Tim Brady — chair — DCI — April 27, 2016
Since the CNMN DCI meeting with the Department of Canadian Heritage in November, 2015, much has happened. The project is still very much in process, but it is moving.
1) We have begun meeting with various Liberal and NDP members of parliament to get their support of the proposal. This is essential for a proposal of this size and scope. Potentially spending $3.5 million dollars of public money is a political, not a bureaucratic, decision. We understand this, and are working with elected representatives. MPs have been supportive to date.
2) On April 22, 2016, the Minister of Canadian Heritage, Mélanie Joly underlined digital technology as a KEY component to Canadian culture in a statement that announced the launch of a public consultation on the issue, starting with an online questionnaire that citizens could complete until May 20. She wants to totally update Canadian cultural infrastructure. The last time this was done was 1991!
This Minister clearly understands what things are like in 2016, so we are on the same wavelength. This will make our job considerably easier — the department has publicly stated that digital contact is a major policy issue, and that is exactly what we have been saying for 3 years (and they know this).
3) More meetings — following the Minister’s announcement on public consultations on digital technology, we have arranged for more meetings with MPs (May and June), and with high-level policy officials at the Department of Canadian Heritage officials (June). The Minister’s very public concern for digital content has made our sales job easier.
4) CBC / Radio-Can have confirmed that the increase in funding will not translate into any more specialized music on CBC/Radio-Can. We are on our own.
5) We are building new partnerships with other members of the Canadian specialized music community, such as Naxos Records.
There is a sense that, if this is to happen, it will happen in the next two years, or not. After that, the government will be in pre-election mode, cutting budgets, etc. So CNMN is pushing as hard as possible at this time to make serious progress.
Want to help? Connect with your local MPs to get their support for the DCI. Contact me for more information: tim@timbrady.ca.
Read past bulletin entries from this committee:
Digital Content Initiative (DCI) Report – October 2015 (n° 21)
Digital Content Initiative (DCI) Report – May 2015 (n° 20)
Digital Content Initiative (DCI) Study: The Benefits of Musical Creation (n° 20)
Digital Content Initiative (DCI) Report – Dec 2014 (n° 19)
Specialised Music Digital Content Creation Project (n° 18)
Direct link: Digital Content Initiative (DCI) Report – June 2016
Return to full Bulletin – October 2015