
Saturday, February 10
Defining New Music

8:30am Reg­is­tra­tion
9:00am — 9:15am Wel­come
9:15am — 10:15am Guest Speak­er — Kyle Gann: “From Hits to Niches”
10:15am — 10:30am Break
10:30am — 12:30pm Pan­el Dis­cus­sion — “The Impor­tance of New Music — Our View Ver­sus the Media View”
Mod­er­a­tor — Tim Brady, Mor­ley Walk­er (Win­nipeg Free Press), Gayle Young (Music­works, edi­tor), John Oliv­er (Earsay Pro­duc­tions), Mark Stein­metz (CBC), Tama­ra Bern­stein (The Globe and Mail)
12:30pm — 2:00pm Net­work­ing Lunch 1
2:00pm — 4:00pm Pan­el Dis­cus­sion — “Re-Pre­sent­ing New Music”
T Patrick Carrabré (WSO Com­pos­er-in-Res­i­dence), Michel Lev­asseur (Vic­to­ri­av­ille Inter­na­tion­al New Music Fes­ti­val), Réjean Beaucage (La Sce­na Musi­cale, new music edi­tor), Jonathan Bunce (The Music Gallery), Paul McNal­ly (McNal­ly Robin­son Booksellers)
8:00pm WSO New Music Fes­ti­val Con­cert: Do Orches­tras Dream of Egypt­ian Sheep?
Tick­ets for this event, or pass­es for the fes­ti­val can be pur­chased from the WSO

Sunday, February 11
New Music Touring

9:30am — 11:30am Pan­el Dis­cus­sion — “Inte­grat­ing Media into a Suc­cess­ful Cana­di­an Tour”
Roger Admi­ral, Shirley Elias (Man­i­to­ba Con­ser­va­to­ry, for­mer­ly Debut Atlantic), DB Boyko (The West­ern Front), Paul Cram (Hal­i­fax), Wal­ter Boudreau (SMCQ)
11:30am — noon CALQ Pre­sen­ta­tion
Stéphane Roy (offi­cer)
noon — 1:15pm Net­work­ing Lunch 2
1:15pm — 2:30pm Work­shop 1: New Music and Dig­i­tal Dis­tri­b­u­tion Technologies
Pre­sen­ter: Jean-François Denis (empreintes DIG­I­TALes, La Liste,
2:45pm — 4:15pm Work­shop 2: How to Max­i­mize Media Impact With a Lim­it­ed Budget
Pre­sen­ter: Jack­ie Schrey­er (forme­ly WO Media Relations
4:30pm — 5:00pm Clos­ing Plenary
8:00pm WSO New Music Fes­ti­val Con­cert: Voic­es of the Land
Tick­ets for this event, or pass­es for the fes­ti­val can be pur­chased from the WSO

All pan­el dis­cus­sions and work­shops will be in English.