Doug Friesen, Music Educator

I am a teacher and musi­cian based in Toron­to. Over the last 15 years, I’ve worked with teach­ers, stu­dents, and musi­cians about how lis­ten­ing and sound can engage cre­ativ­i­ty and agency. I am work­ing on a PhD on sound and lis­ten­ing ped­a­go­gies. I have taught pub­lic sec­ondary and post­sec­ondary music cours­es at dif­fer­ent schools, includ­ing the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to. As a musi­cian, I’ve played with many artists, includ­ing Seli­na Mar­tin, Kael Reid, and Paul Linklater.

My men­non­ite grand­par­ents fled reli­gious per­se­cu­tion in the for­mer U.S.S.R. and final­ly end­ed up set­tling in Man­i­to­ba on Treaty 1 ter­ri­to­ry: the land of Anishi­naabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dako­ta, Dene, and Métis Nations. I grew up help­ing farm land that was stolen and I have many priv­i­leges because of this.

For a taste of what Doug Friesen does, see the fol­low­ing projects fea­tured on the PCM Hub :