FORUM 2018 – Hotel Packages and Group Rate

Victoriaville — FIMAV Package


FIMAV and Hotel Le Vic­torin have part­nered to offer FORUM 2018 par­tic­i­pants a very advan­ta­geous package:

  • 150$ (plus tax): sin­gle occupancy
  • 94$ (plus tax): dou­ble occupancy

Pack­age includes:

  • Accom­mo­da­tion for 1 night
  • Break­fast
  • FIMAV Con­cert at 8 pm
  • FIMAV Con­cert at 10 pm
  • Access to all amenities
  • Ser­vice fee

How To Book

Once you have reg­is­tered, you will be sent a spe­cial code, which you will men­tion when call­ing the hotel at 1–866-969‑0533 ext. 1. Please note that there will be no online book­ings to ben­e­fit from this group rate.



CNMN ben­e­fits from Con­cor­dia Uni­ver­si­ty’s spe­cial rates at these hotels.

The pick-up and dropoff point for the Vic­to­ri­av­ille bus will be Le Nou­v­el Hotel and Spa  at 1740 René-Lévesque Blvd W, Mon­tre­al, QC H3H 1R3

To ben­e­fit from the spe­cial rate, please call (spe­cial rate does not apply online) and say you will be book­ing with the spe­cial cor­po­rate rate for Con­cor­dia Uni­ver­si­ty conferences.