Activism Conversations — Community

4pm EST — watch live on Face­book or archived on YouTube

In the plu­ral­i­ty of often frag­ile inti­mate net­works of social con­nec­tion, what do we hear that is already there? How do we accom­pa­ny, pro­vide sup­ports, lis­ten for when the notes are caught tight in a net and help with the untan­gling and then lis­ten for the new entan­gle­ment? Maybe we should ask first? Maybe it was already there? Can we real­ly avoid build­ing bor­der patrols, prac­tic­ing extrac­tion, impos­ing exter­nal cat­e­gories, repeat­ing trau­ma? What does mutu­al ben­e­fit actu­al­ly mean? Watch the Com­mu­ni­ty FORUM 2021 video.

Mod­er­a­tor: Rebec­ca Caines
Guests: Gior­gio Mag­na­nen­si, Louise Campbell