CNMN welcomes Clemens Merkel and Brenda Cleniuk

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  • Clemens Merkel – vio­lin­ist, Quatuor Bozzi­ni – Mon­tre­al QC
  • Bren­da Cle­niuk – inde­pen­dent cura­tor, arts admin­is­tra­tor, cre­ator – ‘New Music Con­cert Series’ & SOIL Media Arts & Tech­nol­o­gy – Regi­na SK

Let’s give a warm wel­come to the newest CNMN board mem­bers, Bren­da Cle­niuk and Clemens Merkel, who have recent­ly been appoint­ed by the board to step in and fill emp­ty mid-term seats.

Clemens will be serv­ing as a Que­bec region­al rep­re­sen­ta­tive; he is a strong sup­port­er and advo­cate for new music in Québec and in Cana­da while also being a mem­ber of Montreal’s Quatuor Bozzi­ni for near­ly twen­ty years. Bren­da will be serv­ing as the Saskatchewan region­al rep­re­sen­ta­tive. She is an inde­pen­dent curator/director and has played an inte­gral role in Regina’s arts com­mu­ni­ty for over twen­ty-five years.

Read more about Clemens and Bren­da, includ­ing what dri­ves their inter­est in vol­un­teer­ing on the CNMN board.

We would like to gen­er­ous­ly thank out­go­ing board mem­bers Tim Brady and Alain Per­ron, who left mid-term this sea­son, and have giv­en many years of com­mit­ment to CNMN as board mem­bers. Alain Per­ron ded­i­cat­ed his time to the CNMN board for sev­en years (2010–2017) as region­al rep­re­sen­ta­tive for Saskatchewan. Tim Brady was pres­i­dent of CNMN from its incep­tion in 2005 until 2014. He con­tin­ues to fill a large role for CNMN as chair of the Dig­i­tal Con­tent Initiative.


Direct link: CNMN wel­comes Clemens Merkel and Bren­da Cleniuk
Return to full Bul­letin – June 2017