Presentations: Duos & Trio

Duo 1: Urban ver­sus Region­al Per­spec­tive — how they work — Jonathan Bunce (Music Gallery) and Erick Bick­erdike (Chester Playhouse)

Duo 2: The Improv Research Project — Ajay Heble and Ellen Water­man (Guelph Jazz Fes­ti­val and Uni­ver­si­ty of Guelph)

Duo 3: Inter­cul­tur­al Orches­tras — how they work: his­to­ry, prac­tice, etc. — Moshe Den­burg (VICO) and Joël Bons (Atlas, Netherlands)

Duo 4: Elec­troa­coustics and Diver­si­ty — approach­es and per­spec­tives — Dar­ren Copeland (NAISA) and George Lewis (Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty, USA)

Duo 5: Build­ing nation­al and diverse sup­port for new con­cert music — Rus­sell Kel­ley (Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts) and Matthew Greenall (Sound and Music, UK)

Trio: Pre­sen­ters and Diver­si­ty: How do main­stream pre­sen­ters view this issue — phi­los­o­phy and prac­tice —Mod­er­a­tor Lukas Pearse (Bassiste), Paul Caskey (Live Art Dance), Eri­ka Beat­ty (CEO, Sym­pho­ny Nova Sco­tia), Jen­nifer Tay­lor (Music Toronto).

*Pro­gram­ming sub­ject to change with­out pri­or notification*