Process vs. Product

Decem­ber 3 @ 7 pm EST
Zoom link 
Face­book Event

Cura­tor: Olivia Shortt
Guests: Olivia C. Davies; Mar­i­on New­man; Kim Senklip-Harvey

The inter­sec­tion­al­i­ty of col­lab­o­ra­tion, ethics, and Indige­nous pro­to­cols in art-mak­ing.
What does it mean to ‘decol­o­nize’ or ‘indi­g­e­nize’ an artis­tic space? How do we cre­ate spaces that are safe? What is an inter­sec­tion­al approach to decol­o­niza­tion — how do we start from a place of open­ness to all? What can we learn from each other’s discipline’s approach to decol­o­niza­tion? Let’s talk about the artis­tic process. The lan­guage used in a space, land acknowl­edge­ment, who is in charge? Dis­cus­sion of hav­ing med­i­cine in the room (turn­ing the fire alarm off), lis­ten­ing to indige­nous voic­es and voic­es of colour. hav­ing an elder in the space. Shar­ing food, time for silence/rest/breaks. From hir­ing to rehearsals, what do we each val­ue in the process to help make a space ‘safer’.

Part of the Decol­o­niza­tion Series.