4pm EST — watch live on Facebook or archived on YouTube
What’s the point of deepening access? When accessibility goes wrong is thinking of access as a one-way street, where someone who hasn’t experienced something finally gets the chance to take it in. Rather, the access aspiration here is a bridge to cultural exchange where multiple people or communities benefit equitably from a barrier free space to meet, connect, find commonalities, celebrate difference, and share their cultures with each other. Increasing Access inherently involves recognizing or acknowledging existing barriers. What are some of the barriers (in your work, company, community, discipline, etc)? What communities, cultures, or experiences does this community need to increase access with these days? Is there a place, an experience, a community that we are not able to access? What would need to change to make it accessible? Watch the Access FORUM 2021 video.
Moderator: Col Cseke
Guests: Chelsea Jones, Julie Richard, Ellen Waterman