Want to get to know Circuit?

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The CNMN and Cir­cuit, musiques con­tem­po­raines, con­tin­ue their part­ner­ship to pro­vide CNMN mem­bers access to a sig­nif­i­cant dis­count sub­scrip­tion rate to Circuit.

The Cir­cuit col­lec­tion includes issues address­ing a wide range of sub­jects, from com­pos­er bios to pol­i­tics, aes­thet­ic and com­po­si­tion­al crafts­man­ship ques­tions. Here are a few exam­ples of spe­cif­ic issue topics :

  • “Réflex­ions sur le méti­er de com­pos­i­teur: Iden­tité et sin­gu­lar­ités” (27.1; 2017)
  • “Musiques aux lim­ites de l’image: Images at the Lim­its of Music” (26.3; 2016)
  • “Tzadik: L’esthétique discographique de John Zorn” (25.3; 2015)
  • “Con­tenir le sonore: Les nou­veaux pro­fils de la nota­tion” (25.1; 2015)
  • “La musique con­tem­po­raine d’hier à demain” (20.1–2; 2010)
  • “Pio­nniers cana­di­ens de la lutherie élec­tron­ique” (19.3; 2009)
  • “Com­pos­er au féminin” (19.1; 2009)

Want to get to know Cir­cuit? Check out the col­lec­tion www.revuecircuit.ca/collection or sub­scribe now! To use your CNMN dis­count, please send an email to info@revuecircuit.ca.

Spe­cial sub­scrip­tion dis­count | CNMN mem­bers can sub­scribe to vol. 27 (2016) or vol. 28 (2017) at a spe­cial rate of $20 for the first year of their sub­scrip­tion, and then $33 (equiv­a­lent to a stu­dent sub­scrip­tion rate) for the sub­se­quent years.

About | Cir­cuit pub­lish­es three issues (one vol­ume) each year. Designed as both an art mag­a­zine and a means for aes­thet­ic reflec­tion, it is intend­ed for every­one who is con­cerned by the chal­lenges of con­tem­po­rary musi­cal and artis­tic cre­ation. Estab­lished in 1989 by Lor­raine Vail­lan­court, founder and artis­tic direc­tor of the Nou­v­el Ensem­ble Mod­erne (in res­i­dence at the Uni­ver­sité de Mon­tréal), and Jean-Jacques Nat­tiez, inau­gur­al edi­tor, Cir­cuit pub­lish­es French and Eng­lish arti­cles, papers and reports about con­tem­po­rary music out­put in Que­bec, North Amer­i­ca and beyond.

Don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us for more information!


Return to full Bul­letin – March 2018