VOTE on October 19th


Arts Vote 2015

The 2015 Fed­er­al Elec­tion is fast approach­ing. As a mem­ber of the Cana­di­an Arts Coali­tion, CNMN encour­ages you to make use of the CAC’s toolk­it to help you fol­low what’s hap­pen­ing with the arts this elec­tion, includ­ing Fed­er­al Par­ties’ Posi­tions on Arts and Cul­ture. Tips for issues to bring up with can­di­dates, arts facts, and social media tools will help you get in on the action!

VOTE on October 19th


Direct link: VOTE on Octo­ber 19th
Return to full Bul­letin – Octo­ber 2015