Welcome New Members – October 2016

Since June 2016, CNMN’s mem­ber­ship has grown by 11 mem­bers. More mem­bers in our net­work means stronger rep­re­sen­ta­tion and con­nec­tion for our com­mu­ni­ty. We warm­ly wel­come all our new mem­bers, and we hope this marks the begin­ning of a long-last­ing and fruit­ful collaboration.

The new mem­bers are list­ed below, many of which have web sites for fur­ther infor­ma­tion. We also hope all our mem­bers get a chance to check each oth­er out – you can access a full list of mem­bers on our web site, view­able by cat­e­go­ry, region or name.

Who will be the next new member?

New Voting Members

Rose Bolton ON http://www.rosebolton.com/
Marc-Olivi­er Lam­on­tagne QC http://molamontagne.com/

New Supporting Members

Vik­to­ria Gry­nenko ON
Lau­ra Jacy­na AB
Tim Crab­tree QC http://www.paperbeatscissors.com/
Michael Fitzger­ald ON
Paul Steen­huisen AB http://www.paulsteenhuisen.org
Kate Osborne ON
Bri­an Gra­cie BC
Sab­ri­na Schröder UK http://www.sabrinaschroeder.com/
Brigitte Poulin QC http://brigittepoulin.ca/en/

Direct link: Wel­come New Mem­bers – Octo­ber 2016
Return to full Bul­letin – Octo­ber 2016