Members: Sarah Albu (co-chair), Emily Doolittle (co-chair), Louise Campbell, Jason Doell, Kathy Kennedy, Tawnie Olson, Jerry Pergolesi.
The Public Engagement committee members have been discussing strategies and methodologies illustrating how public engagement is part of our own practices, and moving forward with the goal of sharing this knowledge of a more inclusive and encouraging approach in all CNMN activities.
We are also in the early planning stages to significantly grow our online resource archives, with a focus on community/public engagement in new music. Through these online resource archives, we hope to:
- Update and reconfigure the existing Creative Music Education Online Resource archive, a project that the committee launched back in 2015.
- Help new music artists, groups and organizations wishing to undertake community-engaged work (but perhaps do not know where to begin) find guidance from, and partners for collaboration with, people who are experienced in community arts and public engagement, including allies worldwide.
- Develop and maintain a handbook of practices and guidelines for community and public engagement.
- Reflect information about and useful for all regions across Canada.
- Encourage Canada-wide participation.
- Provide a space where anybody and everybody is welcome to engage in dialogue on topics of Community engagement / Public engagement.
- Provide a space for sharing scores, process notes and recordings of collaborative creative music works, open to anyone with any level of training.
Issues of diversity and inclusion have been integral to our ongoing discussions about public and community engagement, and we are in communication with CNMN’s newly formed Equity & Diversity Committee. If the new music community truly wishes to engage with a wider public and grow a larger community, it’s clear that it needs to continue to make space for a more diverse number of voices to be heard, developed at all ages and stages of training, and in different types of spaces. Perhaps this also includes stretching our own definitions of what “new music” can be and what/whom it is for, in the ways we conceive of projects and in how and where we execute them.
Also, the committee plans to continue its tradition of sharing and celebrating Public Engagement Success Stories, a series first launched in the 16th edition of CNMN’s Bulletin, May 2013. Have you heard of or participated in an initiative that you found particularly inspiring in regards to public engagement? Are you interested in submitting a success story for a future bulletin?
Don’t hesitate to get in touch, we want to hear from you!
Please contact Sarah Albu:
Read more from this committee:
Creative Music Education Online Resources
Public Engagement Committee Annual Report – October 2016 (n° 23)
Public Engagement Committee Report – June 2016 (n° 22)
The Virtual MegaBand – June 2016 (n° 22)
Public Engagement Committee Report – October 2015 (n° 21)
Public Engagement in Schools – Lindsay Place High School (n° 21)
Public Engagement Committee Report – May 2015 (n° 20)
Curatorial and Art Criticism students meet Continuum in The OCADU Project (n° 20)
Public Engagement Committee Report – Dec. 2014 (n° 19)
I.S.S. Is Somebody Singing (n° 16)
Toronto’s New Music 101 (n° 16)
Youth/Music Education Committee Reports (p. 5–6) – 13th edition (pdf)
Direct link: Public Engagement Committee Report – June 2017
Return to full Bulletin – June 2017