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Music­works will change the way you lis­ten to mag­a­zines. With unsur­passed depth and breadth, Music­works is one of the most respect­ed pub­li­ca­tions on exper­i­men­tal music world­wide. Packed with fea­tures, essays, inter­views, a com­pan­ion CD, and more, Music­works brings you onto the stage and into the stu­dios of the world’s most adven­tur­ous music-makers.

We inspire, con­nect, and broad­en a glob­al com­mu­ni­ty of peo­ple with “curi­ous ears,” who want dis­cov­er and bet­ter under­stand diverse and ven­ture­some artists, prac­tices, and ideas in music and sound.

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