Annual General Meeting

Our AGA will be held in Mon­tre­al on Sep­tem­ber 24, 2019 at noon East­ern time. 

The meet­ing will be held at:

Salon des Musi­ciens, Le Vivi­er map/carte
1200 Rue de Bleury, Mon­tréal, QC H3B 3J3

To con­nect remote­ly:

One tap mobile +16475580588„586697565# Canada

Dial by your loca­tion +1 647 558 0588 Cana­da
Meet­ing ID: 586 697 565
Find your local num­ber:

Please RSVP to Ter­ri Hron to receive the doc­u­men­ta­tion and so we can be look­ing out for you in per­son or online.