Presenting the new CNMN Board of Directors 2016 – 2018

Those who attend­ed our 2016 AGM would have heard, but we want­ed every­one to have a chance to hear the great news!

The mem­ber­ship vot­ed Jen­nifer War­ing as the new pres­i­dent of CNMN. In this bul­letin, read Jennifer’s first president’s message

Sub­se­quent­ly, the board vot­ed for the rest of the exec­u­tive: Juli­et Palmer as vice-pres­i­dent, Po Yeh as sec­re­tary and Sean Clarke as secretary.

A full list of board mem­bers by region­al rep­re­sen­ta­tion is avail­able here.

Vis­it our Board of Direc­tors page to read what our board mem­bers have to say about CNMN, as well as their bios.


Direct link: Pre­sent­ing the new CNMN Board of Direc­tors 2016–18
Return to full Bul­letin – Octo­ber 2016