Language Facilitation

More infor­ma­tion com­ing soon, please check back!

CNMN is a bilin­gual orga­ni­za­tion made up of mem­bers who com­mu­ni­cate in both offi­cial lan­guages of Eng­lish and French. As such, our events and com­mu­ni­ca­tions aim to be bilin­gual in nature.

The lan­guage facil­i­ta­tion pro­gramme is a flex­i­ble way for speak­ers of vary­ing lev­els of French and Eng­lish to com­mu­ni­cate more deeply with one another.

We are look­ing for peo­ple to act as Lan­guage Facil­i­ta­tors at FORUM 2016 to facil­i­tate com­pre­hen­sion for cer­tain attendees.

Lan­guage Facil­i­ta­tors will be expect­ed to attend an ori­en­ta­tion ses­sion (date to be confirmed).

In exchange for their ser­vices, the first four peo­ple to vol­un­teer as lan­guage facil­i­ta­tors will receive com­ple­men­tary reg­is­tra­tion to the FORUM.

To vol­un­teer, please con­tact Louise Camp­bell, Lan­guage Facil­i­ta­tion Coordinator: