Practical Information

Practical Information / Hotel


From the air­port to the hotel:

  • The sky­train goes from the air­port to down­town Van­cou­ver. You can either get off at the Granville sta­tion and walk 7 min­utes to the Sand­man Hotel, or change to the Mil­len­ni­um or Expo lines to get off at the Sta­di­um-Chi­na­town sta­tion which is across the street from the Hotel.

From the hotel to the Forum:

  • Walk by foot only 4 blocks to the Gold­corp Cen­tre for the Arts, locat­ed at SFU Woodward’s — 149 W Hast­ings St., Van­cou­ver, BC, Canada.


For your con­ve­nience, refer to these loca­tions on the Google map. You will find both the Forum (A) and hotel (B) locations.


Where to Eat near SFU Woodward’s


Sand­man Hotel Van­cou­ver City Centre
180 W Geor­gia St.
Van­cou­ver BC V6B 4P4
Toll Free: 1–800-726‑3626 x1 — cen­tral reservations
Local: 604–681-2211 (x2 — front desk / x1 — cen­tral reservations)

Block of rooms is held for book­ings until Decem­ber 22, 2012, upon which group rate remains but is sub­ject to avail­able vacancy.

Book your room by phone, using the code 605323.

  • Until Decem­ber 22: Call 1–800-726‑3626 x1 (toll free) or 604–681-2211 (local).
  • After Decem­ber 22: Call Ms. Stephanie Oslund’s direct num­ber: 604–646-4316.

Group rates

(up to quad occupancy)

Stan­dard — 1 Queen $79
Stan­dard — 2 Dou­ble size beds $89
Stan­dard — 2 Queens $99
Stan­dard King — Cor­po­rate Tower $99
Stan­dard King w/ pull­out — Cor­po­rate Tower $109
King Suite — Cor­po­rate Tower $159
  • Rates are per room, per night
  • Rates do not include tax­es — cur­rent tax­es are: 2% hotel room tax, 12% HST and 1.5% Mar­ket­ing Des­ti­na­tion Fee
  • Tax­es are sub­ject to change with­out notice
  • All rooms must be guar­an­teed at time of reser­va­tion to the individual’s cred­it card. Can­cel­la­tion pol­i­cy is 48 hours noti­fi­ca­tion to avoid a penal­ty of one night’s room and tax.
  • The room rates are avail­able on the fol­low­ing nights: Jan 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23, with some flexibility.

Hotel Parking

Park­ing is avail­able in the Sandman’s under­ground, gat­ed park­ing area. Park­ing is an addi­tion­al $15.00 per night.