Welcome New Members – March 2018

Since June 2017, CNMN’s mem­ber­ship has grown by 26 mem­bers. More mem­bers in our net­work means stronger rep­re­sen­ta­tion and con­nec­tion for our com­mu­ni­ty. We warm­ly wel­come all our new mem­bers, and we hope this marks the begin­ning of a long-last­ing and fruit­ful collaboration.

The new mem­bers are list­ed below, many of which have web sites for fur­ther infor­ma­tion. We will be improv­ing our data­base access soon, so that every­one can search for each oth­er more eas­i­ly. Stay tuned!

New Voting Members

Matthew Beck­er ON http://matthewbecker.ca/
Anny Go QC http://annygo.org
Ter­ri Hron QC http://www.birdonawire.ca

New Supporting Members

Mar­garet Bark­man ON
Clemente Cuevas QC
Bren­da Cle­niuk SK
Simon Côté-Lapointe QC http://simoncotelapointe.com/
Suzu Enns MB
Axel Fisch QC http://axelfisch.wixsite.com/axelfisch
Gilles Fres­nais QC http://www.centremusique.ca/fr/node/131278
India Gai­ley QC https://indiayeshe.com/
Vic­to­ria Gib­son BC http://vixmedia.ca/wp/
Robert Hess ON
Sil­via Hinz http://www.sylviahinz.com/
Tanya Kalmanovitch http://www.tanyakalmanovitch.com/
Johnathon Kwiss­es AB https://www.kwisses.ca/
Adam Langille NS http://adamlangille.com/
Ros­gard Lin­gards­son
Ter­rill Maguire ON http://terrillmaguire.com
David Nadeau QC https://soundcloud.com/david-nadeau-421485242
Ofer Pelz QC http://oferpelz.com/
Jean-François Primeau QC http://jfprimeau.com
Lau­rie Sevi­gny-Cou­ture QC
John Strieder http://www.johnstrieder.com/
Ida Ton­i­na­to QC http://www.idatoninato.com/
Jacob Wilkins ON
Cather­ine Wilshire ON

Return to full Bul­letin – March 2018