Activism Conversations – Access

4pm EST — watch live on Face­book or archived on YouTube

What’s the point of deep­en­ing access? When acces­si­bil­i­ty goes wrong is think­ing of access as a one-way street, where some­one who hasn’t expe­ri­enced some­thing final­ly gets the chance to take it in. Rather, the access aspi­ra­tion here is a bridge to cul­tur­al exchange where mul­ti­ple peo­ple or com­mu­ni­ties ben­e­fit equi­tably from a bar­ri­er free space to meet, con­nect, find com­mon­al­i­ties, cel­e­brate dif­fer­ence, and share their cul­tures with each oth­er. Increas­ing Access inher­ent­ly involves rec­og­niz­ing or acknowl­edg­ing exist­ing bar­ri­ers. What are some of the bar­ri­ers (in your work, com­pa­ny, com­mu­ni­ty, dis­ci­pline, etc)? What com­mu­ni­ties, cul­tures, or expe­ri­ences does this com­mu­ni­ty need to increase access with these days? Is there a place, an expe­ri­ence, a com­mu­ni­ty that we are not able to access? What would need to change to make it acces­si­ble? Watch the Access FORUM 2021 video.

Mod­er­a­tor: Col Cseke
Guests: Chelsea Jones, Julie Richard, Ellen Waterman