Activism Series

CNMN offers a series of knowl­edge-shar­ing and con­sul­ta­tion events for the new music com­mu­ni­ty around issues of activism in cre­ative music. Five online con­ver­sa­tions, rep­re­sent­ing trend-set­ting and diverse artists from the cre­ative music and sound com­mu­ni­ty. This ini­tia­tive under­lines our com­mu­ni­ty’s com­mit­ment to address­ing grow­ing inter­est and activ­i­ties around social and envi­ron­men­tal issues in our prac­tice, towards cre­at­ing a more sus­tain­able and inclu­sive cul­ture that is more deeply under­stood. This series flows from FORUM 2021: Lis­ten up, bring togeth­er groups that were fea­tured in the FORUM The­mat­ic Videos. Please vis­it our Face­book page for the livestreamed event, or sub­scribe to our newslet­ter to receive the Zoom link.

Community — December 7, 2021 @ 4 pm EST

In the plu­ral­i­ty of often frag­ile inti­mate net­works of social con­nec­tion, what do we hear that is already there? How do we accom­pa­ny, pro­vide sup­ports, lis­ten for when the notes are caught tight in a net and help with the untan­gling and then lis­ten for the new entan­gle­ment? Maybe we should ask first? Maybe it was already there? Can we real­ly avoid build­ing bor­der patrols, prac­tic­ing extrac­tion, impos­ing exter­nal cat­e­gories, repeat­ing trau­ma? What does mutu­al ben­e­fit actu­al­ly mean? Watch the Com­mu­ni­ty FORUM 2021 video.

Mod­er­a­tor: Rebec­ca Caines
Guests: Gior­gio Mag­na­nen­si, Louise Campbell

Indigenous Resurgence — January 18, 2022 @ 4 pm EST

How do Indige­nous artists and com­mu­ni­ties respond to the cur­rent notion of Indige­nous resur­gence? How does lan­guage and def­i­n­i­tion affect or effect Indige­nous work? Does men­tor­ship play a role in the work of Indige­nous artists and how? Watch the Indige­nous Resur­gence FORUM 2021 video.

Mod­er­a­tor: Bec­ca Tay­lor
Guests: Astro­labe Music The­atre (Heather Pawsey & Del­phine Arm­strong Der­ick­son), Ian Cus­son, Geron­i­mo Inu­tiq, Sandy Scofield

Land — February 15, 2022 @ 4 pm EST

What is sound rela­tion­ship with land? How can we encour­age and prac­tice right rela­tions? What are the ethics of record­ing land­scapes and places? Whose con­sent do we need to seek? Watch the Land FORUM 2021 video.

Mod­er­a­tor: Wende Bart­ley
Guests: Tanya Kalmanovitch, Heather Peat Hamm, Tina Pear­son, Jen­ni Schine

Innovation/Technology — March 15, 2022 @ 8 pm EST

New direc­tions in tech­nol­o­gy, and new def­i­n­i­tions of inno­va­tion. How do we work with non-humans? What is unknow­able in our prac­tice? Where do our com­po­si­tions come from? How do we define lis­ten­ing? Are all things heard, audi­ble? Watch the Innovation/Technology FORUM 2021 video.

Mod­er­a­tor: Suzanne Kite
Guests: Amy Bran­don, Tere­sa Con­nors, Hel­ga Jakob­son, Annie Martin

Access — April 12 @ 4 pm EST

What’s the point of deep­en­ing access? When acces­si­bil­i­ty goes wrong is think­ing of access as a one-way street, where some­one who hasn’t expe­ri­enced some­thing final­ly gets the chance to take it in. Rather, the access aspi­ra­tion here is a bridge to cul­tur­al exchange where mul­ti­ple peo­ple or com­mu­ni­ties ben­e­fit equi­tably from a bar­ri­er free space to meet, con­nect, find com­mon­al­i­ties, cel­e­brate dif­fer­ence, and share their cul­tures with each oth­er. Increas­ing Access inher­ent­ly involves rec­og­niz­ing or acknowl­edg­ing exist­ing bar­ri­ers. What are some of the bar­ri­ers (in your work, com­pa­ny, com­mu­ni­ty, dis­ci­pline, etc)? What com­mu­ni­ties, cul­tures, or expe­ri­ences does this com­mu­ni­ty need to increase access with these days? Is there a place, an expe­ri­ence, a com­mu­ni­ty that we are not able to access? What would need to change to make it acces­si­ble? Watch the Access FORUM 2021 video.

Mod­er­a­tor: Col Cseke
Guests: Chelsea Jones, Julie Richard, Ellen Waterman


CNMN is grate­ful for the col­lab­o­ra­tion and sup­port of the many peo­ple and orga­ni­za­tions that made this series possible. 

This includes: com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Aurore Blonde­lot; graph­ics, Mari­ah Meawasige; admin­is­tra­tion assis­tant, Suzu Enns; exec­u­tive direc­tor, Ter­ri Hron. Thanks also to Forum fixed con­tent pro­duc­er, Jeff Mor­ton and to all board members.

Forum would not be pos­si­ble with­out the fol­low­ing fun­ders and presenters: