNM­N’s activ­i­ties reflect our belief and enthu­si­asm for the val­ue and ben­e­fits of new music for both indi­vid­u­als and com­mu­ni­ties as a means of expres­sion and lis­ten­ing. Our mem­bers ded­i­cate them­selves in a vibrant range of musi­cal and/or son­ic practices.

  • Who was the first non-human you came to know?
  • What is unknow­able in your practice?
  • Where do your com­po­si­tions come from?
  • How do you define listening?
  • Are all things heard, audible?

These are the ques­tions sub­mit­ted by keynote Suzanne Kite to the pre­sen­ters who spoke to the Tech­nol­o­gy-Inno­va­tion theme: Amy Bran­donTere­sa Con­norsHel­ga Jakob­sonAnnie Mar­tin

0:00 Suzanne Kite
2:05 Amy Bran­don
15:12 Tere­sa Con­nors
19:22 Hel­ga Jakob­son
28:35 Annie Martin


CNMN is com­mit­ted to fac­ing cli­mate change through edu­cat­ing and empow­er­ing its mem­bers to embed envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­i­ty into all aspects of new music pro­duc­tion and dissemination.

Dis­cov­er the con­tri­bu­tion from our guest pre­sen­ters who spoke on the Land theme: Tanya Kalmanovitch, Heather Peat Hamm, Tina Pear­son, Jen­ni Schine