Practical Information

FORUM 2016 Location

Perez Build­ing, Uni­ver­si­ty of Ottawa
610 Cum­ber­land St
Ottawa, ON
K1N 1K5


Please pick up your nametag (aka pass) at the reg­is­tra­tion desk Thurs­day 6pm, or Fri­day and Sat­ur­day morn­ing. The desk will be in the foy­er of the Perez Build­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ottawa. The pass gets you in to all FORUM activ­i­ties and grants you free admis­sion to the con­cert on Sat­ur­day night (Pauline Oliv­eros per­form­ing with Cana­di­an and inter­na­tion­al musi­cians).

WIFI at the FORUM:

  • Choose net­work: “uot­tawa-WPA
  • Open brows­er (and you should be re-direct­ed to the uOt­tawa page).
  • Login: uo-guest3403
  • Con­fer­ence pass­word: jfn518vp! (case sensitive).


100 Elgin Street


Find all the places men­tioned below on this Google map.

Zoom in to see the Ottawa Uni­ver­si­ty Cam­pus (in par­tic­u­lar, the loca­tions of the Perez and Des­marais Build­ings) a lit­tle closer!

Getting Around

From the airport (YOW) to Lord Elgin Hotel

The FORUM is not respon­si­ble for air­port pickups.

Taxi: In good traf­fic, total trip time is approx­i­mate­ly 20 min­utes and will cost, on aver­age, $35. Please be aware that traf­fic lev­els can great­ly fluc­tu­ate and affect the total cost of your trip. Find the taxi stands out­side Arrivals lev­el. All taxis should accept major cred­it cards.

Ottawa Tran­sit: Ottawa Tran­sit costs $3.55 per ride or $8.50 for a day pass. In good traf­fic, total trip time is approx­i­mate­ly 45 min­utes. Please note that there is a 5 min. walk from the appro­pri­ate bus stop to the hotel.
Tran­sit trip plan­ner from Ottawa Inter­na­tion­al Air­port to Lord Elgin Hotel


From Ottawa Inter­na­tion­al Air­port to Lord Elgin Hotel

From east of the city

From west and south of the city

From the Ottawa train station to Lord Elgin Hotel

Taxi : In good traf­fic, total trip time is approx­i­mate­ly 10 min­utes and will cost, on aver­age, $16. Please be aware that traf­fic lev­els can great­ly fluc­tu­ate and affect the total cost of your trip. Find the taxi stands out­side the front door of the train sta­tion. All taxis should accept major cred­it cards.

Ottawa Tran­si: Ottawa Tran­sit costs $3.55 per ride or $8.50 for a day pass. In good traf­fic, total trip time is approx­i­mate­ly 25 min­utes. Please note that there is a 5 min. walk from the appro­pri­ate bus stop to the hotel.

From Lord Elgin to the FORUM

Walk­ing : Walk­ing time is approx­i­mate­ly 15 minutes. 

Ottawa Tran­sit: Ottawa Tran­sit costs $3.55 per ride or $8.50 for a day pass. In good traf­fic, total trip time is approx­i­mate­ly 13 minutes. 


See this link for infor­ma­tion on vis­i­tor park­ing at uOt­tawa. Clos­est to the Perez Build­ing are Brooks, Des­marais, Lots B, C and K, as well as some of the street park­ing men­tioned on the site.

Coffee & Eating

Cof­fee shop across the street from the FORUM: Café Nos­tal­gi­ca

Restau­rants: Byward Mar­ket and Elgin

Uni­ver­si­ty of Ottawa Food Services

Alternative Accommodations

Extended Stay Canada – Ottawa

141 rue Coop­er Ottawa ON K2P 0E8

More Resources

Uni­ver­si­ty of Ottawa directions

City of Ottawa Vis­i­tor Information

Ottawa pub­lic transportation

Cam­pus Recreation